exercises to do at home

Hello, I am trying to incorporate more activity into my life and I was wondering if any of you knew of any exercises that can be done at home, without a dvd?


  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    There are lots of options on the web. Just do a bit of research and see what type works for you.

    Here is one link for bodyweight exercises.

  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Absolutely. But why don't you start by telling us your goals beyond simply becoming more active. Do you want more muscle? Less fat? More strength? What?

    Having your stats would be helpful too. Age, height and weight at least.

    And I'm curious. Why are DVDs out?
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Calisthenics and bodyweight exercises require nothing but your body. Jumping jacks, bridges, squats, lunges, burpees, wheels, crunches, bicycles, leg lifts, pushups, tricep dips, skaters, etc.

    Dancing is also great exercise and requires nothing other than your body, though music does make it more fun. :wink:

    There are also some low cost small items you can buy to icrease intensity like a step, resistance bands, or jump rope.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Burpees, push ups, jumping jacks, vertical jumps
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press.

    Umm, she said she doesn't have equipment.

    I like the down and dirty basic strength movements just about as much as anyone but it seems people just cram them down the throats of others regardless of the context of their situation. I'm not knocking you here... but as a fitness community we need to do a better job and providing context-specific advice on the individual level.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press.

    Umm, she said she doesn't have equipment.

    I like the down and dirty basic strength movements just about as much as anyone but it seems people just cram them down the throats of others regardless of the context of their situation. I'm not knocking you here... but as a fitness community we need to do a better job and providing context-specific advice on the individual level.

    I don't see anywhere in the OP that says that. But okay.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Hello, I am trying to incorporate more activity into my life and I was wondering if any of you knew of any exercises that can be done at home, without a dvd?

    You have a computer. You don't need a DVD. Lots of fitness videos on YouTube, like Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred, and there's other sites like FitnessBlender.
  • SamanthaKayShaver
    SamanthaKayShaver Posts: 43 Member
    I downloaded the Your Are Your Own Gym app on my cell phone. Its was $3 i believe and an amazing investment. Its a ten week program that is very easy to follow. I have defiantly noticed results (Currently on day 30) and plan to repeat the program many times on increasingly difficulty levels.

    I also do Jillian Micheal's DVDs, elliptical and running.

    I have a gym membership right now, but I haven't used it recently. I prefer to do my workouts whenever/where ever I feel inclined to. I planned on a segment of the YAYOG during my lunch break in my office actually :-)
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    Run outside
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I can think of a couple but most would get me a strike.
  • stroutman81
    stroutman81 Posts: 2,474 Member
    Squat, deadlift, bench press, overhead press.

    Umm, she said she doesn't have equipment.

    I like the down and dirty basic strength movements just about as much as anyone but it seems people just cram them down the throats of others regardless of the context of their situation. I'm not knocking you here... but as a fitness community we need to do a better job and providing context-specific advice on the individual level.

    I don't see anywhere in the OP that says that. But okay.

    Sorry. You're absolutely right. I must have confused this with another thread I read on the same topic.

    My bad.
  • RLMsFitnessPal
    RLMsFitnessPal Posts: 81 Member
    I've just started walking using the perimeter of the yard as a track. I have a decent sized yard that is fenced all the way around. I just walk at a steady comfortable pace along the fence. Sometimes I weave random paths around the yard to change things. I have two dogs and a small child, so it's something I can do while keeping watch and they can still have their outdoor playtime. My wife and I often work odd shifts to minimize the time our child is at the babysitter. I recently got a Fitbit, so I've been doing whatever I can think of to increase steps, floors, and very active minutes.
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Check out SworkIt app! Best for body weight workouts!
  • ChaplainHeavin
    ChaplainHeavin Posts: 426 Member
    Hello, I am trying to incorporate more activity into my life and I was wondering if any of you knew of any exercises that can be done at home, without a dvd?


    Yoga For Weight Loss - 40 Minute Fat Burning Yoga Workout!

    Plank Workouts
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pvzaUmLaTjI (6.5 Minutes)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6mV-c3u2KAQ (7 Minutes)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3DNN9a5pU2A (10 Minutes)

    Spartacus Workout (40 Minutes)
  • sw33tp3a11
    sw33tp3a11 Posts: 4,646 Member
    I can't workout at home if its not following a DVD. I would be lost lol
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hello, I am trying to incorporate more activity into my life and I was wondering if any of you knew of any exercises that can be done at home, without a dvd?

    Youtube has tons for free! Just do a search for type of workout you're looking for.
  • CharlotteAnneUK
    CharlotteAnneUK Posts: 186 Member
    If you are looking for something at home but are not sure what try getting fitness buddy - i got the free one and its got some good stuff on there for whatever you may or may not have and for whatever goal you are looking for.....

    30 day challenges are good too if you are working against your own body weight.
  • guinevere96
    guinevere96 Posts: 1,445 Member
    I dont know a lot about exercise to be honest, im working up to that lol. But personally I do squats and push ups every day, and sometimes I do yoga (following a video on youtube, so its free unlike a DVD). But thats just me, I agree that it depends on what your goals are! :)
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    I google beginner Zumba for fun cardio, plus also do a lot of yoga and YAYOG workouts. I have loads of yoga progressions and bodyweight circuits pinned here if you want to have a look.
