Should a 5'9.6 145 girl want to lose weight



  • purplett
    purplett Posts: 1
    Posting for the first time to say that I was in the same boat as a teenager - 5'10" and always in a range of 145 to 160 lbs. I always had shorter friends and they all weighed between 115 and 130. I always, always felt fat, despite being thin, but still curvy. Looking back, I realize I sold myself short a lot and I wish I had taken more chances that I didn't because I felt bad about my weight. (Also, I'm about 90 lbs heavier now at 34 years old and I am on the path to someday weighing 145 again!)

    I hope you are able to realize that you are a perfect weight for your height, and that if the guy you're interested in keeps going after you, he likes YOU, not a shorter girl! As long as you are focused on your health, and taking care of your body, that's what is important. :)
    SPBROOKS68 Posts: 561 Member
    Losing weight shouldn't be your goal, you're definitely in the healthy range. Consider going to the gym to help build muscle and tone. I've never seen a woman who works out a lot and doesn't look amazing.

    ^^^^^ THIS!!
  • frannieshack
    frannieshack Posts: 327 Member
    I wish I could go back to high school for only one reason... to tell that person they are perfect the way they are. I am 5'7" and back then I weighed 120. I still felt awkward in my own skin. This is a normal feeling for girls your age, I hate to say. Now at 51, I am 135 lbs and I feel perfect at this weight, I was also at 145 lbs and felt perfect at that weight. Just focus on being healthy and joyful.

  • scarrletti_girl
    scarrletti_girl Posts: 479 Member
    umm. looking at your profile pic you are very slim. you shouldnt wanna lose weight because others weigh less. 145 is just a number. and if he is chasing you then he wants you for you. what your doing is very unhealthy emotionally. you are tall slender and beautiful be proud of that and embrace it.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I am a teenager who is 145 lb at 5'9.5. I have a lot of friends who are like 120 pounds and it makes me feel depressed/sad because I know I will never weigh that little.

    I wear a size 4 dress, small to medium top (I have a larger bust so I usually have to go up a size in shirts just for that reason alone) and a size 7-8 in jeans/shorts, I carry a lot of weight in my hips and rear end and the top/back of my thighs otherwise my legs are slim. My stomach is usually quite flat as I drink plenty of water and eat low carb (I have a carb intolerance but also don't like bread, rice, pasta much anyways) but the number really bugs me. I feel unattractive to men at 145 pounds. At my highest I was 165 lb but lost the weight as I have matured (I think it was more puppy fat/baby fat. My doctor is not concerned) I just don't feel very feminine like petite and dainty at my height and especially my weight. I have long legs and arms and I feel like a man.

    The current guy interested in me is very open about his weight of 195 lb at 6'0 (he is an athlete so he carries a lot of muscle, you would have no idea he actually weighs close to 200 pounds) but I have been shutting him down and denying him access to me emotionally because I feel as though he deserves a petite, dainty girl which I am not.

    I feel stuck and like I am closing doors because of my weight.

    Wow. It makes me so sad the number of young woman out there today that hate their bodies and have no self esteem.

    YOU ARE NOT OVERWEIGHT. You are at a healthy weight and actually on the slim side. DO NOT compare yourself to others and learn to love who you are. You are on the path to developing an unhealthy relationship with food which in turn will effect other aspects of your life (such as the guy who digs you but you have your head stuck in your 'I'm too fat' world you can't see it). If you must - seek counseling!!

    And further more - not all men like 'petite dainty girls'. So get that idea out of your head as well.
  • Wonderlander63
    Wonderlander63 Posts: 3 Member
    O: you're sexy <.< I would kill to look like you, but my genetics would never let me.

    you should just know that I am the same age as you, 6'0 tall and 347 pounds <.< you really shouldn't worry.

    also weight doesnt actually matter you should actually focus on building muscle if you want to look leaner. if you go to the gym and work out you would look better, maybe gain some weight but muscle weight is 100x sexier than fat weight :3 so it doesn't matter!
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I can relate, I'm 5'8". Look at the upside, you have long legs which alot of women will be jealous of :)

