My favourite tasty protein smoothie!

Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
Hey all! I just made this this morning for the first time. I was after a filling smoothie and I'm hoping it does the trick.
It's by far the tastiest I've made yet. So happy I thought I'd share it with all you fine people.

1 cup coconut water
1 cup water
2 handfuls baby spinach
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 banana
1 tbsp ground flax seed, 1 tbsp chia seeds, 3 tbsp non instant oatmeal soaked in water for less than 5 minutes
1 scoop vanilla protein powder

Blend in a blender and enjoy! What are your favourite filling protein smoothies?



  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
    Sounds good. I tend to always make different ones... don't have a favorite way yet.
  • IceWidow
    IceWidow Posts: 3
    Amazing sounding. I have never even thought of oats!
  • I like vanilla shakeology w a banana :) but its so expensive it has become a luxury I only get when my husband gets overtime lol
  • amannduhh
    amannduhh Posts: 8
    yum! i have phases having smoothies every morning. i like to start off with a pb&j the most.

    1c water
    1c strawberries
    1/2c oats
    1 scoop of vanilla protein
    2tbsp PB2 (or pb or almond butter)
  • natashaleebrown
    natashaleebrown Posts: 1 Member
    following!I always need to change my shake recipes, otherwise I get bored.
    Currently my fav is

    chocolate protein powder (2 scoops)
    120 ml soy milk
    small banana
    instant coffee-(to taste)
    pinch of cinammon.

    whizz in blender until it is like a frappe. Deelish :)
  • Rushgirl82
    Rushgirl82 Posts: 223 Member
    Mmmm those sound good. And I bet coffee is amazing in them!
  • Sounds Tasty. I will try that Without including the protein powder :smile:

    What Most people do Not know is that in order to Lose Weight, Protein must be the only thing in your digestive system.

    The human body needs Fat & Carbs to break down Protein.

    If Only Protein is ingested, then the body Uses fat & carbs that are already Stored In the body, to digest the protein.

    So, to Lose weight with protein, I Only have Water in my System 2 hours Before & 2 hours After ingesting the protein and Only mix the protein with Water.

    I use a Protein Powder that is High in protein and Low in Fat & Carbs. Syntha-6 is the Best Tasting & high in protein, my second choice is Gold Standard Whey, then Jay Robb.

    I look forward to trying the recipe at a different meal however.
    Thanks for sharing :smile: