Feeling Hungry


So I was in a pattern of eating more than my allotted calories. Now I am trying to stick with about 1700 calories a day.
Sometimes though I feel hungry and end up eating more than that. What types of food are good to help with feeling
full? In the evening I eat almond butter and a small piece of Lindt chocolate which helps me to stay full through the
night, but obviously I don't want to get in the habit of eating that throughout the day. Any ideas welcome, thanks!!


  • cherow123
    cherow123 Posts: 13
    Fiber! Oatmeal, sweet potatoes, apples, bananas, grains likt Quinoa, Farro, brown rice, almonds, beans
    Of course, not all in the same day....
  • Try whey protein shakes with Chia Seeds.
  • electricllady
    electricllady Posts: 3 Member
    Mfp helps me KNOW that I've gotten enough nutrients & protein and whatever so then if I am feeling hungry (a problem I deal with A LOT) I snack on raw veggies which I happen to love. Red peppers, tomato's, snap peas, cukes. But overall, eating a high protein and fiber diet keeps me satisfied. But also getting my healthy fats and whole grains!!
  • sparilis
    sparilis Posts: 4
    Make sure you're getting enough fat at each meal. If you're worried about the calories, try lowering your starchy carb intake and replace it with healthy fats. For example, have a smaller sweet potato and put grass-fed butter on it. Have a smaller bowl of oatmeal and add a little grassfed cream. Try to get as much bang for your calorie buck as you can. i've started mixing my tuna with mashed avocado instead of mayo. Calorie count is slightly less, and I'm adding healthy fat & fiber.
  • CrescentCityGirl
    CrescentCityGirl Posts: 123 Member
    Thank you all for your suggestions!!! Will start implementing these ideas ASAP!!
  • cmbrown32
    cmbrown32 Posts: 12 Member
    I make sure I eat enough protein at each meal and for a snack. It helps to keep me fuller. Also, veggies help. I don't eat a lot of starchy foods.