Overweight, depressed, uncomfortable self, pls advice

Dear All, I have to happen to arrive at MFP while searching for some weight loss ways and loved the site.

To begin with, Iam depressed due to my over weight and feel much uncomfortable with my body and life.
Have done number of diets(GM Diet,lemonade diet...) and exercises to reduce weight at home but nothing seems to help.

My thyroid profile is normal.

I work from 9am to 8pm with an hour of lunch break and have little time for GYM/classes.

One of my best friends have gifted me a DVD to help me with my depression.

Its a pack of 3DVD's by Jillian M - 30 day shred,No more trouble zones and Banish fat Boost metabolism.

Although I understand that the mentioned exercises are well explained, I request help from you with few concerns:

1.What suggestions would you advice for maximal weight loss.

2.Which is the best workout for saggy breast?I mean to tone them out(its my really huge problem area :( )

3.Any ideas that would help me get the best out of these DVD's.

Iam a newbie to exercising and my stats are

Height : 5' 7"
Weight : 185 lbs
age 31

pls pls pls help me I feel like getting rid of this "bulky" me and life.

I want to live a happy life with lean body. :( want to wear what I wish and like to ...it seems like a dream!

Thanking you all in advance for your valuable advices...


  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Keep to your mfp suggested calorie intake, do the Jillian DVDs, see some progress and take strength from that. Weight loss is a long battle and you need to be in it for the long run so take it one step at a time. I'm not sure if much can be done through exercise for saggy boobs but I suggest you get a sports bra to avoid further problems
  • Mr_AH
    Mr_AH Posts: 32
    Look up your TDEE to work out what you ought to be eating. You can go with what MFP sets for you but many here go by TDEE. Try out this website:


    I believe in regards to exercise the general rule is how often you get your heart rate up over 20 mintues but, remember, be quite stringent in this regards. It is better to underestimate how much you work out s opposed to overestimating.

    Start lifting weight. It does not matter that you are a female, you will not get big unless you make a very conscious decision to get big (it takes a lot of work). Lifting will help, for lack of a better word, tone you up.

    Look up Leslie Sansone (she's great for beginners, you can find her videos on youtube)

    For your height you haven't, really, too much to lose but measure everything (EVERYTHING) you eat. Not with measuring cups but with food scales.