MFP for 2 years today! (Inspiration for newcomers)

SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
*TODAY* is my Diet-versary! (hate to use the word diet, but oh well! lol)

(I thought this would help to encourage some people, because I wasn't sure if this website would work for me, but clearly it has, and I'd thought I'd spread some positivity and inspiration so people know that they can achieve their goals.)

2 Years! Hooray! My weight loss meter...MOSTLY went down down down, so I'm happy. :D I may be about the same weight I was a year ago, however, it took one year to lose (rounded out, minus bloat) 33 pounds, but I also gained muscle, more flexibility (cuz I can actually touch my toes while stretching doing beginner splits lol) I became very agile and healthy, and BEST of all, I got to meet my amazing friends who inspired me to keep going, and stick with it.

I also learned to appreciate and love food, love myself, & learn to COOK! AND LOVE the food I cook.

A little over a week ago, my hubby & I were strolling in a mall, just looking around. He walks fast cuz his legs are LONG, & my hobbit-like legs have to walk twice as many strides to keep up with him. I nearly forgot about this: He commented, "Y'know, you've really gotten in great shape!"

I asked what made him say that, he replied it's because back in the day when I was overweight, I'd constantly complain that he was walking too fast, & I'd lag behind, speed up, and always be out of breath, (& my feet always used to hurt) & now I walk sometimes faster than him, without panting or even slowing down. I can just go-go-go like a machine. Being on my feet seldom hurts as much because I'm so much lighter. Movement feels good. And what he said made me feel great. Such a great feeling, knowing how hard work has paid off. I can still get discouraged from time to time, but it never lasts, cuz I remember how much I've achieved in 2 years. Including getting my GED. It's been a long, sometimes rough, but ultimately KICKA** 2 years. I'm looking forward to more years like this.

Dieting sucks. Making changes and healthier choices rules!


  • efayram
    efayram Posts: 3
    That's so awesome! Congrats! I'm hoping to have a similar transformation (I want to loose 35ish pounds). I think my biggest problem is portion control... any tips on that? Thanks for the post!
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • SunBunzz
    SunBunzz Posts: 165 Member
    I saw a diagram of how big our stomach really is, about the size of our fist, but when you're overweight, it stretches, so naturally, you need more food. When I first started dieting, after about 3 weeks or so, my stomach definitely shrank, and I got full a lot faster, BUT I also digested my food more frequently, and I was hungry every 3 hours or so, which is normal! Just have small portions that are frequent, for me, light snacks like an apple an hour or so before dinner, that helped tide me over until dinner, stuff like that. And give yourself time to adjust for your stomach shrink a little, and you'll be able to get full faster with a little less food. Now I can barely eat half of what I used to without getting TOO full, like the kind of full that actually hurts. I'd get sick if I ate the way I used to, because there simply isn't enough room. Cuz I used to eat HUGE portions.

    Also, when I'm eating I feel hungry, WHILE I eat. (I think we all do) there's like a pulsing sensation in my tummy going "more, gimmie more, please. More?" lol

    When I look at my food and it APPEARS I had enough, even if I don't feel FULL-full, I stop, and wait about 10 minutes. After that, I don't feel like I could eat another bite. Especially if I've downed a big glass of ice water after. Although, I tend to crave sugar and salt, in which case, I try to wait it out, because I know it's most likely hormones making me want that particular type of food, not necessarily hunger. Which is completely different. I'm an emotional eater, and for me, it's almost like a small panic attack, and I wait until I calm down. The craving DOES fade away, usually after 15 minutes. I take deep breaths, I tell myself "I don't need that right now, I'm cool!" takes practice. I think "You got this. You got this" I love those words.

    Believe me, I do screw up and get a case of the 'F-- its" when I'm having a BAD day, but I tend to make up for with the following day. I even have bad weeks or months, but I always come back and make up for it. But anyway, another thing is to eat from smaller plates, maybe use smaller silverware, little things like this can help. Drink plenty of water too, because even though it doesn't help hunger, for me, it gets my hunger messages to quiet down and eventually go away.

    I'm not sure if this is true, but I read that eating from plates that are blue tend to make you less hungry. The color blue is an appetite suppressant. hahaha. Dunno if that's true, but it's cool. I almost bought a pair of blue sunglasses so when I go out to eat, I'd eat less. But I said scew it, when I go out to eat, enjoy myself, just don't overdo it too much. I don't go out to eat that often anyway.

    I just learned this: Moderation. too much of just about ANYTHING can be bad for you. Eat the same things you love, just in moderation. Never cut out things you love. I still keep chocolate in my house, just a few pieces for emergencies. lol
  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    Yes you are inspirational, congrats!
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Thank you for sharing. :flowerforyou:
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    You are so positive and doing great! and moderation is key = that is something I have learned as well this time around
  • rebry331
    rebry331 Posts: 2

    Thank you so much for posting this, I just started here a few days ago and your story truly is an inspiration for me.

    I am very much like the you from two years ago, overweight, out of shape and getting winded from very mild exertion...

    I know I can do this, but reading you post just made it that much more realistic for me :)

    Thank you again
