need help

I have to shift 55 lbs in a couple of months/weeks as i am trying to re-enlist, and at the moment I am 120kg and need to be 101kg max - I used to weigh around 90-95kg but since settling down i've gained alot of weight and it doesnt seem to want to shift :( its really getting to me .


  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    Don't try to lose weight too fast. Crash dieting might work but it's unhealthy and you're more than likely to put it back on. Try losing it as a healthy rate (around 2lb per week to start with, then slow down), and you'll feel much better to. Good luck!
  • dance25137130
    thanks , any paticular fitness regimes would you recommend or just hit the cardio and endurance/interval training
  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    There's a lot of contradiction between what kind of exercise to do to lose weight. A lot of people swear by cardio and it's working for them. For me personally, I can't stand it, and it takes too long. So best thing you can do is just do what you enjoy doing. Hiking is an exercise just as much as interval training. Also depending on what you chose to do, you might need to adjust your diet. If you're planning to do long cardio sessions, you'll need more carbs. Short burst sessions you don't. Either way though, you're going to need to have plenty of protein in order to repair muscled and not lose muscle mass (that's bad :) ). Hope it helps! And don't force yourself to do something you hate, unless you have a good reason for doing it.
  • dance25137130
    thatnks for that :) I'll adjust my plate so its more protien then carbs and see how that goes, also Hiking is one of my favourite past times, I tend to always carry a load of about 30lb