Please Help! 2 weeks in and not even down 1lb

Ok so I am kind of frustrated here. I started going to the gym 2 weeks ago and I am doing 1.5 hours of cardio/light weights ( classes like body pump & zumba) 4 days a week and really watching what I eat. Staying away from soda, carbs like bread, rice, potatoes. However, I haven't lost not even one pound- this is crazy to me. I know I have not been at it that long but not even a pound and I feel like I am making some serious changes in my diet and exercise. What am I doing wrong here? The only thing I can think of is before I started dieting I wouldn't really eat breakfast, I would have a heavy lunch, snack and a heavy dinner. Now I have a protein shake for breakfast Lean 1 chocolate protein shake, with water ice and a banana and I add 1 scoop of moringa, I have a clean lunch like yesterday asparagus and grilled chicken and dinner I had broccoli with baked chicken , for a snack between lunch and dinner I have 5 of these all natural wheat crackers only 11 grams of carbs with a few small pieces of sharp cheddar cheese.

I am also rasverry keytones 1 a day and 1 a day of Garcinia Cambogia. I am 5'1 and weighing 198lbs, the last and only time I was this big was when I was 9 months prego with my son, who is now almost 4. I was stupid and careless to let myself go to this point and I am determined to get this weight off but I'm afraid I'm doing something terribly wrong if I haven't lost even a pound. I want to lose 75lbs .

Should I cut out the protein shake in the morning, since I never use to eat breakfast before maybe the extra calories in the morning are preventing me from seeing the results I want? I don't know.... Any advice would be much appreciated.


  • No, skipping meals is not helpful. I add Whey protein to everything in my house. My husband is a body builder and my youngest needs to gain weight (wish I could donate my extra to him!) The Whey protein helps my husband feel fuller longer so he eats less junk during the day and it helps my youngest who struggles to get enough protein. He is not a huge fan of meat products. I would look a little closer into the sugar and fat content of what you are eating. Not a fan of low-carb diets myself. Always a temporary fix as no one can really maintain that diet long term.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Well weight loss comes from a calorie many are you eating a day? do you log everything? weight your solids on a food scale?

    as well the extracts etc aren't gonna lighten anything but your wallet...

    Exercise can make you retain water as well for up to 4 weeks...
  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Do NOT cut out the protein. You need it to repair your muscles and to keep yourself from losing muscle mass. If you're doing long cardio, you will need some carbs as well. Keep hydrated, and see how much salt you're eating. Don't cut out good fats either, you kinda need to eat fats to lose fats.

    If you're exercising, but not losing weight, it might because you're gaining muscle mass and losing fat mass. Take your measurements and then check again in a month or so. Also, don't weight yourself everyday, body weight fluctuates so it's possible you just caught yourself at bad times.

    As for eating breakfast, it's largely a myth. Eat whichever way you feel comfortable with.
    Don't give up! You're doing good!
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    Are you counting how many calories you are consuming?
  • xavienx
    xavienx Posts: 2
    The protein shake is not what is doing it. You need to eat protein in the morning, so you can get your metabolism started. Try to eat a protein shake in the morning anytime between when you wake up and 30 minutes. Also try adding a shot of coconut oil to your protein shakes in the morning. You are most likely eating too much at night and not enough in the morning. A couple of things I've learned...

    Drink LOTS of water(Keeps you hydrated,brings oxygen in your blood stream, promotes healthy thyroid, which speeds up metabolism)

    Eat less refined carbs, and eat more proteins and fiber than carbs on every single plate you have no matter what

    COCONUT OIL has done wonders for me. I've been using it for about a month and it's helped with the weight loss.

    Snack more on nuts, like almonds, pistachios, etc. Than carbs such as crackers, they will keep you full longer, and will not trigger big insulin reaction, which means it will not try to attempt to store it as fat in your body. So try switching to more protein/fiber snacks than carbs if you can.

    Most of all, don't get discouraged.

    If your problem continues, try eating refined carbs(Pasta,rice,etc) One night of the week for dinner, to make sure your body knows there isn't a carb deficiency.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    It's only been two weeks. Please just keep working out and eating right and in 4 weeks, tell us what happens.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Do NOT cut out the protein. You need it to repair your muscles and to keep yourself from losing muscle mass. If you're doing long cardio, you will need some carbs as well. Keep hydrated, and see how much salt you're eating. Don't cut out good fats either, you kinda need to eat fats to lose fats.

