new to running on roads



  • jmcowan42
    jmcowan42 Posts: 89 Member
    I wish I had more hills to run up where I live. I've ran two halves and training for a full in November. The key for me is to honor the rest days. When I first started running, I was around 270 (6'2") and I ran for like 6 days straight. Well non surprisingly I got shin splints. Ever since then I've had to deal with those. I try to do my long runs outside at marathon pace, and try more speed/incline workouts inside during the week.

    When I first started, a marathon was something that was impossible for me. But now I'm down to around 188 and think by November I will at a good weight to run a marathon.

    I usually start my workouts with about a 3 minute walk followed by stretching. The walk seems to loosen everything up but shows some areas that will get tense pretty quick into the run so I stretch those out.

    Good luck with your running!
  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    This is an excellent primer:

    Make sure your running form is good and you have good running shoes that are right for your running style and feet. And no need to go flying down the hill. You should be well controlled.

    On the earbuds, I like cheap generic ones with the foam or Yurbuds since they allow ambient noise in so I don't have to do the one ear bud thing.
  • thavoice
    thavoice Posts: 1,326 Member
    marathon is far off my radar at this point but good to know i wouldn't have to be stick-thin for it to be a possibility. What kind of 5K time do you need to realistically think about marathon training?
    Go in steps.
    First try the 5K. Do those and then if you can find a 10k in the area. Around here they are more scarce.

    Then try the half marathon. I enjoy the half marathons quite a bit. It is a nice, long leisurely stroll! I have stayed away from the marathon just from the shear miles you need to put in.

    As for others stated it doest really matter. There is no time you should be getting to be able to do a half or a full. Its just about getting the miles in.