    Also if you were to get to 125ish you'd look likely pretty boney and scrawney, try not to compare your weight number with shorter people.
  • sweetqueene
    If the guy is interested in you now, then he likes you how you are. If he wanted a dainty girl thats what he would have gone for. Be confident in yourself and embrace your body. Confidence is sexy no matter what size you are. I learned the hard way, and if i could have a redo I would have loved myself alot more. Even now, with the extra weight I have put on, I attract alot more attention simply because I have learned to love myself and let my confidence show.
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    You should never concern yourself with others and what standards they want for you. You are at a great weight; do not let yourself get caught up in that whole I have to be bone skinny to look good that will just lead you to a lifetime with an ED. I think most guys prefer a woman with curves over a stick figure, I know this one does.
    Just learn to love yourself for the way you are and let others take are leave you for that.
  • rubbie78
    rubbie78 Posts: 48 Member
    Tall Girl Opinion (Age 35 now, but was a teen years ago)

    You are beautiful at 145, I'm sure! I was 5'9 in HS and was 122lbs when I graduated as a senior. IMPORTANT NOTE: I was a 32A (tiny bust). I was did not like my size and always felt tall and skinny. I played volleyball and basketball and ate plenty, but remained skinny with a butt. In college I graduated at 22yrs old at 5'11 at 129lbs (Yes you can keep growing after age 18, I did not stop growing until I was 21). Still felt like I was too thin. My doctor like yours said I was fine, did not need to gain weight or lose weight. Note 129lbs is under normal BMI, but she never left me think I was underweight. She said this because we are all proportioned differently. (I did not have much chest, but I had a nice size butt) Seems like us tall girls get butts :-)

    I am now 35yrs old, 5'11 and 148lbs and trying to get to 143lbs (my wedding day weight) but also with toning/muscles. Again, I still have no chest :-). I think you at 145 is beautiful and you stated you had a larger chest. IF I HAD any boobs I'm sure I would be happy at 155-160. Your weight could be in your chest and butt (and women like me dream of those top curves in the bust area). I don’t even no how much boobs weigh each, as mine are tiny. I'm sure you should get at least 3-5lbs per breast. But I don’t know. I can only dream of them. My husband told me his father always told him "Sometimes" good things come in small packages. My husband was referring to my breast. I quote "sometimes" because we are all overly blessed in certain areas and that is a blessing. Though I was not overly blessed in my breast, they are still a good thing.

    Basically, I want to encourage you to just stay active at such a young age. Also I believe I didn’t gain much weight in college because I was active, walking everywhere, riding my bike, dancing/partying etc.... So I added close to 20lbs from less activity and life changes.

    I wish you the best and you look back in that mirror and see the beautiful young woman you are!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I highly doubt your 120 pounds friends are as tall as you are.
  • elsie0o0
    elsie0o0 Posts: 59 Member
    I think you look great!

    I'm also trying to lose weight because I do compare myself to others. I've been trying to lose weight for a long time, but I think what has changed this time is that I am more accepting and forgiving of myself. I'm more comfortable in my body and even though I am still aiming and working hard to lose weight this attitude change has been helping me diet even better. I still compare myself but I try to ignore those thoughts and also acknowledge what I like about myself.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I highly doubt your 120 pounds friends are as tall as you are.
  • rubbie78
    rubbie78 Posts: 48 Member
    Also wanted to add I would be happy at any weight 143-153lbs if it meant I gained more muscle. So 143 was just a target since I was that on my wedding date. I really want to put more focus on inches and strengthening. Not having much chest, I would like to keep my butt an appropriate size, and my abs as flat as possible.
  • LauriePar
    LauriePar Posts: 239 Member
    Another tall girl response: I was also 5'9.5 when I was 19. I also have long legs-- 36 inch length for my pants- and I also have long arms and long feet- size 10. I also was around 145 when I was your age. Stand proud and be glad you are not tiny and petite. People will always notice you first because of your height- so always have a big smile and do not be afraid to wear 2 or 3 inch heels. Keep in mind, only petite men want petite women. So go out with your 6ft. athlete guy- he asked you because you are beautiful and tall- he is not interested in a short person! He is interested in you!

    And go figure, I married a guy who is 3 inches shorter than me! He asked me out because he loved my smile and I was tall!
  • nofoodforthemood
    Do some research on what a health outlook on body image is :)
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    At 5'9" you will never be dainty, but you certainly don't need to lose weight. You are a victim of what the media has done to girls/women. I don't know what you look like, but I do know that you are not overweight. If you want to do anything, try strength training combined with cardio to define your muscles and build your strength. You will find yourself feeling better about the way you are right now, which has to be awesome!