Juice cleanse

minnesota Posts: 204 Member
Hello everyone. Now I want to be clear I am not promoting a juice cleanse or offering any advice, but I want to share with you my experience on a three day juice cleanse in case you are considering one or just want to hear about someone's experience.

I decided to try out a juice cleanse after a friend of mine tried one through a local juicing minnesota company. Now I'm all about supporting local businesses and trying out new products so I decided to join in. I spent $144 for three days of supplies. I looked into doing my own at home juicing, but decided after purchasing the juicer and buying all the organic veggies and fruits that it would probably come out the same price. Plus let's face it I didn't want to do all the flipping work! So this company uses all organic fruits and veggies and juices them the night before you pick up your package of 18 juices/ 6 per day. You are to detox before you start the cleanse by stopping caffeine, alcohol, meat, dairy, sugar and processed food 3-5 days before you start. I followed this to the tee since I'd be working every day through the cleanse and didn't want major detox symptoms such as dizzy, headache, and nausea.

Day 1

Work up and started my first green juice. It wasn't bad and I'm used to eating liquid only in the morning (whey protein shakes) so I wasn't deprived from chewing. The second juice was two hours later and I hated it. The third juice also one that was less desirable. Since I had such a hard time getting the second and third juice down I had been drinking straight for the last four hours. I wasn't hungry until the lunch hour. I waited three hours until the mid afternoon juice. This one wasn't bad. In fact after downing two disgusting juices in a row I was excited about not tasting ginger again. This didn't subside the hungry I was still feeling, but I kept busy. I left work and ended up going grocery shopping (bad idea) I wanted to eat things I don't even typically eat like chips. My head was fuzzy so I quickly grabbed all the necessities I needed for my husband and daughter and ran right out of there. I forgot half my list. That night I had the dinner juice, which was good and then the best juice was a dessert tasting juice that I loved. Let me repeat loved. I counted the calories in all the juices and it ended up being 1100. I typically consume 1400 a day and the lack of protein I wasnt getting was really impacting my hunger. Needless to say I went to bed hungry.

Day 2
I woke up and went straight to the scale. Of course who wouldn't after a full day of juice. I was down 4 pounds of water weight. I got ready for work and started my juices all over again. Again the first one wasn't bad, the next two sucked and the mid afternoon one also wasn't bad. This day I noticed I peed every single hour on the dot. I didn't get diarrhea, but defiantly had more bowel movements then normal. The dinner and dessert juices where again good. My hungry was slightly present all day, but not like the day before. I felt more energy so I decided to go on a 4'mile run after work. I felt fine on the run, but man or man was I starving that night. They said if you feel good you could continue with your regular workout, but if you do this you will burn all these calories and starve. I was determined to not screw this cleanse up so I sucked it up and went to bed craving mac and cheese and I don't even eat processed food.

Day 3

Awe the last day! Since it was the last day my mind was at ease. I felt good and even looked good. My bloat was gone, my skin was soft and clear and my hair looked bouncy. I weighed myself down another 3 lbs. this day went off without a hitch. My hunger wasn't nearly there as it had been. I felt fine and didn't come across any issues. I was excited to be done, but was worried about gaining all the bloat back. I got daily emails from the company that were very supportive and helped with aftercare. They explained I would need to slowly incorporate solids and to continue eating fresh organic products. So after three days of only juice I was ready to continue my new healthy lifestyle. Now let me be clear I am generally healthy, but I have a mega sweet tooth and I wanted this cleanse to help me kick this habit and I can say it did.

Day 4

First day off the cleanse. I stuck to whey protein shakes and fruits and veggies all day. I went to go do crossfit and found myself quite weak and light headed. I knew this would be the case, but i would get back into the swing of things in a week.

Day 10

Not only have I kept the weight off I've continue to lose. I haven't had any caffeine or sugar and feel great. This cleanse really helped my get over my hump. I was a sugar addict and now I still maybe want it I just don't shove 10 pieces of candy in my mouth. Will I do it again? Maybe if I ever fall in a rut again. It wasn't fun, but it gave me the results I was looking for.

Hoped you enjoyed reading my experience. For those of you who want to juice cleanse good luck! For those of you that think it's ridiculous well I can't argue with you, because it totally was.


  • akolacz
    akolacz Posts: 13
    That's great to hear! I tried it, but unfortunately my energy levels were low AND i was hungry - so I didn't last. I wouldn't mind trying it again at some point.