Going Out

So this weekend is my birthday and my friends are very determined to go out and eat and drink. I have been doing so well with everything that I'm nervous about going out. I'm fine eating and drinking when I'm in, but when I go out for some reason I just throw everything out the window and do whatever I want.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what would be the best drinks to get?


  • chadproud
    chadproud Posts: 8

    It's really up to you. On the one hand it is your birthday so you should most definitely enjoy yourself. One day or night isn't going to kill your progress.

    BUT, if keeping things in check will make you feel better then that's great too. In terms of alcohol by far the best type to drink is vodka. There's zero carbohydrates, and it's fairly low in calories as well.

    Just try to avoid sugary mixed drinks and beer if at all possible. Those are by far the worst.

    Happy Birthday!
  • jec228
    jec228 Posts: 67 Member
    try not to be nervous about going out if you can help it! i face the same problems - when i'm home or at work i can totally control everything but once i'm at a bar or restaurant it takes everything not to order the nachos. that doesn't mean we should avoid going out, though - especially for your own birthday!

    stick with vodka and soda water like chad said. ask for extra lemon if you don't like the taste or opt for diet soda if you prefer that - it won't kill you for one night. i will sometimes bring packets of crystal light in my purse and mix a little of it in my drink for some extra flavor. eat a solid healthy meal before you're out for the night so you won't be tempted to eat pizza or greasy food after the bar. happy birthday and have fun!
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Vodka, but it makes you lose your clothes.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    what is life without it's vices? you're allowed to splurge once in a while.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    If you're nervous about cals while going out, work out extra in the morning, watch your intake, and make sure you eat a big meal before going out! That's my trick.

    I'll go light earlier in the day, and then eat a significant meal before I go out; one, so I'm full and will drink less, and two, to help avoid getting Jersey Shore status. My favorites are Corona and a dirty martini when I go out.

    If you're going out, see if you can scope out the menu beforehand to find an option that'll work best for you. But all and all, it's your birthday. Try not to worry too much about every last calorie in your drinks, and have fun!
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    It's your birthday. Go out, have a good time, and remember that it won't completely set you back. HOWEVER, realize that the scale will jump. When I say I don't care, I've seen a 7lb spike on the scale. I lost that weight (and then some) within the week, but if you aren't prepared for it, it will mess with your head. It's just water weight.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Vodka, but it makes you lose your clothes.


    I'm not rich :cry:
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Vodka, but it makes you lose your clothes.


    I'm not rich :cry:

    And the only diet you're on is high in iron...
  • MBrothers22
    MBrothers22 Posts: 323 Member
    If its for your birthday, go out and have WHATEVER you want. Seriously. I mean when you're at home treat it like any other day but when you go out, feel no shame!

    Today is my birthday actually and I'm going out to dinner around 6 (it's 10am now) and I'm just going to have normal meals and then go have whatever I want and how much I want later with no regrets. It's a once a year thing and there's nothing wrong with that. Enjoy yourself!
  • Julzanne72
    Julzanne72 Posts: 467 Member
    I think you need to realize that your entire life you will always have challenges to face, and that one day is not going to destroy all of your progress. It's okay to let loose once in a while as long as you can reign it back in the next day and get back to business. Enjoy your birthday, you deserve it. Losing weight shouldn't force you to forever give up stuff you enjoy, you just have to learn that it's one day:) Happy Birthday !!!! :)
  • anotherwarriorgirl
    anotherwarriorgirl Posts: 38 Member
    I forgot where I read about this (likely here or the r/loseit subreddit), but there is a website called getdrunknotfat.com - it rates beverages by alcohol content and calories. I think they have an app, too! Might make you feel better when you order your drinks.

    By the way, happy birthday! :drinker:
  • amethyst7986
    amethyst7986 Posts: 223 Member
    I say follow your normal routine all day until you guys go out then just have fun. Like most of the other posts say, if you really feel the need to be healthy, may try working out a little longer that day or the next day.

    Just be safe!!

    Happy Birthday!
  • maz504
    maz504 Posts: 450
    what is life without it's vices? you're allowed to splurge once in a while.


    You can't live in fear of not sticking to your calorie limit once in a blue moon. Go out, have fun, get back on the train in the morning. Happy birthday!
  • KrazyDaizy
    KrazyDaizy Posts: 815 Member
    Vodka, but it makes you lose your clothes.
    *hands you vodka* Waits patiently.
  • Iceberg_Simpson
    Iceberg_Simpson Posts: 737 Member
    Vodka, but it makes you lose your clothes.

    No Silly, that's tequila. Vodka makes you think you're sophisticated when you're actually incoherent.
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    Don't be stressed about it. I personally like to allow myself one or two cheat meals a week to keep sane. Part of losing weight is quality of life. So is going out and spending time with your friends. If you want to make the evening more enjoyable and limit the stress and after guilt, just be sensible with your choices. eat a big salad instead of a burger, or eat a burger and replace the fries with a veggie or salad for instance. If you have a hard time not eating something on your plate like most people, ask them not bring that item at all. Most people feel the need to eat whatever comes with the meal because they are paying for it, but you don't have to. Maybe just eat an appetizer you really love and drink the rest of your calories lol. Also, if your drinking, just eat some bar nuts or a little protein with the sugary alcohol. This is supposed to limit your insulin spikes from taking in sugar by itself.
  • parkjulie85
    parkjulie85 Posts: 1 Member
    Order a vodka with water, and then squeeze some lemon or lime in it. Or, if that's still not enough flavor to cut the vodka for you, add some Crystal Light packets or Mio to it. Disclaimer....you have to get nice vodka, not well, or it will taste pretty gross! You might pay a little bit more for the nicer vodka, but you won't need very many drinks! Happy birthday! :)
  • jmangini
    jmangini Posts: 166 Member
    Also, think of your calories on more of weekly basis, rather than every day. Some days you're over and some days your under, but if you shave calories over the course of a week, does it really matter if you were over one day?
  • lebentl
    lebentl Posts: 2 Member
    Vodka and Diet Coke