Trouble activating glutes



  • PixieAdele
    PixieAdele Posts: 102 Member
    also- try pause squats- I like doing those with moderate weight- and I go ALLLLLL the way down so I'm in the "grok squat" or true *kitten* to grass sitting on my heals- count to five then drive up. Really brings attention to the butt.

    i like the sound of these!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    sitting on my heels.

    I don't even know what sitting on heals is... maybe like sitting on all the feels??
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Ok, this actually relates a little to a thought I've been having. I can't get ATG, AT ALL, even just going body weight. Physically, it's not very pleasant even going much below 90 degrees, and I've been stretching and working on hip mobility for a while now, but it's just not something my body does. I was the 8 year old in gymnastics who couldn't do a split past 90 degrees..... Basically, I've just been working around it and going as low as I can, but I'm still wondering how much this is going to affect my ability to progress on this particular lift.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Also, stand sideways in a mirror and make sure you haven't modified your form w/the extra weight. make sure you have that 90degree angle may be bringing your knees over your toes w/out knowing it.

    Need to go past 90 deg to target glues and hammies

    Yes but to get used to the newness of weight, this is a starting point only...should have said that.
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    I honestly don't notice it in my butt till I"m driving up out of the hole and if I have serious weight- meaning like 70-80% of my one rep max.

    anything under that and I cannot make a strong connection- form is fine- I'm not overly concerned with OMGOSH I CAN"T FEEL THEM WORKING...

    as long as I'm still doing the work- and I"m staying in alignment- so be it- I can feel the stretch- but it's like doing a curl or a back movment where I can feel and focus on a contraction - it's different.

    I wouldn't sweat it tremendously.

    But I would double triple and keep checking form to make sure that's correct.

    also- try pause squats- I like doing those with moderate weight- and I go ALLLLLL the way down so I'm in the "grok squat" or true *kitten* to grass sitting on my heals- count to five then drive up. Really brings attention to the butt.

    ^yup, this^
  • glitterkelly
    glitterkelly Posts: 10 Member
    OMG Thanks everyone for all the responses!

    So I'm sure my form is not great, but I am definitely going at least to parallel, probably just a smidge below. I'm tall, and getting *kitten* to ground is a real challenge. Even on body weight squats, I cannot get ATG without a butt wink. Is this a huge deal?

    I'm thinking if I need to go ATG, I will definitely need to lighten up my weight. I don't think ATG is a possibility for me right now with 45 lbs. Is this normal for a beginner - to not be able to go ATG with only the bar??
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    I go BD (balls deep) to really pound the glutes hard.

    Seriously, though. Record yourself from the side. You may: 1) not be sitting back far enough so the weight is above the heel; 2) have too narrow of a stance, preventing adequate hip abduction; 3) be using the knee attachment to come up rather than the hip end; and 4) not be going low enough.

    Edit: Sumo squats are a great way to train your body to be in better posture for barbell squats. If you have a door or something sturdy to hold on to, you can practice deep squats while sitting as far back as possible. Also, make sure you have good ankle flexibility and hip mobility since both make it easier to accomplish ideal posture.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    OMG Thanks everyone for all the responses!

    So I'm sure my form is not great, but I am definitely going at least to parallel, probably just a smidge below. I'm tall, and getting *kitten* to ground is a real challenge. Even on body weight squats, I cannot get ATG without a butt wink. Is this a huge deal?

    I'm thinking if I need to go ATG, I will definitely need to lighten up my weight. I don't think ATG is a possibility for me right now with 45 lbs. Is this normal for a beginner - to not be able to go ATG with only the bar??

    I don't know if it's normal, but as I said, ATG doesn't remotely work for me even at body weight, and I can't get my knees any wider because my hips don't bend that way! Also fairly tall..... So yea, no advice for you but hoping for some ideas.
  • SteveyBrule
    SteveyBrule Posts: 171 Member
    *kitten* to grass, sister. Try checking out olympic squat form on youtube. Or check out Dimitry Klokov squatting. I go down until my *kitten* is on my achilles and can't go any farther. You'll be sore but it will be worth it!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    there is a lot of mobility work that goes with that- and yes- it takes time.

    don't worry about it.

    Keep working- if you can set up a stepper or a box- or a bench and sit on it while you squat- so you KNOW you are hitting low enough.

    When you get used to THAT- and can comfortably hit it regularly and KNOW you are there- start working on going a little lower.

