Can't exercise but need to lose a bit of weight

Hey everyone,
Looking for some tips on losing about 13kg when you can’t exercise. I have something called general ligamentous laxity which basically means I can’t run at all without chronic pain, and swimming, elliptical, cycling and often even walking are incredibly painful in my knees and ankles. I did lose all that weight before by exercising a tonne and injuring myself really badly, but put it back on after a move to a new country which was really tough. Now in my 5th month of being here, and needing to start the journey all over again. I love healthy eating, and I’m now at about 1500-1700 a day, if I go lower than that I get dizzy and *****y so definitely not worth it (been there, done that). Been counting for 3 weeks and have lost 2.5kg but I get so down that I can’t exercise because I feel like it’s going to take forever… Anyone out there with some ideas to help / similar experience?
Thanks! :)


  • Cati321
    Cati321 Posts: 35
    I'm 168cm and 76kg
  • Cati321
    Cati321 Posts: 35
    5ft6" and 170lb I think :)
  • Jesslane93
    Jesslane93 Posts: 190 Member
    2.5 kg is pretty good loss for 3 weeks!

    counting calories is the best way to loose weight.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    I lost most of my weight without exercising. You don't really need to exercise to lose weight but obviously it can speed things. Are you ok to do some walking. That is my main form of exercise :smile:
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I suspect that this is a conversation you should be having with your doctor / physiotherapist as I suspect step 1 would be designing a program to remediate / mitigate the knee and ankle pain and work from there.

    The good news is that weight loss can be achieved without exercise (but I do understand the desire to exercise......I find it incredibly frustrating if I have to take a few days off running etc)
  • Cati321
    Cati321 Posts: 35
    Hey! Thanks for replying :) I didn't think I was in the healthy zone, my BMI is 27 or something... I felt a lot better when I weighed even low 70s!
  • Cati321
    Cati321 Posts: 35
    I spent 2 years with doctors and doing physio, but it's a condition that's not cureable, and about 5% of the population has it - hence how bleak I am! I do walk when I can though yes :)
  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    When I first started, I had 80 lbs (36 kilos) to lose. It looked like an insurmountable project. Sometimes, with 35 lbs left to lose, it still feels that way.

    But here's the thing: we all feel like we want to lose the weight as quickly as possible, but this is a marathon, not a sprint. The slower, and the more mindfully you approach weight loss, the more likely you will sustain it over the long term, because it will force you to change your habits over time...habits you will be able to keep forever.

    To make it simple, all that you need for weight loss is calorie deficit, which you already know. It's tough not to exercise...I couldn't exercise for almost 6 months due to a really bad blood clot in my leg, complication of abdominal surgery, which was due to an entirely different problem. It was terribly frustrating....but I still lost weight with simple calorie deficit.

    The best thing you can do is not let yourself get too impatient. Any progress, any weight lost, is better than no weight lost. Every kg is a victory.
  • GillianMcK
    GillianMcK Posts: 401 Member
    What about a hand bike, can still help you increase your heart rate towards a cardio limit??

    Or what about Yoga (not sure if this would work with your knee pain but might be worth talking to a yoga centre about it), it's not the cardio workout that running etc would give you, but it does get some very good calorie burning going and may also help with the sense of well being that you might be missing at the moment??
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member
    I just wanted to chime in here and say that I have lost 24 lbs in 1 year through just diet alone. It makes it where I can't eat a whole lot, and I *do* get the blues about not being able to scarf down the booze and snacks my friends can when we hang.

    I agree with the above posters about maybe doing yoga or using the hand bike...generally find some exercise that works for your condition (and that you will like and stick to) and do it.

    Good luck to ya! :flowerforyou: :drinker:
  • MadandSoph2
    MadandSoph2 Posts: 3 Member
    I was always told 80% is food 20% it exercise. Focus on the food, and if you can do ANYTHING ie: punches, leg lifts, that's just an added bonus! ;) Good Luck!!