7-day cleansing diet - anyone done this??



  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    This diet is really popular on some anorexic boards. I wouldn't try it. Just another form of a crash diet.
  • mrswibbs
    mrswibbs Posts: 31
    This diet is really popular on some anorexic boards. I wouldn't try it. Just another form of a crash diet.
    Gosh REALLY!?!?!??
    From my point of view, I don't see how following this 'diet' for a week would turn anyone into an anorexic…but if you already had anorexic tendencies, I can see how it wouldn't be particularly helpful, and why it would indeed be popular on those sites.
    However this would be a very temporary thing, and I am sure there are benefits to detoxing every once in a while…. I would NEVER dream of keeping to this diet for a sustained period of time… My motivation, if any, for possibly doing such a cleansing diet, would be to do precisely that: cleanse, get back to basics, also potentially using it as a kind of 'fast' in a spiritual sense, but I know many people wouldn't understand that particular perspective.
    We'll see… :bigsmile:
  • Eskimopie
    Eskimopie Posts: 235 Member
    Oh I don't mean it would turn anyone into an anorexic, unless like you mentioned, that they were on the edge anyway. Just that based on my experience, anything that anorexic people are into is probably not the healthiest eating plan around...and something like the Sacred Heart Diet (which I'm pretty sure doesn't actually come from a hospital, its a variation of the Cabbage Soup Diet) is another crash diet that doesn't really have any cleansing effects and someone would be better served by cleaning up their day-to-day diet and maybe doing some juicing instead,
  • Rockin33
    Rockin33 Posts: 58
    Let us know how it goes.
  • fitzgirl17
    fitzgirl17 Posts: 2
    I have tried this twice. The first time I lost about 7-8lbs the last time 4-5lbs. It is a good diet, but it is hard at first. Once you are done, you don't want to put "bad" food into your body. Hope this helps :)
  • cobracars
    cobracars Posts: 949 Member
    Although your scale may show you are lighter, you haven't burned off any fat. Your fitness is the same. You would still have the same Body Mass, you just dropped a bunch of waste material.
    Its like taking off your shoes before you step on the scale. The shoes weren't actually part of your weight.
    Better to stick to normal healthy foods instead of so-called 'miracle' teas and such.
    You could get the same benefit by gulping down a bunch of laxatives.
    Same weight loss, same neutral affect on your nutrition.
    Just my opinion.
  • CLA2801
    CLA2801 Posts: 50 Member
    I don't think this diet is unhealthy by any means.

    But I can almost assure you that, once you start eating normally again (even WITH cal counting), that most of the weight is going to come back. So while it's fine if you want to 'slim down' for an upcoming event---wedding, vacation, etc---don't expect the weight loss to be permanent.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    My hubby and I just did a 3-day cleanse. It was very difficult. I'm all about nutrition. So, all these hot water with vinegar and honey cleanses don't seem safe to me. This one seemed sound. We had a smoothie for breakfast that consisted of a green apple, celery, spinach, ginger, lemon juice and a tsp. honey. Then 15 almonds and a pea protein shake. then for lunch a combination of steamed quinoa and millet, 15 more almonds, a pea protein shake and the rest of the green smoothie we had at breakfast. At five we had a piece of fruit and another pea protein shake. Then for dinner the same thing we had a lunch just minus the almonds. Before we went to bed another pea protein shake. We did this for three days then continued onto a strict lean and clean diet. No refined carbs. (we only eat millet/quinoa, fruit and almonds for carbs) lean protein (ck breast, fish, fat free cottage cheese, pea protein shakes) good fats (2 tsp. olive oil a day, almonds and fish oil capsules) non starchy veggies (broccoli, artichokes, squash, onions, asparagus, etc) we do this six days a week then take sundays off. You'd be really surprised how much you literally can't cheat on sundays. We'll indulge a little, but your body doesn't want the crap after it hasn't had it in so long. We're sticking to this through the summer. After the heat subsides I'll start back on my heavy running and may add a little more carbs in, but I feel great and we are seeing really good results.
  • chantel111184
    chantel111184 Posts: 124 Member
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    "This soup will not add calories, so eat all you want. The more you eat, the more you lose... "

    I'm already skeptical of "cleanse" diets but the moment I saw this line I knew that not only was it bogus, it was an outright lie. Not to mention that the directions mention corn as a vegetable? Corn is a grain, not a vegetable.

    This obviously did not come from a hospital - you will lose weight doing a diet like this but only because you will be depriving yourself of the calories from other foods. There is no science to back up how this "cleanses" you, or anything specifically pointing out that the weight you lose stays off or why it's so important to lose weight from your intestines. If you want to do it as a diet then by all means, but please be careful of passing off junk like this as a scientific cleanse without providing any real scientific fact or reasoning and please be careful :(
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    This is just the cabbage soup diet under the guise of a cleanse!? If anything, all the veg make you constipated....:laugh:

    I've done it a few times. I quite like the soup. But its not a weight loss solution, its just a crash diet that I used to used to get me in the 'mood' to diet again.