    Work on pry squats and goblet squats/KB squats.

    pry squats you stand in front of a pole- or rack or anything uber stable- feet close to the bar and right under you walk your hands down- so you're using the structure for stability- you can use your elbows to help press your knees out. - keep the chest up and push back and down.

    Also yoga. :)
  • girlcalledryan
    girlcalledryan Posts: 241 Member
    I have trouble getting low on my squats because I only go down until my heels lift from the ground. It doesn't even get me paralel. Any advice in that regrard? Because I, also, am trying to grow my booty.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    OMG Thanks everyone for all the responses!

    So I'm sure my form is not great, but I am definitely going at least to parallel, probably just a smidge below. I'm tall, and getting *kitten* to ground is a real challenge. Even on body weight squats, I cannot get ATG without a butt wink. Is this a huge deal?

    I'm thinking if I need to go ATG, I will definitely need to lighten up my weight. I don't think ATG is a possibility for me right now with 45 lbs. Is this normal for a beginner - to not be able to go ATG with only the bar??

    if you are squatting with decent form you should not be concerned about whether or not your glutes are getting sore, this is not an issue a squat is not an isolation movement. I very rarely get glute doms as i squat fairly upright,

    There is absolutely no requirement for anyone to squat ATG, if you can do it great but don't go compromising your form just to get a few inches lower,.,it really doesn't matter. A little below parallel as you state is perfectly fine.

    Funny how everyone on the internet apparently squats ATG yet you never actually see any of these people in a gym.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I have trouble getting low on my squats because I only go down until my heels lift from the ground. It doesn't even get me paralel. Any advice in that regrard? Because I, also, am trying to grow my booty.

    that's a lack of ankle mobility most often.

    yoga: Down ward dog is really good for that- trying to press through the heels to get them to the ground.
    and doing more squats- hold on to something if you have to while you practice- and to get depth for hip mobility- you can release the ankle by putting a small 2.5 pound weight under each heel- that should also help you feel more connected and allow you to train depth.
  • SteveyBrule
    SteveyBrule Posts: 171 Member

    Funny how everyone on the internet apparently squats ATG yet you never actually see any of these people in a gym.

    The internet is a big place, pal. Odd assumption to assume that you've seen all of the people who've ever claimed to go *kitten* to grass on the internet in your one particular gym. People don't like to do it because they can't move as much weight as they think they should because it's harder, or they haven't developed the skill and flexibility to do so yet.

    That was a pretty absurd comment you made.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I have trouble getting low on my squats because I only go down until my heels lift from the ground. It doesn't even get me paralel. Any advice in that regrard? Because I, also, am trying to grow my booty.

    Your heels shouldn't lifting. You should be driving down on your heels.

    This kid is gonna make some gainz.


    ((It's okay for knees to go over toes a bit though))
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member

    Funny how everyone on the internet apparently squats ATG yet you never actually see any of these people in a gym.

    The internet is a big place, pal. Odd assumption to assume that you've seen all of the people who've ever claimed to go *kitten* to grass on the internet in your one particular gym. People don't like to do it because they can't move as much weight as they think they should because it's harder, or they haven't developed the skill and flexibility to do so yet.

    That was a pretty absurd comment you made.

    yes that's exactly what I meant, that I had seen everyone on the internet squat. Well done, great reading comprehension.

    calm down son, i wasn't addressing you personally don't get your panties twisted.
  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    Is the OP squatting High or Low Bar? ATG is not applicable for low bar squatting, just below parallel is fine for low bar.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Is the OP squatting High or Low Bar? ATG is not applicable for low bar squatting, just below parallel is fine for low bar.

    ^^ great point.

    People get told to squat like Rippetoe low bar and still go ATG..............good luck with that.
  • SteveyBrule
    SteveyBrule Posts: 171 Member

    Funny how everyone on the internet apparently squats ATG yet you never actually see any of these people in a gym.

    The internet is a big place, pal. Odd assumption to assume that you've seen all of the people who've ever claimed to go *kitten* to grass on the internet in your one particular gym. People don't like to do it because they can't move as much weight as they think they should because it's harder, or they haven't developed the skill and flexibility to do so yet.

    That was a pretty absurd comment you made.

    yes that's exactly what I meant, that I had seen everyone on the internet squat. Well done, great reading comprehension.

    calm down son, i wasn't addressing you personally don't get your panties twisted.

    Your grammar speaks for itself, son.
  • Hendrix7
    Hendrix7 Posts: 1,903 Member
    Your grammar speaks for itself, son.

    Ah the good old grammar retort, when don't actually have any come back.