getting weaker?


I am 23-year-old female, 4'10, 112 lbs (started at 137). I have my weight loss goal set to 0.5 lb/wk and I am breastfeeding and adding 500 calories a day for that- totaling 1700 calories plus exercise calories (usually about 135/day).

I have been doing various circuit training videos (two young kids- no time or $ for the gym) including 30DS (started with 3 lb weights, now use 10lb), TurboFire, and a few other JM DVDs usually about 4-5 days a week and running once on the weekend.

I have been doing this since January and I have lost 25lbs ( I was at 1lb/wk, but now 0.5/wk). The last couple of weeks, though, I have felt a lot weaker when I am working out. I was feeling strong and energized, but not so much recently. I am mostly tired and weak during the workouts.

I try to eat 100 grams of protein a day (sometimes it is 80-100), drink a lot of water, take my prenatal vitamins.

Just hoping for some insight on what could be going on to make me feel tired and weaker instead of stronger in my workouts.

Thank you!


  • smn76237
    smn76237 Posts: 318 Member
    You've been netting fairly low--1300 or fewer calories all month. Also, you have a new baby so I'm guessing you aren't sleeping so well. ;) Given that you're also breastfeeding and working out 4-6 times a week, I can see why you have low energy levels! Either eat a little bit more, or maybe cut back on a workout and see if your energy levels improve.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    try taking an extra rest really aren't eating a lot of calories...I know you are grossing 1700 but netting 1200-1300.

    Doing all that exercise, new baby, breast feeding....

    Perhaps you should concentrate upping your intake a bit to compensate for lack of energy for a bit even it means maitenance...
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    How is your rest? You may not be getting enough sleep (especially with a little one, I've been there). You may also need to increase your calorie level a bit. Try bumping it up 50-100 cal/day and see if that helps.

    Oh, and congrats on the addition to your family!

  • erellube09
    erellube09 Posts: 16 Member
    Thanks for the advice! Yes, my little one (7 months) still wakes up frequently throughout the night to nurse so I am not getting much rest.
    Also, I wanted to add that even with my goal set to 0.5lb/wk I am still losing more than a pound a week.
    Would changing my lifestyle from sedentary to lightly active be a better plan? I am a stay at home mom, take care of the house, cook, take a walk to the park with the kiddos everyday..etc.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    Thanks for the advice! Yes, my little one (7 months) still wakes up frequently throughout the night to nurse so I am not getting much rest.
    Also, I wanted to add that even with my goal set to 0.5lb/wk I am still losing more than a pound a week.
    Would changing my lifestyle from sedentary to lightly active be a better plan? I am a stay at home mom, take care of the house, cook, take a walk to the park with the kiddos everyday..etc.
    If you are losing more than a pound a week and have it set to 1/2 pound, then I strongly advise you to up your calories!
    Your baby is taking in lots of milk and your body is telling you to eat more!!!
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    You may need some extra carbs if you're getting weaker. Try eating a half a sweet potato w/ cinnamon every day. That should give you a boost.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks for the advice! Yes, my little one (7 months) still wakes up frequently throughout the night to nurse so I am not getting much rest.
    Also, I wanted to add that even with my goal set to 0.5lb/wk I am still losing more than a pound a week.
    Would changing my lifestyle from sedentary to lightly active be a better plan? I am a stay at home mom, take care of the house, cook, take a walk to the park with the kiddos everyday..etc.

    Yes set your activity to active as that will also take into account the breast feeding.
  • jillyrobb
    jillyrobb Posts: 36 Member
    If your baby is on a growth spurt, you may need a few more calories than usual to compensate for the extra demand. I always found myself a bit weaker and woozier when my daughter was really eating a lot. Try bumping up by 100 calories a day until you can get through your regular activity without feeling weak, then try gradually stepping back down after a couple of weeks and see how you feel.

    Also, make sure you spread out your calories during the day--if you don't keep your blood sugar up, you'll feel weak.
  • erellube09
    erellube09 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you so much everyone! This has really helped me a lot!
  • ziggypop93
    ziggypop93 Posts: 133 Member
    I breastfed for 21 months. The first year the weight dropped off without trying. You really need to up your calories. Net of 1300 is way too low for a breastfeeding mom. Up your net to 1700 or 2000 - not your gross. Especially with all the working out you are doing.