stationary biking?

JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
ok so let me make this quick, i joined on here a couple months ago, but i lost password under the name JVSpades. feb of 2013 i was a disgusting 560, now im (well 5/1/14 im 420lbs,) the beginning of the year i was in the 460s, cant say for sure cause i honestly dont know. so the goal for me is 275lbs (im 6'5').

my dumbself tried jogging cause walking wasnt burining me out anymore. anddddddddddddd im pretty sure jogging lead to my plantar fascilits. (serious pain behind my ankle, pain first thing in the morning)
*back in april*

so since jogging is a no good with me due to the pain, ive tried biking.

im biking hard...on a lifestyle stationary bike, im biking over 20 miles X__x which if you told me i would bike 2 months ago, i would had a heart attack due to laughter.

i average around 15 miles an hour on the bike sometimes as high as 16.5mph, and i always bike for over an hour

(just today 79 minutes)

as bizzarre as it all sounds the stupid machine said i only lost 600 calories after i was done, but theres no way, ive got to be losing alot more then that right? im giving it all i got. =/

food is pretty limit. i dont eat more then 2,000 calories, sometimes not even 1500, and i take in alot of protein, and take vitamins BEFORE my workout, and a protein shake AFTER wards.

is biking the best solution to burn off the fat while my foot heals or something else? :cry: :cry:


  • annabeladcock
    The machines only give an estimate on what the average person would burn. Considering that you are both taller and heavier than average, I would say that you are probably burning more than what it says you are. I'm a 132lb female and I burn up to 600 calories an hour in the gym, which is measured using my heart rate monitor. What do the MFP calculators say that you burn?

    EDIT - also, biking is a very good exercise :)
  • Jass_C
    Jass_C Posts: 11 Member
    Hi. well done on you weight loss so far!

    I bought myself a polar heart rate monitor which is almost accurate. Do not go by the stats you see on exercise machines. They are way off.
    So yes, you are burning more than what you see on the bike.
    It would be best to invest in some kind of HRM,
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    The machines only give an estimate on what the average person would burn. Considering that you are both taller and heavier than average, I would say that you are probably burning more than what it says you are. I'm a 132lb female and I burn up to 600 calories an hour in the gym, which is measured using my heart rate monitor. What do the MFP calculators say that you burn?

    EDIT - also, biking is a very good exercise :)

    the MFP calculator says im burning over 2,300 calories, whih would be GREATTT, but i feel like thats wishful thinking, but even half of that would be pretty nice i suppose.

    my heart rate goes anywhere from 120 to 165, usually chills in the 135-140 zone for the most part, from what ive seen on the bike.
  • fishermanmatt
    fishermanmatt Posts: 308 Member
    First off, congrats on what you've accomplished to date. I started out at a similar size a bit earlier. I've been going at it 715 days now and I'm down around 200. Keep it up, you're doing great!

    I've found the truth on calorie burns lies somewhere between the high number MFP gives and the lower number the exercise equipment gives. I echo the suggestion to get a heart rate monitor. I've got a Polar FT80. It's supposed to have extra features for weight lifting. I've never used those features and will replace mine with Polar's least expensive model if anything ever happens to mine. I like that the HRM is calculating calorie burns based on my heart rate, age, height, and weight. I also found it motivated me. I could look at my wrist, see my heart rate and push myself to see it rise or watch the calorie burn number during exercise a push to reach a specific goal. They're really great tools.

    Keep up the great work!
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    First off, congrats on what you've accomplished to date. I started out at a similar size a bit earlier. I've been going at it 715 days now and I'm down around 200. Keep it up, you're doing great!

    I've found the truth on calorie burns lies somewhere between the high number MFP gives and the lower number the exercise equipment gives. I echo the suggestion to get a heart rate monitor. I've got a Polar FT80. It's supposed to have extra features for weight lifting. I've never used those features and will replace mine with Polar's least expensive model if anything ever happens to mine. I like that the HRM is calculating calorie burns based on my heart rate, age, height, and weight. I also found it motivated me. I could look at my wrist, see my heart rate and push myself to see it rise or watch the calorie burn number during exercise a push to reach a specific goal. They're really great tools.

    Keep up the great work!

    thanks man il try to keep that in mind, my heart rate is all over the place acoording to the bike but usually in the 130 range sometimes 140 range
  • karmac0matic
    karmac0matic Posts: 285
    I would (if you could afford it) buy one of the heart rate monitors as they're much more accurate.

    For you to have done so much so far is incredible and I seriously commend you for choosing to turn your life into a healthier one.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I agree with the others, mine says I burn 150 calories in one hour at 14 mph... I highly doubt it's that low.
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    I would (if you could afford it) buy one of the heart rate monitors as they're much more accurate.

    For you to have done so much so far is incredible and I seriously commend you for choosing to turn your life into a healthier one.

    lol thanks the first 100 lbs was easy from feb of 2013 to sept 2013 i lost it, then i just gave up sept-dec of last year, but im back coming january till now with a vengenace to see if i can make it right and be less ugly before i turn 25.

    i prob could afford it, ill check it out some on ebay, im broke, but not poor lol =/
  • JVClubs
    JVClubs Posts: 139 Member
    im bumping incase anyone has anything further excerise to offer me
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    Biking is awesome exercise! Congratulations on your progress so far, and keep it up!

    As for exercises, I myself have knee issues and also get shin splints when I use the treadmill or run outside, so I do lower impact cardio such as the stationary bike, the elliptical trainer (my favorite), or swimming. They're great workouts, and I particularly like the elliptical as it is a total body workout. I typically burn more calories doing that, and I find it more fun.

    Good luck and I wish you more success! :)
  • lucylousmummy
    lucylousmummy Posts: 348 Member
    i'm 5'7, and when i was around 250lbs, i was burning about 700 cals per 60 mins on a static bike (according to hrm) so you should definitely be burning more than 600
    i've lost most of my weight using walking as my main exercise, what i do is go out with my ipod, and try and step in time to the beat of the songs, the killers mr brightside and blondie atomic still kill me lol, might be something different for you to try
    good luck x