Been there, done that! *PIC HEAVY*

Hi, I'm Stephanie and I have been there and done that will all this weight loss stuff. I had lost over 100 pounds in a little under a year after a heavy warning from my Dr. and have since gained about 60 of it back. I had gotten to "my" goal weight and then got careless and essentially gave up. I was in the mindset that "One trip to the buffet won't take back all of my hard work" or "Surely, this one week of bad eating and not exercising won't undo everything I have worked so hard for" And slowly but surely I fell back into my old ways. So, here I am again, not quite back at square one, but close. I have a lot of work to do and it is a bummer to take one step forward and two steps back so I need to keep my head in the game. I made a new MFP account because for me, that symbolizes a fresh start. I am looking for friends who are either in a similar situation or who have similar fitness goals. Ideally, I need to lose about 100 pounds as I sit now. But my short term goal is to lose 60. I need motivation and encouragement. I also need for someone to hold me liable when I don't make the best decisions. I am willing to give that as well:)

*Me, at my heaviest (302 pounds)



*Me, at my goal weight (190 pounds)



*Me, now (250 pounds)




  • agrafina
    agrafina Posts: 128 Member
    FR sent!
  • siport
    siport Posts: 7,429 Member
    well done for getting back up and not letting it beat you, you have taken the first step to getting back to what you want to be again so good luck and well done. you know you can already do it so it should be a case of starting again and puitting in the dedication.

    Good Luck
  • Thanks, I need all the luck I can get:)
  • MrTolerable
    MrTolerable Posts: 1,593 Member
    sheesh! cool eyes, very unique color.
  • khowlett1
    khowlett1 Posts: 41 Member
    FR sent - I am kind of in the same boat - lost 30 lbs and gained all but 10 back.... I am here starting over again. Only this time will have to take it a bit slower due to some health restrictions - long story.. but I know I can do it..

    anyone feel free to add me as well - I could use some good motivation - my diaries are open.
  • missthix
    missthix Posts: 10
    I have gained 35 of my 72 I had lost. I started again 26 days ago. I have since lost a pound. I need to tell myself it is FOREVER, not just a couple of years.
  • Hey Girl,

    I've been there and done that as well. At my heaviest I was 265lbs and that's when I actually weighed myself... lord knows I was probably 300lb plus prior. At my lowest I was 130lbs.

    I'm an emotional eater and get pretty darn lazy when I want to be. I had gained back 50lbs prior to meeting my husband in 2010 and then gained an additonal 70lbs during my first pregnancy. I have since lost 64lbs and am currently at 169lbs. I'm trying to get back to my "ideal" weight of 150lb. I know I'm 19lbs pounds away but I'd still like to follow you for some mutual support. I've posted this on your post and for the friend request.

    P.S: Anyone else that would like to be my friend feel free to add.

  • SanDoThis
    SanDoThis Posts: 31
    Your on the right track again now and don't worry what you said is "normal" I also gained 8lbs that it took me forever to lose back! The one day, became one week and then next thing you know 4 months! When I saw the old numbers creeping back on the scale I said NO and here I am again and back to hitting the gym, never been "skinny" nor am I trying to be, just want to be healthy! So if I can lose 17lbs more in total I will be HAPPY! Goal is to lose it and keep it off this time! Good luck to us! i will send you a FR too! :-)
  • laneybird
    laneybird Posts: 532 Member
    Sending a friend request! I started around 304lbs as well and lost down to around 225lbs.. but gained 70lbs back. So I am in the same boat now and starting fresh!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I lost 50 and gained back 65. I know how that feels. It sucks. Just keep going and get that weight goal back again.
  • forswearitssight
    forswearitssight Posts: 33 Member
    Just sent you a friend request! There's no shame in having to start over. I think most people can say "been there, done that." What I've discovered this time that seems to be working is that I stay away from the word "diet". It's an evil word. Instead, I just say "lifestyle change" because that's what it is. I'm not changing the way I eat until I get to a certain point. I'm changing the way I eat for good. I also have to tell myself every Saturday morning when I step on the scale that it's a marathon, not a sprint. Even if I only lose 1lb a week, loss is still loss. And if I don't lose any, but don't gain, I still consider that a successful week.

    Good luck!! :smile: :glasses:
  • JulieFinn
    JulieFinn Posts: 52 Member
    Can I be your friend? I need your help too!
  • onmyway57
    onmyway57 Posts: 22
    I am with you on everything you said, but because I am double your ago I have done this double your times. For me Doctor also came knocking at my door. I decided I would go about this a little different instead of focusing on the pounds I would focus on a life style change. I didn't weigh for the first 3 months because I did not want to be discouraged of the weight not coming off as fast as I wished. Which in the past had allways caused me to give up, but to focus on a healthier way of life. I waited 3 months a weighed the first time my goal was 30 lbs. I lost 28.5. The next goal was to wait till July to weigh well could I had to see where I was. Down another 10 lbs. I don't weigh everyday not even once a week. This helps give me like a race agaisnt myself. I wish you good luck you have to find a place that fits you. I will pray for you and cheer you on good luck on your journey..You can add me if you like
    P.S. I have a friend that started and she has been on it for little over a month she has not weighed either she says the not weighing is the best thing that she has ever done.
  • heathl39
    heathl39 Posts: 46
    Your here and trying and that makes you pretty fantastic because your not given up!
  • paka10
    paka10 Posts: 13
    oh my gosh ive been there done that as well. i feel you girl. i lost 47 pounds and then fell off the wagon. ive gained 30 pounds back but after being hospitalized im trying again to lose more than those 47 lbs. we can do this! anyone out there that can use/provide some moral support from a fellow MFP-er feel free to add me :)
  • RinnyLush
    RinnyLush Posts: 389 Member
    You can do it! Focus on sustainable, life-long changes and you'll be back where you want to be in no time. My best advice is find something you LOVE to do and keep doing it (for me, that's running) and eat at a nutritious deficit with room for treats. That probably sounds pretty "Duh!" and I'm sure others will echo it. Best wishes! :flowerforyou:
  • You can do this! Good Luck!!! :)

    I have gained some back myself .. "it happens".
    WTG for getting back on track. :)

    Sending FR.....
  • MimiRob77
    MimiRob77 Posts: 21 Member
    Same boat here.
    I discovered MFP 2 months ago while reading a really interesting book on weight loss : The Diet Fix.
    It keeps me motivated to log in daily and to read inspiring stories on the message boards.
    Friend request sent.
  • Kirstie155
    Kirstie155 Posts: 1,001 Member
    Been there, done that!
    Im 5'11 and at my heaviest I was 250. Lowest 183. Goal weight 155.
    Gained back to 215 and am back down to 192 currently. Life is a yo yo for me, so I know how you feel. The most important step is the one that you have already taken--starting again.
    My boyfriend lost a whopping 90 pounds when I was losing my weight...then gained it all back, with interest. I have since been trying to get him to get back on track with me without any luck. I have been active on MFP for 10 days now, logging food and exercise and looking for a new support system since he isn't ready to change yet.
    We can do this!
    FR sent!
  • I'm trying this again..I always hype myself up to change my diet first thing in the morning. I usually do well until late at night then I binge eat and feel horrible.. its a bad cycle I'm in. My highest weight was 200lbs a couple years ago then I lost 80lbs which was awesome! I had a baby since then and gained 40lbs and am having trouble shedding the last 20lbs of it.. the first 20lbs came off once I started chasing my toddler around,

    I did it once and I'm hoping I can do it again but this time healthier.. last time I had prescription diet pills
    Height: 5'3
    HW: 200lbs
    LW & GW: 120lbs

    Good Luck everyone.,