    You're only eating about 500 cals per day!! Not very healthy, but I dont think its harmful.

    Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Rurouni_Kou
    Rurouni_Kou Posts: 180 Member
    WARNING: My opinion (scathing), below.

    This diet is a complete load of BS. I would avoid it and other fad diets/detoxes and other junk science little blue miracle pills. (Unless you want to go down a rabbit hole, then totally take the blue pill.) Here's why I find this particular one to be a sham:

    1) Detoxes are a total sham. I and many others have beaten this dead horse so many times it looks like the dance of the broomsticks in Fantasia. Your body just. Doesn't. Work. That. Way. It's junk science. Your intestines don't "hold onto weight/waste for a long time and need a detox to clean them out". They do hold weight, certainly, but it's from the meals you ate in the previous 24 to 48 hours. If you don't want anything in them, don't eat for a few days. They'll be nicely empty then.

    2) "East as much as you wish and as often as you like. This soup will not add calories, so eat all you want. " Steaming pile of horse apples. If you input this into the calorie calculator it comes out to 962 calories for a pot. So around 100 calories Apprx per serving. Only 50 calories less than my home-made chicken tortilla soup, and I'm betting my soup tastes a dang sight better than this one. "The more you eat, the more you lose... " More horse hockey- there's no magical properties to this soup. It contains calories just like any other soup.

    3) ...Why the hell exclude bananas? Such a random fruit to exclude, and to exclude it so randomly to boot. They're incredibly good for you. They're 100 calories (apprx) vs an apple (80 cal - apprx) which apparently is ok to gnosh, and very similar amount of carbs and sugar. Not to mention they are great before a workout since they metabolise fairly quick for energy (and don't leave me belching after 1.5 miles running like apples do. Sorry, TMI, I'll go back to ranting with #4.)

    4) "Try to eat green, leafy vegetables, and stay away from dry beans" Technically and botanically beans are a fruit, not a vegetable, they're just listed with them all the time for some reason I've yet to fathom. And why stay away from DRY beans? Beans that have never been dried are ok to eat? WTF?

    5) "8 glasses of skim milk on this day, along with T-J Miracle Soup." Those people with lactose intolerance just have to stay un-cleansed it seems...

    6) "Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water in order to wash away any uric acid in your body." Again the body doesn't work that way. First, water doesn't wash away uric acid from the system. Uric acid is an antioxidant produced by the body that breaks down purines (protein compounds) and also fights damaging free radicals. Uric acid will never be eliminated in the body and this is a GOOD thing. You need uric acid. There IS a problem with too much of said good thing, one being kidney stones, another being gout. In such cases you need to -lower- your uric acid level or get your body to expel it properly by adjusting your diet or other means. Ironically one of the ways to lower your uric acid levels is to avoid high protein meats (remember uric acid breaks down protein compounds called purines). Funny I recall a sentence right before this one that said to EAT beef, which would raise your uric acid level... "You can have 10 to 20 ounces of beef "

    Stuff like this is a sham. It's junk science. You don't need a cleanse (they don't work anyhow). Here's the best 'diet' advice I've ever heard. It's not quick (unlike the 7 day blue magic pill), and it takes a lifetime worth of work, but it's guaranteed healthy and will support you in all your life's endeavours:
    "Eat food*. Not too much. Mostly plants."** Exercise 30-60 minutes 5 times a week, eat local when possible, and drink plenty of water and if you want to lose weight, cut back on the calories. <---- much shorter list and easier to remember.

    * Food like substances do not count. A Twinkie is a good example of a "Food like substance"
    ** Michael Pollan's advice, it's elegant and true and had to be used here since he says it much better than I ever could.
  • betterthanmama
    betterthanmama Posts: 57 Member
    WARNING: My opinion (scathing), below.

    This diet is a complete load of BS. I would avoid it and other fad diets/detoxes and other junk science little blue miracle pills. (Unless you want to go down a rabbit hole, then totally take the blue pill.) Here's why I find this particular one to be a sham:

    1) Detoxes are a total sham. I and many others have beaten this dead horse so many times it looks like the dance of the broomsticks in Fantasia. Your body just. Doesn't. Work. That. Way. It's junk science. Your intestines don't "hold onto weight/waste for a long time and need a detox to clean them out". They do hold weight, certainly, but it's from the meals you ate in the previous 24 to 48 hours. If you don't want anything in them, don't eat for a few days. They'll be nicely empty then.

