I'm New

:happy: Hello everyone I just started yesterday. Actually I started everything yesterday. I began my food diary, counting calories, and going to the gym. The bad part is I woke up in the middle of the night with a headache and its still with me this morning. But I am going to work through this and not let it stop me from doing what I have to do. I just hope that I can find a buddy to go through this with me but if not I am aware it's for my well being so I'm good.


  • baycityroller
    Hi! Good luck with everything!! :):)
  • AngieSWatson
    Thanks I am definitly going to try real hard. I just need to adjust my thinking into food is for energy not for entertainment lol.
  • aveen_ly
    Haha, like your quote. Food is for energy but it doesn't mean you can't enjoy it. Starting diets are hard but stick at it and when you see results it gets a lot easier! I have another 12kg to go and its taking forever!

    Good luck, Hope you achieve your goal!
  • jesshamonko
    Good luck to you! I completely understand your little quote!
  • AngieSWatson
    Thanks I'm glad people are out there that understand how good things just taste! But this is a step in the right direction.