Need support...I am going crazy.

"Misophonia, literally "hatred of sound", is a neurological disorder in which negative experiences (anger, flight, hatred, disgust) are triggered by specific sounds"

I've dealt with it since I was about 6, and even went to therapy for it with no results. It comes in and out of my life, and when it reappears it's the most stressful thing in the world. Currently, for some reason I have just picked up on the grunting that my boss does when he breathes (yeah...super easy to ask him to just stop breathing right?) and I can't even focus on anything. I dread going to work every day because I know this is what I'm going to deal with. The second I hear it I become completely tense and angry and the only way I can somewhat lessen the anger is through mimicking it. And even with that, how long until someone is like "WTF are you doing?!"

I had this go on when I was living at home with my parents too, my dad made all sorts of effing annoying noises and I couldn't stand to be in the room with him because I became so tense and it got to the point where he just thought I hated him. When I tried to explain, I literally was just laughed at and told it was a pathetic excuse and that I can control it.....HAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHA I WISH I COULD!!!!!

That being said, does ANYONE out there deal with this?!?!! And if so, how the EFF do you handle it? I'm at my breaking point and I'm so close to quitting my job because I just CANNOT stand this anymore.


  • Alehmer
    Alehmer Posts: 433 Member
    I think you'll find that people and places make any number of aggravating noises no matter where you go, so even if you find a way to work from home you may never escape it. I think the only way to deal with this is medically / through therapy. Wish I could be more help but I don't want to give uninformed advice.
  • NS81
    NS81 Posts: 192 Member
    My husband does... I'm sorry it's something you have to deal with...

    Have you tried getting a small fan to keep at your desk? Even facing a wall, just for the sound... ?
  • Tillyecl1
    Tillyecl1 Posts: 189 Member
  • OkieCowgirl79
    My son is the same way. I am not that bad. Though, I can have these anger outbursts when those certain sounds get too much. I have found that having a song stuck in my head is a good way to ignore those sounds. For my son, he often has to just leave the room. If he uses a stress ball, it can lessen his anger. But, so far, no idea how to make it go away.

    Hope that helps
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    You sound like me.

    My coworker makes sex sounds when he eat his yogurt. My other coworker chews with her mouth open. The lady who chomps ice just makes my skin crawl.

    On days that I'm really sensitive to it, I'll plug in some earbuds and listen to music, or drown myself in the calls I have to make. It took me several months of working in an office to be able to deal with it a little better. At home, if I start getting bothered I'll just leave the room. Not a perfect solution, but soon I'll be moving out and no one will be there to make noise anyway.
  • 40andFindingFitness
    40andFindingFitness Posts: 497 Member
    Try headphones if you can get away with it. My boss makes a slurping hiss sound when he laughs and it just makes me want to spit. It's like, "Hahahahaslllllllpslllllllllp." So gross. I wear ear buds and listen to music to tune him out. If music sets you off, then definitely go with the earplugs as someone above suggested.
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    I've had a stress ball in my hand constantly throughout the day, I've had Pandora going at my desk just to try to have some background noise, I've tried simply ignoring's all making me feel so damn hopeless!! I might go get some earplugs and hope for the best.
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I've had a stress ball in my hand constantly throughout the day, I've had Pandora going at my desk just to try to have some background noise, I've tried simply ignoring's all making me feel so damn hopeless!! I might go get some earplugs and hope for the best.

    Since you have Pandora going anyway, can you plug some earbuds in to drown out the outside noise? I find it helps a ton even on a low volume. I can still hear if someone needs to get my attention, but I can't hear the smaller sounds that drive me insane.
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    I've had a stress ball in my hand constantly throughout the day, I've had Pandora going at my desk just to try to have some background noise, I've tried simply ignoring's all making me feel so damn hopeless!! I might go get some earplugs and hope for the best.

    Since you have Pandora going anyway, can you plug some earbuds in to drown out the outside noise? I find it helps a ton even on a low volume. I can still hear if someone needs to get my attention, but I can't hear the smaller sounds that drive me insane.

    I'll have to bring some in and just see if anyone says anything, I don't think I would get in trouble for it but who knows haha. I need like wireless earbuds or something so I can hide it without questions :happy:
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    I have a particular coworker who talks to himself the entire day, and then makes clicking noises with his tongue. The talking is annoying, but those clicking noises? They kinda put me into a murderous rage. Not literally, and I certainly don't mean to make light of your situation at all, but I can relate at least to a small degree. It makes my neck and shoulders tense up, completely distracts me from whatever I was doing, and yeah, makes me just a little bit angry whenever I hear those stupid clicking noises.
  • becki1815
    becki1815 Posts: 51 Member
    You can get a doctor's note, saying it's for your noise sensitivity and that it's required for your stress reduction. Then work has to accommodate you.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Wow, I had no idea that this was a condition. I wonder if I have a less severe version of it...

    My husband says I have supersonic hearing because I can hear the smallest noises at night even though I am wearing earplugs. He doesn't even snore. It's just the sound of his breathing or the repetitive noise the ceiling fan makes. Then there's a number of other things that bother me at work, like the sound of someone clipping their nails or a person using the automatic stapler over and over again.

    There's nothing I can really do for it except leave my desk when it gets too intense and go for a walk. Usually by the time I come back, whatever sound was going on has stopped. At night, I usually have to fall asleep before my husband does. It sucks, but that's how it has to be for us.
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    Wow, I had no idea that this was a condition. I wonder if I have a less severe version of it...

    My husband says I have supersonic hearing because I can hear the smallest noises at night even though I am wearing earplugs. He doesn't even snore. It's just the sound of his breathing or the repetitive noise the ceiling fan makes. Then there's a number of other things that bother me at work, like the sound of someone clipping their nails or a person using the automatic stapler over and over again.

    There's nothing I can really do for it except leave my desk when it gets too intense and go for a walk. Usually by the time I come back, whatever sound was going on has stopped. At night, I usually have to fall asleep before my husband does. It sucks, but that's how it has to be for us.

    I just found out about the definite term about a year ago, before that I just though I was the only person haha but freakin sucks. The nail clipping I've heard from other people that it drives them crazy, luckily that's one that doesn't trigger me especially because my boyfriend clips his nails like every other day. I think the noises that frequently bug me the most are the softer ones that a lot of other people don't hear unless you blatantly point it out.

    That sucks with your hubby, I pray that I don't pick up on a noise that my boyfriend makes because I would haaaaate for the condition to become a part of the relationship. I'm glad you kind of have a way to deal with it so you're able to sleep though.
  • in4nomz
    in4nomz Posts: 230
    You can get a doctor's note, saying it's for your noise sensitivity and that it's required for your stress reduction. Then work has to accommodate you.

    I seriously may go and do this just to have it as back-up. Thank you for this!
  • messiahs
    messiahs Posts: 40 Member
    Oh, I know exactly what you mean by this.

    I can't stand the sounds of people chewing, slurping, munching on gum, or muffled TV. I was once awful to my old friend because she would pick her nails and chew on them and I would slowly get more and more angry when I heard it. I couldn't even control it. It just sends me into a rage, especially in classroom settings, when there's no real way to walk over to someone and say "stop eating in class before I punch you."

    Usually I handle it by mimicking what they're doing or just getting up and leaving, or confronting the sound... like, the noises of people eating in my ear is fine if I'm eating too. Otherwise I'll strangle them.