Back again...need some help/advice! !! :(

topp35 Posts: 50 Member
So I was pretty active on here about a month ago but life got extremely busy. ..I went back to my volunteering job and enrolled in school so needless to say I haven't been on in quite awhile! When I was on a month ago I was losing weight pretty good but since I've been gone I've put it all back on and then some:( I really dont understand why ive still been watching what I eat just like before and ive been getting plenty of exercise at my volunteering job! I was down to only needing to lose 17lbs and now im back up to needing to lose 29lbs! ! WHAT HAPPEN:( IM severely depressed about the whole situation! ! Can someone plz tell me what im doing wrong and maybe give me some advice to get this weight back off! My clothes dont fit anymore. ..they did at a loss and need some help:( I hate feeling this way!!! I cry all the time...I just need some positive criticism. ..not like my last post where everyone decided to jump all over me:( plz only respond if u have something positive to say. Thanks


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I'm going to be honest and not try to sugar coat things too much but I definitely feel your pain. Dry your tears and get determined. :smile:

    If you stopped being active on MFP were you actually counting calories during that time? ALL of the calories you ate? My guess is "no" and you were probably eating more than you think you were. That would be why you gained weight. Watching what you eat isn't much good if you aren't tracking it. It's so very easy to underestimate how much you're really eating. Try to remember what a surprise it was when you first started using MFP and saw how many calories were in the foods you were eating.

    What you really need to do is recommit to MFP. Counting every single calorie you eat, every single day and tracking it here. No cheating or skipping anything that goes into your mouth, even gum. You should also be weighing and measuring as much of your food is as humanly possible. Always overestimate calories rather than underestimate. You have to be honest with yourself because you're the one who is going to have to deal with the consequences of lying to yourself about how much you're really eating.

    You CAN do this, you just have to decide it's important. Don't make excuses to yourself for poor eating habits. I go to school, I work full time, I have a family to take care of but I still make time to run, to lift weights and commit to my health. If it's important to you, you will, too. Good luck and I wish you all the best.
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank you! No I will be honest I didnt track everything I ate but I did watch what I junk food and alot more veggies and fruits. I thought with all the running around at work and eating better I would succeed but apparently I was wrong. Im ready to start over andgive it my all aagain! ! Ive decided that I need to get up at 7 (after the girls get out of school for the summer) and take my dogs for a 2 mile run before I have to leave for school at 930. :) it cant hurt I! Thank u for the positive advice!! I CAN DO THIS!!!
  • Jase5745
    Jase5745 Posts: 5 Member
    The fact that you are back is a big plus. I was gone from my fitness plan for almost a year. Just remember to burn more than you eat. If it's fat you're trying to lose, cardio and light weights even push ups and lunges will help a lot. Also, you will need protein. Good that you're back and your family can help you stay motivated as well.
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    When you were down to needing to lose 17 lbs, did you re-adjust the weekly goal loss to recommended and more reasonable level of 1 lb weekly, and see what that calorie level was to eat to on non-exercise days?

    Did you eat more as you should on exercise days, or thought more deficit was better?

    Are you currently selecting a reasonable goal loss with only 29 to go, which would be max 1.5 lbs weekly.

    Don't make a fight with your body by thinking more is better. It will win, you will lose - but not fat weight.

    As to what happened, likely what happens to vast majority, too fast a weight loss goal and you lost muscle mass.
    Made it easier to gain fat back, will make it harder to lose again.
    Just don't repeat it, it's an ugly lifetime doing that repeatedly.
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    Thank u im glad to be back! It would be sooo much easier if my family needed to lose weight as well but they most certainly do not. Ijust need to get motivated again and then I have no doubt I can do this!
  • jos05
    jos05 Posts: 263 Member
    Welcome back!!! It's life... we have ups and downs... you're back, tho!

    Time to get serious; log everything... try to under count your estimated workout calories (if you don't have a HRM) and over calculate your food calories if you're ever unsure...
    Make yourself accountable! Only you can make those minute to minute decisions...

    But the good thing is that you have come back and you're back on track!!! I wish you all the best of luck... you've got this!! I am sure those clothes will be back to fitting you in no time! :flowerforyou:
  • topp35
    topp35 Posts: 50 Member
    Im not a huge eater so I lost 5 lbs one week and was doing great im not sure y I gained it all back and then some...I havent changed anything! Well this past weekend I went to Rock on the Range in Ohio for a 3"day concert and didn't eat the greatest but 3"days of unhealthy eating wouldnt make me gain all this weight back. Im absolutely confused as to whats going on!! Im just going to bust my butt and get this horrible looking fat off me!!! Thats all there is to it!