    If you're exercising, but not losing weight, it might because you're gaining muscle mass and losing fat mass. Take your measurements and then check again in a month or so. Also, don't weight yourself everyday, body weight fluctuates so it's possible you just caught yourself at bad times.

    As for eating breakfast, it's largely a myth. Eat whichever way you feel comfortable with.
    Don't give up! You're doing good!

    she is not gaining muscle without eating at a surplus and lifting some heavy weights...
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    The protein shake is not what is doing it. You need to eat protein in the morning, so you can get your metabolism started. Try to eat a protein shake in the morning anytime between when you wake up and 30 minutes. Also try adding a shot of coconut oil to your protein shakes in the morning. You are most likely eating too much at night and not enough in the morning. A couple of things I've learned...

    Drink LOTS of water(Keeps you hydrated,brings oxygen in your blood stream, promotes healthy thyroid, which speeds up metabolism)

    Eat less refined carbs, and eat more proteins and fiber than carbs on every single plate you have no matter what

    COCONUT OIL has done wonders for me. I've been using it for about a month and it's helped with the weight loss.

    Snack more on nuts, like almonds, pistachios, etc. Than carbs such as crackers, they will keep you full longer, and will not trigger big insulin reaction, which means it will not try to attempt to store it as fat in your body. So try switching to more protein/fiber snacks than carbs if you can.

    Most of all, don't get discouraged.

    If your problem continues, try eating refined carbs(Pasta,rice,etc) One night of the week for dinner, to make sure your body knows there isn't a carb deficiency.
    Err No to 99% of this it's just junk science. Your metabolism doesn't need to get started it never stops unless your dead. Carbs do not miraculously turn to fat when your eating at a calorie deficit.

    As Steff said weightloss comes from a calorie deficit. Are you weighing and measuring your food accurately. That is a start point do that with a sensible calorie deficit and you'll lose weight
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Well weight loss comes from a calorie many are you eating a day? do you log everything? weight your solids on a food scale?

    as well the extracts etc aren't gonna lighten anything but your wallet...

    Exercise can make you retain water as well for up to 4 weeks...

    ^^^ this ^^^

    and check these links, they will answer all.
  • AbbyBaby01
    AbbyBaby01 Posts: 6
    Thanks you all for taking the time to respond to my post I really appreciate the advice and encouragement. I have not been paying much attention really to my calorie intake , as I was cutting the carbs and I figured by doing that it would eliminate a good portion of calories, as well. Guess that is mistake number 1. I also haven't been weighing my food, so I will try that, ( how much should the meat weigh) ? I will also add a shot of the coconut oil to my shake I'm willing to try just about anything that might help. I'm drinking lots of water and I don't eat much late at night, well I do have dinner but its veggies and protein after the gym because that's when I'm most hungry and I don't get out of the gym till 8ish so maybe I am eating my dinner to late.. I will try eating dinner before the gym.

    Thanks again everyone :smile:
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    Chicken wise, a serving is usually around 4 ounces. I see you eat it frequently!
    If you don't have a food scale right now, you can try what I do sometimes: ask the butcher at the supermarket to weigh and divide up a package for you. Usually I'll ask to have meat divided into half pound packages, so that around half of that package equals a serving for me. Might not come out exactly to 4oz, but I like to be able to have a better estimate until I can get a food scale.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Thanks you all for taking the time to respond to my post I really appreciate the advice and encouragement. I have not been paying much attention really to my calorie intake , as I was cutting the carbs and I figured by doing that it would eliminate a good portion of calories, as well. Guess that is mistake number 1. I also haven't been weighing my food, so I will try that, ( how much should the meat weigh) ? I will also add a shot of the coconut oil to my shake I'm willing to try just about anything that might help. I'm drinking lots of water and I don't eat much late at night, well I do have dinner but its veggies and protein after the gym because that's when I'm most hungry and I don't get out of the gym till 8ish so maybe I am eating my dinner to late.. I will try eating dinner before the gym.

    Thanks again everyone :smile:

    It's all about calories. Not sure what the coconut oil is for... or the meal timing...

    Your profile pic looks like Leah Remini.

  • AbbyBaby01
    AbbyBaby01 Posts: 6
    Wow, I will take that as a complement! I love her!!!
  • AbbyBaby01
    AbbyBaby01 Posts: 6
    MissiontoFit, thanks for the info on the portion size :) I will do that.