P90x or 30 Day Shred?

I'm not sure what is best for me. I'm 20 years old, my height is 5'5" (165 cm), weight is 160 pounds (73kg) and my body is pear-shaped. I want to lose my... eh.. love handles. I have a really big butt and flabby thighs. :( I'm following a nice diet and I've lost 9 pounds since Dec. I'm also trying to exercise a bit every day. I do about 30min of cardio daily (but I've skipped it this week because of stomach flu D=). But I think I need something more extreme. What do you think is the best to fix my "problematic" spots?


  • PokenStick
    Neither focus solely on your "problematic" spots. They are both for all around fitness. Some cardio, some calisthenics, some weight training. P90x is just a more extreme version of it. Workouts are twice as long, except for Yoga which is 90min.

    You can't spot reduce, or in other words just take fat away in places you want. It's genetics where you carry your weight and your body will decide where it takes it from and in what order it takes it.

    Good luck in which ever you choose!
  • amyjordan1997
    I have done P90x in the past. It is very intense. If you do it don't get discourged because you can't finish it. You can always take breaks if you need to. I've never done 30 Day Shred. Just remember on anything you do your fitness level will be different than anyone else. The key is to always do something and get moving.
  • homemom3
    I don't have this P90x but I do have the 30 day shred (actually right now I can't find it, we moved and I still haven't unearthed it) but I'd recommend the shred any day. Jillian makes you really work out. Be prepared to sweat. Now if I could just find it.
  • thedeegan4
    thedeegan4 Posts: 422 Member
    I have never done the Shred. I have P90X and if you want a really intense workout and are committed to doing it for at least an hour a day, I would say go for it. I have also heard good things about the Shred too. I would like to give it a try also.
  • bae815
    bae815 Posts: 4
    What "nice diet" are you following? It sounds like it is definitely working for you. Keep it up! 2011 is YOUR year :)
  • lp3nny
    lp3nny Posts: 3
    Thanks everyone for the replies. I think I'm going to continue exercising a bit on my own for now and start one of these when I get more fit.

    @bae815: THANKS! :D My family doctor gave me a diet to follow to speed up my metabolism and so far I'm pleased with the results. Have to try harder to reach my goal though. :)
  • jaybaileys
    Ive never done 30 day shred. I have done P90X 3 times. The first time I did it, a little over 2 years ago, I weighed 173 pounds and had a 36 in waist. When I finished I was 148 lbs and 32 inch waist. I love the Beachbody programs and have done P90X, P90X+, and Insanity and currently workout with kettlebells. P90X definitely works. However I didnt skip any workouts and didnt cheat on the diet at all the first 90 days. If you are committed, you can do it.
  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 110 Member
    I just bought the 30 day shred today!! I'm going to try it. I think I would start with that before the P90X. The 30 day shred has three workouts to start at level one and move up to level 3 and I only paid $9 for the tape at Walmart and then I bought the weights. I'm psyched about it. I can't wait to get started but I have to get my kitchen cleaned first. Work then play!!! Lol if you can call the 30 day shred play!!! But I intend to make it my play!!!! This is my year!!! I'm going to do this. I'll send you a friend request.
  • gwen933
    gwen933 Posts: 81
    I have the 30 day shred and am doing it right now. I am on level 1 and Jillian kicks your butt. When I am done with all three levels I do want to move onto either the p90x or the Insanity dvd's. I want something to kick it into even higher gear to get me bathing suit ready.
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I think I would recommend Shred first but only because it's shorter and cheaper. Just one DVD and a pair of light hand weights, plus no diet plan etc. I think both will give you excellent results.