    2) "East as much as you wish and as often as you like. This soup will not add calories, so eat all you want. " Steaming pile of horse apples. If you input this into the calorie calculator it comes out to 962 calories for a pot. So around 100 calories Apprx per serving. Only 50 calories less than my home-made chicken tortilla soup, and I'm betting my soup tastes a dang sight better than this one. "The more you eat, the more you lose... " More horse hockey- there's no magical properties to this soup. It contains calories just like any other soup.

    3) ...Why the hell exclude bananas? Such a random fruit to exclude, and to exclude it so randomly to boot. They're incredibly good for you. They're 100 calories (apprx) vs an apple (80 cal - apprx) which apparently is ok to gnosh, and very similar amount of carbs and sugar. Not to mention they are great before a workout since they metabolise fairly quick for energy (and don't leave me belching after 1.5 miles running like apples do. Sorry, TMI, I'll go back to ranting with #4.)

    4) "Try to eat green, leafy vegetables, and stay away from dry beans" Technically and botanically beans are a fruit, not a vegetable, they're just listed with them all the time for some reason I've yet to fathom. And why stay away from DRY beans? Beans that have never been dried are ok to eat? WTF?

    5) "8 glasses of skim milk on this day, along with T-J Miracle Soup." Those people with lactose intolerance just have to stay un-cleansed it seems...

    6) "Try to drink at least 8 glasses of water in order to wash away any uric acid in your body." Again the body doesn't work that way. First, water doesn't wash away uric acid from the system. Uric acid is an antioxidant produced by the body that breaks down purines (protein compounds) and also fights damaging free radicals. Uric acid will never be eliminated in the body and this is a GOOD thing. You need uric acid. There IS a problem with too much of said good thing, one being kidney stones, another being gout. In such cases you need to -lower- your uric acid level or get your body to expel it properly by adjusting your diet or other means. Ironically one of the ways to lower your uric acid levels is to avoid high protein meats (remember uric acid breaks down protein compounds called purines). Funny I recall a sentence right before this one that said to EAT beef, which would raise your uric acid level... "You can have 10 to 20 ounces of beef "

    Stuff like this is a sham. It's junk science. You don't need a cleanse (they don't work anyhow). Here's the best 'diet' advice I've ever heard. It's not quick (unlike the 7 day blue magic pill), and it takes a lifetime worth of work, but it's guaranteed healthy and will support you in all your life's endeavours:
    "Eat food*. Not too much. Mostly plants."** Exercise 30-60 minutes 5 times a week, eat local when possible, and drink plenty of water and if you want to lose weight, cut back on the calories. <---- much shorter list and easier to remember.

    * Food like substances do not count. A Twinkie is a good example of a "Food like substance"
    ** Michael Pollan's advice, it's elegant and true and had to be used here since he says it much better than I ever could.

    lol this is everything i was going to say and more. I enjoy my cabbage soup without "detox" diets.
  • I have done this same diet except it was called the cabbage soup diet I lost 15 pounds but you just gain it back even if u workout after the diet if u want to cleanse ur body then its good to do but u will be tired of the soup after the 3rd day lol. Good luck though
  • tsmith6569
    tsmith6569 Posts: 63
    wow, this is some good information. I have thought of a cleanse but I know believe there are better options. Thank you for the post and the responses!
  • I am currently on day 2 of this detox. I have added on egg whites with some meals because I am a long distance runner and I need some protein. How much will this effect the overall progress?
  • psych101
    psych101 Posts: 1,842 Member
    I am currently on day 2 of this detox. I have added on egg whites with some meals because I am a long distance runner and I need some protein. How much will this effect the overall progress?

    Wow - zombie thread bump...

    Wonder what happened to all the folks from 3 years ago....wonder if they realised that the body doesn't need to be cleansed
  • keishakylejohnson
    keishakylejohnson Posts: 42 Member
    bump for later :) Thanks!!
  • rodduz
    rodduz Posts: 251 Member
    Anything with the word 'cleanse' in it I would avoid. Looks like something a toddler would make up if you said to him/her, "what shall I eat today?" "Erm.... 8 bananas and some milk, Mammy!"

    Will probably lose weight from the diet but that's because it's restricting your calories, nothing to do with the certain foods 'cleansing' you!

    only just realised this thread was dead and buried... where it belonged!
  • chani8
    chani8 Posts: 946 Member
    NO. Just no. This has so many flaws I don't even know where to start...

    10-20 ounces of beef in one day but drink lots of water to buffer the effects of uric acid?! Do you realize how much beef that is? No wonder they're worried about your uric acid.

    Pound down all the fruit you can eat and if you eat melon you'll for sure lose. That's plain BS. Calories count, even fruit.

    And lets discuss the soup. A cleansing soup that uses soup mix for flavoring?! Have you read what's in soup mix?

    Between the fruit day and the banana day, you're blood sugar is going to be a mess.

    Just count your calories, folks. This is not heart healthy, this is stupid.

    ETA - bury it real deep!!
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