New hair cut, tattoo, piercing,...

6lbs from goal weight (30 down) I am beginning to think what I would like to do when I reach my goal. I am thinking about getting my ears pierced and then get myself sneaker earrings :)
To celebrate my new lifestyle - and as a reminder to myself.
Anyone can relate or did something similar?


  • ColeCake292012
    ColeCake292012 Posts: 247 Member
    When I reach one of my mini goals (ten pounds to my UGW I'm getting a tattoo...hopefully a huge one!)

    Other things I have are: lifting gloves, adopt a cat, new clothes, and try for baby #2 (although that last one is going to happen before I hit my goal because I have super bad baby fever!)
  • maenpaahedvicsekeszter
    Yes, when I has 19 and I lost approx. 20 pounds I had a new haircut and a tattoo. It felt good that I was changing not just in weight but my whole look was totally new. I felt like a new person. Shame, I gained that 20 pounds since 2010 but now I am ready to make a change. for my wedding. in August. :D
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    I'm about 5 lbs from my goal and I haven't really considered doing anything like that. I've gotten many haircuts during the course of my weight loss, so it wouldn't really be a "treat" or "reward" doing it once I hit 130 lbs. As for a piercing, I have no interest in anymore of those - I've got two holes in each ear and after my belly button ring and cartilage piercing both ended badly, I'm done. I'd love another tattoo, but hitting my goal doesn't mean I suddenly have money to throw away on body ink. I think my reward will be the satisfaction of knowing I've reached my goal weight. Good enough for me.

    Some people have a reward system throughout the process, like "when I lose x lbs, I'm going to buy a new outfit." If it's motivational for you to reward yourself, I say go for it. I don't really feel the need, but whatever motivates you is what you should do.
  • maenpaahedvicsekeszter
    I didn't felt like I was rewarding myself it was maybe the feeling that I reached my goal and I was free to make choices (good-looking clothes, more items to choose from, so why not a new haircut) :D
  • HopeNShelton
    HopeNShelton Posts: 59 Member
    I recently completed a 3 session (total of 18 hours) tattoo on my thigh to mark my success of losing over 100 lbs. I am now down 130 lbs and I am getting my belly button pierced and my nose pierced. I say you only live once do what makes you happy :)
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I didn't think of it as a reward at the time but after I lost 35 pounds I finally felt confident enough to get my ribs tattooed. It was something I wanted for a while but never thought I looked good enough to pull it off. Now I proudly show it off to anyone who even looks my way!
  • sweetnlow30
    sweetnlow30 Posts: 497 Member
    I got a realistic large blue morpho butterfly on my back shoulder last month to symbolize the changes I have made in my life. I plan to add two more butterfiles to it for my children. I also recently highlighted my hair with blonde streaks. I think rewarding ourselves is a very motivating idea.