Restarting / Need New Friends

Pritree Posts: 24 Member
Hi Everyone!

I went through a rough patch for a while and unfortunately gained back almost all of what I had lost =( I'm getting back into working out and eating healthy, and I realized I don't seem to have a lot of active My Fitness Pal friends anymore! Please add me if you're looking for new friends too =)



  • missladyj631
    missladyj631 Posts: 33 Member
    I just started myself 2 weeks ago! It's great to have friends on here. I don't really have any myself!! Good Luck!! :)
  • Pritree
    Pritree Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks!! Good luck to you too!
  • Hi! I am starting over as well. I know we will do great!:smile:
  • hmcunningham79
    hmcunningham79 Posts: 26 Member
    Feel free to add me. I just started back a week ago after being gone for about 8 months. I gained back 1/3 of the weight I had lost, so needless to say, it's time to start again. Good luck!!!
  • bandxgeek13
    bandxgeek13 Posts: 780 Member
    Feel free to add me! I'm finding that having people on here to talk to definitely helps keep me motivated! Good luck, everyone :)
  • mtikky
    mtikky Posts: 53 Member
    Recently came back on here, been actively losing weight since the start of this year but stopped logging at the request of my (then, not sure if still is) girlfriend, but am now back and actively logging - feel free to add me if you wish. :)
  • NaRmI10
    NaRmI10 Posts: 48 Member
    Hello there -

    I am new as well.. started today - Good luck :)
  • Jenb1973
    Jenb1973 Posts: 1
    I everyone first time here, and I am scared to death! I am soon to be 41 years old and have lived most of my life at 140lbs being 5'5" tall I am now 230lbs. after having my kids I never took off the weight. I have also never exercised a day in my life. So today I am starting to change my lifestyle and I am looking for friends who can support me on my journey to lose weight. I lack motivation and willpower so aside from quitting smoking 2 years ago this will be the hardest challenge yet. I need help and would like any recipe ideas , workout suggestions etc... currently I am only using treadmill 30 mins a day.
  • Step2fitness
    Step2fitness Posts: 5 Member
    I also started 1 month back and my efforts helped me to loos 10 pounds so far. Hope more friends and more motivation will help us each other ..
  • MikePXstream
    MikePXstream Posts: 965 Member
    I will add you!:happy:
  • mrsidecar
    mrsidecar Posts: 35 Member
    Been on syeady for about a year now and it does help to have friends anyone can add me if they wish.
  • SugarScarletFox
    SugarScarletFox Posts: 3 Member
    Hello! Add me. I have the same issue, use to be really skinny then had some stress in my life and gained it all back. I'd love to talk more!
  • Raeskii
    Raeskii Posts: 7 Member
    You are preaching to the choir! After college, I stopped working out and work at an office job. I also hit a hard time and gained ALOT of weight. Currently, I am restarting life and finally fulfilling my career goals. My career goals includes maintaining physical fitness, so I have to do this. Message me!
  • nltg13
    nltg13 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm pretty much in the same boat as you OP.
  • babymummy2012
    babymummy2012 Posts: 2 Member
    hello everyone, I'm trying again too, was doing sooo well and lost 3 stone then got pregnant again, went through a bad time and gained 5 stone, bloody kids lol, hoping this time I'll get even close to something like pre-baby weight :)
  • storque
    storque Posts: 1 Member
    Well here we are all in the same boat striving to do the same thing. Becoming alittle healthier & fit. So hurray for us!!