Time is never on my side

So I started this Wednesday eating right and exercising, the eating right is easy for me as long as I don't bake any sweets! Excercising is the hard part, I work all day at a desk job so I am not very active during the day then when I get home I make supper, clean the house, spend time with my kids and husband and before I know it I am out of time. It is so hard with it being dark out when I leave in the morning and then it's dark by the time I get home at night to find motivation to exercise. I did a workout dvd last night for 30 minutes but I didn't get to it until 7:30pm and I can definately feel it this morning so hopefully I can keep it up. I would like to workout earlier though. Is it better to workout before or after supper?


  • luv2workout
    Kenall87 - I totally understand!! When I am working out, it seems all I do is work, workout, and sleep ... But I'm determined to fit it in. I have been taking care of others and putting myself last and over the last year, I've been trying to work on that, but keep slipping back into my old routine. I grocery shop on Sunday usually and spends a good portion of the day cleaning, cutting, cooking, measuring my foods for the week. I would full-time out of the office at a desk job (hardly move) and usually am getting home around 6:30-6:45pm, so I don't get to the gym until after 7pm. Makes dinner with the family hard :sad: I typically try to eat my dinner at 5:00 - right before I get off work at 5:30 (even if it's family's leftovers from night before). Then I have my workout and a snack before bed.

    Need someone to 'check up' on you occasionally? Add me and we can push each other in the right direction :bigsmile:
  • xojox
    xojox Posts: 187 Member
    it really is hard, believe me you're not alone!!!

    My workouts are mostly exercise bike or elliptical, which are both in my sitting room!!, and i do them whilst watching evening t.v. with my hubby after the kids have gone to bed, can be as late as 10pm. When i get my wii just dance out i normally don't start til 11pm!!

    You can do this though, a little bit at a time and with support, which is fab on this site. Add me if you like x
  • lfondots
    lfondots Posts: 216 Member
    I agree with others that there are lots of us in the same boat. I work at a desk job all day also. It is hard to be motivated to work out during the week after work. I've lucked out and work now has a trainer come in during the week so I have joined my co-workers (for a price of course). At least I don't have a reason to slack off and I have friends here doing the work out also. It is addicting and once you start and see some results you hate to miss the workout day. Good luck and the support here is great also!

  • lovingmeplus3
    I can totally understand that. I work at a desk job too and I have 3 kids to take care of. I do it basically by myself so Im constantly on the go and when I finally have time to stop and take a break its usually about bedtime. I used to get up and walk in the mornings right after I took my kids to daycare and then I would go home and get ready for work. Since the weather has gotten colder I havent been out walking as much. Seems that when I do go out I end up getting sick which really doesnt help me either. Id love to get back out there though and it would be great to find someone in my area that would like to join me in the mornings. Someone who can help keep me motivated and that I can help also. But I would still like a push every now and then on here. Id love to meet new people and make some new friends so please feel free to add me if you would like to. We can help each other out. Thanks and good luck hun. I know its hard but dont give up and it will be so worth it in the end and you will look back and be so proud of what you have accomplished. Joan :)