50 days weight loss challenge!



  • Count me in! I have a canoe trip in four weeks and need to be able to paddle 30+ miles during that week. So, anything to drop and few fat pounds and add some muscle.
  • jah10987
    jah10987 Posts: 1
    I would like to join in.
  • graceedge
    graceedge Posts: 1
    I'm in! I had my baby 3 months ago and haven't had any luck losing the weight. Today is my second day on this site & I'm hoping to see results when I weigh myself next week. I'm moving back to my hometown in two months and would be so self conscious if all of my old friends saw me now :(
    Current Weight: 195
    50 Day Goal Weight: 175
    Ending Goal Weight: 155

    This will help me stay motivated :)
  • Carley
    Carley Posts: 88
    I'm in!!!

    Wk 1: 91 kilos
    Wk 2: 90 kilos
    Wk 3: 89 kilos
    Wk 4: 88 kilos
    Wk 5: 87 kilos
    Wk 6: 86 kilos
    Wk 7: 85 kilos

    Good luck everyone!!!!!
  • FunUsername
    FunUsername Posts: 51 Member
    I have been exercising and watching my calorie intake, so far. My main problem right now is I eat really healthy all day long and then by/just after dinner I want chocolate and junk food. Any ideas on how to keep these cravings away?

    Hi urdollface ... What I've been doing is having a bowl of cereal with milk; if I feel particular bad, a teaspoon of peanut butter. ... but then again I'm only 3 days in ... so the cravings not hit yet. I think the best thing though is to focus on a slimmer you, then go look in the mirror, which is actually what I did yesterday, cruel and tough though.
  • joolywooly33
    joolywooly33 Posts: 421 Member
    Count me in ...
  • Okay. Second 'post day' and I have been taking walks in the morning. I have been trying to log, though yesterday I had fast food :( We are moving and it seemed like the best thing to between packing, cleaning, and working on my Finance Final. INSTANT REGRET!

    Back on board this morning though and I am making some 'pre-cooked/prepared' meals in case that happens again.

    Haven't weighed in yet! How is everyone else doing?
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    Hi All! This morning I did T25 cardio and at lunch I got outside and walked for 25 minutes! It feels good to be exercising again :-) How is everyone else doing?
  • lil_cocoa
    lil_cocoa Posts: 1
    Id like to join :)
  • MissBum
    MissBum Posts: 71 Member
    I'd love to join this!
    I'd like to really focus on just saying no to those delicious terrible foods I need to get away from. The plan is 80%good eating for the next 48 days! And 3-4 workout days a week :)
    Start 183
    Goal 160
  • I go on holiday in 6 weeks, so lets see if I can lose 9lbs by the 30th June when I go...
  • tildastwistedlife
    tildastwistedlife Posts: 85 Member
    I'm in! Vacation July 19 so I have 60 days. That's almost 9 weeks; I would love to lose more but I'm going to shoot for 10 pounds by then. I have not been able to lose more than a pound and a half a week since I started so 2.0 a week would be wishful thinking. This way if I DO lose more than 10 it will be joy all around!

    SW: 202.6
    GW: 192.6

  • eskimite
    eskimite Posts: 56
    Day 3 and I'm feeling full, feeling satisfied. I am trying not to get too worked up or anxious ahead of this weekend's trip. I won't be able to cook my own food, but I can stick to vegetables and fish. Just have to keep my mind focused on the ultimate goal and also on how much it sucks to work so hard on some days to throw it away over the weekend. I'm ashamed to say that I ate a bag of those dried pork rinds on Sunday...they're really low-carb and I was craving something crunchy/salty. I went right on to WalMart's website and ordered a sufficient supply to last me the summer. Anybody else turned to chicharrons to satisfy the crunchy/salty craving? Even though there was the initial "ewwww" and "hope no one (other than husband and son) sees me eating these) factor, I'm glad to have found a low-carb snack. Homemade popcorn is my thing! I pretty much eat it for at least one meal each weekend!!
  • Lacostar05
    Lacostar05 Posts: 2
    Day two has been a little struggle. Snacked a littke tio much (my weakness). Tomorrow will get back to working out. I wilk not give up....
  • FlyersGirlrc
    FlyersGirlrc Posts: 31 Member
    Don't give up Lacostar! We have a long way to go but this challenge will motivate ! I had a good day but need to curb my snacks ( wine)…… good luck!
  • Elle562018
    Elle562018 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm joining too. Really struggling to get back on track.
  • FunUsername
    FunUsername Posts: 51 Member
    Morning all. So many on the thread now, I thought I'd put a list together with:
    -- our leader jallforme3 started the thread on Sat 17 May.... and for 50 days so what ye think of this:
    -- hope I have everyone, and hope no one minds I did this, thought it would be handy for motivation and accountability (for those that need it ;)
    -- what we want to lose (in lbs, converted the kgs), have used text first in your post, but ticker otherwise. This you may need to amend :) or add if you'd like.
    -- put in height also, as weight is so height dependent, we could find a buddy same height and motivate each other perhaps.
    So the first tracking could be day 5 perhaps? that is check-in tomorrow with your weight ...
    What ye think? Useful? I haven't done this before, so not sure what people would be happy with.

    Sat, 17-May, first check-in Thu 22 May

    Want to lose

    ... alg42 ... 37
    ... AllyBooMommyo ... 114
    ... Beachbaby30 ... 21
    ... cadaver0usb0n ...
    ... Carley ... 13
    ... carrj01  ... 25
    ... cpanus ... 8
    ... emilynbanks  ... 15
    ... eskimite ... 10
    ... FlyersGirlrc ... 15
    ... franhaselden ... 9
    ... graceedge ... 20
    ... happygolucky7 ...
    ... jah10987 ...
    ... jallforme3  ... 30
    ... Jbeilfuss84 ...
    ... JenTekywa ... 22
    ... JocelynElizab ... 38
    ... joolywooly33 ... 30
    ... Juliebug33  ...
    ... Katy_b3 ... 14
    ... Lacostar05  ... 20
    ... LifeJacketWat  ... 57
    ... lil_cocoa ...
    ... littlemissmoo ... 89
    ... lizcat504 ... 10
    ... loldiana ...
    ... MancLass ... 25
    ... marysoledad ...
    ... mehroong ... 24
    ... MissBum ... 23
    ... moniquec37 ... 84
    ... onelifemme ... 30
    ... Ruth142014 ... 11
    ... sarahhotchkis ...
    ... Shihpoonut ...
    5'6'' ... spillano ... 20
    ... thinsu ... 36
    ... tildastwisted ... 10
    ... urdollface  ... 32
    ... sacaguia ... 14
  • Carley
    Carley Posts: 88
    Hi hi, I am 5'3"

    I was 91.2 kilos today...woohoo

    Only 200 grams from my first goal!!!!
  • amyz_world
    amyz_world Posts: 1 Member
    Am I too late to join in?
    I am wanting to lose at least 10 pounds, I am struggling to not eat chocolate and cake. They just keep calling my name.
    SW: 142 pounds
    GW: 128 - 130 pounds.
  • Elle562018
    Elle562018 Posts: 89 Member
    It's my 3rd day of counting and getting up early to exercise. Really having difficult time. I was able to get to my lowest weight which was 128 lbs a year ago and after that I just stopped counting and just exercising if I have time. Then my clothes won't fit anymore. The biggest lesson I learned is that I need to count my calories for the rest of my life and stop eating crap. Have a good day everyone.