Belly 'Pooch'

Hi Guys, just after some advice, I'm heading off in 4 weeks and pretty unhappy with my belly :( ,this isnt drastic measures as i have been excercising daily , but this past few weeks it seems the more i excercise the more my belly pooch is glaring right back at me, I am trying to stay away from bread I've cut down a lot from what i used to be like, but would have the odd piece here and there but apart from that i dont really take bread, I usually eat weetabix/Porridge/boiled eggs for brekkie, have a salad bowl or omlette etc for lunch , and homecooked meal, usually a slimming world recipe with fresh ingredients at night for my tea. I drink at least two litres of water a day, I do an insanity class twice a week with the gym 2-3 times on top of that , I do sit ups everyday, plus when i am in the gym use a medicine ball and add in twists and planks, I usually when I am in the gym do 30 mins of cardio and then would use some weights , and if anyone has done insanity you will know how that goes, both my classes of it are 45 minutes long.

I do however take two sugars in my tea which i def think i should cut out on perhaps to help, I am not overweight but i do like to keep myself trim , at 5ft 7 i weigh in at 9 stone 3 which is fine for my height, I just hate the little pouch at the bottom of my belly that sticks out, everywhere else i am slim , I am not looking to loose any weight as such, I just want advice on perhaps if there is any way to loose my belly bloat/pooch

Any advice appreciated :)


  • Miss_james1990
    Miss_james1990 Posts: 214 Member
    I was told to do this I needed to get my body fat percentage lower x
  • DMicheleC
    DMicheleC Posts: 171 Member
    Try cutting out all carbs, no pasta, no rice, no bread, no cereal. Eat more protein to fill you up, veg, salad, fruit, but no bananas. Low fat yoghurts and sugar free jelly. Drink only water and tea without sugar. I have found when I have done this my tummy area has reduced drastically and I have lost an amazing amount of inches and lbs in only a week.
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    This has nothing to do with what you're eating, and it's probably not a case of your weight either, if you're already rather slim. I'd advise looking at heavy lifting (stronglist 5x5 or The New Rules of Lifting for Women). Heavy lifting means lifting heavy weights for very few reps in order to build muscle (you'll need to eat at either maintenance or surplus for this) and will help give your body a more 'toned' look.
  • bikerclaire
    I tried this exercise once and it made my stomach go flat - lay on your back and raise legs in the air, close to the ground, hold for 10 seconds at a time (or all at once if you're strong enough) and do 100 in total, do this every day. When I've done it before it takes about a week to see the difference, but I'm afraid I haven't kept it up (as I am lazy!), but still useful if I've got a holiday coming up.
  • steve0820
    steve0820 Posts: 510 Member
    Unfortunately, it's one of the last places to drop fat for most people. Lowering your BF% alongside strengthening your core should help in what your looking for. Cutting out bread, pasta and all that won't matter if you're already in a calorie surplus. Sugar doesn't have that much effect either, unless you have a medical condition. I eat tons of carbs and always over my sugar intake, most of the time I don't even log it, and I still have a 6pack.

    In my opinion and experience, situps and crunches pretty much do nothing for burning fat, and nothing much for core strength. I did thousands of those for years almost daily, and never had a flat stomach. Cardio is great for conditioning and the heart, but won't necessarily give you a flat stomach if your nutrition isn't on par.

    *Focus on your macros, hit your targets
    *Look into compound lifting (squats/deadlifts)
    *Isometric exercises for core (planks, L-sits, etc...)

    It sounds like your pretty much at your goal weight, so the last few lbs or inches are always the toughest to loss. Just stick with it, and if you're doing everything correctly, it's just a matter of time.
  • vixxxen88
    vixxxen88 Posts: 69 Member
    Thank You for all the replies guys! Great advice as usual on here :) !! Will let you all know how i get on !