

So whenever my boyfriend/future fiance comes over (about 2-3 times per week), we usually slam a bottle or two of wine. Most of the time it is just one bottle but this happens at least once a week. Sometimes its Riesling, sometimes Merlot, sometimes Pinot Grigio, sometimes Cabernet Sauvignon or Cabernet Blanc. It really doesn't matter, we enjoy them all depending on the brand except Moscatos which are way too sweet for my liking. Are calories and carbs the only real issues with wine consumption?


  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I have found that even if I can "afford" the calories, my losses stall out if alcohol is a part of my diet. I feel like it slows the metabolism. IDK if that is scientifically true or not, but for me, I don't lose if alcohol is there.
  • coachniquenya
    coachniquenya Posts: 60 Member
    Aw man! I knew I would have to slow it down but aw man!!! lol. Okay so maybe if we just did one bottle every 2 weeks? This is going to be so hard. I can deal with the food. I'm okay with the exercise as long as I get my butt up to do it but the wine...yikes!
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Yikes- I love me a glass of Pinot Noir! However, it is FULL of calories..........<sigh> and I have also heard that it halts weight loss, but dont know why. I would say it is probably a good idea to cut back if eliminating is out of the question.
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    coach, I ve read where red wines , such as what you named, in realtiy can help lower blood pressure and cholestorol........again, in moderation, I think you guys are all set

    Dont quote me, but I think one 8 0z glass has about 250 calories, again , this is for a red wine......I had some during the holidays, avoided any beers, and did fine........

    lol, but I did notice how my will power went out the window, once I had a few glasses of wine though, lol.........

    I had a great holiday though and did OK.................Happy New Year , .......Lloyd

    I cited this, its one of a few where I took the data

    My Dr mentioned this site to me, and I use if for medical questions that I have

    "While alcohol normally increases your blood pressure, red wine has been proved to contain substances that lower the risk of heart diseases. As an additional bonus, red wine also contains substances that slow down ageing process. When the French Paradox was reported in the US back in 1991, the sales of red wine increased by almost 45 percent. White wine is produced in a different way and does not have the same positive health effects as its red colleague."
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    not necessary, Alcohol:
    affects the amount of fat your body can and will burn for energy
    increases appetite
    decreases vitamin and mineral absorption
    decreases protein synthesis of type II fibers
    negatively affects sleep patterns
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    I drank pretty much ALL December. I've been losing weight for 6 months and December I only lost 2lbs. By far my worst month.

    I'm blaming the wine since I only went over on calories maybe 4 times for the entire month... but I drank drank drank drank all my exercise calories away with 2-3 glasses of wine almost daily. So I'm gonna agree with LuckyLep and say that booze slows your metabolism down.
  • Capucine72
    I love wine but sadly I must give it up for weight loss. I will treat myself to 1 yes only 1 glass on the weekend. Good luck!!:flowerforyou:
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    I do this every weekend and my weighloss never stalled. Seems adding a cheat day jolts your metabolism and keeps it guessing and not stalling. As far as issues with wine consumption I think it's pretty obvious that it's not the best thing for you. Or your liver!
  • coachniquenya
    coachniquenya Posts: 60 Member
    Anybody know if some types and/or brands are better than others? Something that wouldn't be too expensive or difficult to find between my local Jewel/Dominicks/Trader Joes/Sam's Club?
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 953 Member
    I think you may know the answer to your question. Yes calories and carbs are a big factor, but wine is really empty calories - it feels good to raise a glass (or two), but can increase the liklihood that your appetite will increase, you say "what the F**k" and have a big headache the next day which causes you to miss your next workout. My weight loss and fitness level both increased after I made the decision to consume a single glass of wine, ONLY on a special occassion, and no more than once a week. I know this isn't what you want to hear, but it is the truth. It all depends on how motivated you are to reach your goals. If you're really not too motivated, go ahead and slug a few bottles... but you will regret it once you hit the gym and the scales.
  • kimjoan
    kimjoan Posts: 192 Member
    I love, love, love my wine too but have limited it to once - maybe twice for really special occasions - a week. And, when I do my husband and I will drink a bottle. Red wine is MUCH better for you than white, and the heavier the red the better so if you like varietals like Syrah, Petite Sirah those are the best. White wine has a lot more sugar in it than red wine and doesn't have all the good healthly stuff that red wine - when drank in moderation - has. So, enjoy your wine - just not as much and really savor and appreciate it when you do. : )
  • jennylynn84
    I agree with some previous posters - it does dehydrate you - I ALWAYS weigh up the next day, whether or not the poundage sticks around. Maybe if you only drink that much on your "cheat day" which most people have once a month or so.

    Something that has gone unmentioned is something you're definitely going to notice as time goes on. If you do cut back on drinking and as your body mass decreases - you're gonna find you are drunk WAY faster and probably won't need as much.

    It takes very little these days to make me all kinds of loopy and I, like you, used to knock back two bottles of wine (total) with my husband some days - usually with pizza or something else awful. Today if we go through one bottle of wine together we'd better be at home otherwise I don't know how we'd get back there!

    So don't feel like its too much of a burden to cut back. Eventually it will pay off - literally - as drinking becomes cheaper! :drinker:
  • kate1398
    From everything that I've read and I have read quite a bit regarding the best way to lose weight (even tho I don't follow most of it, LOL), alcohol is just empty calories that your body really doesn't need. If you are going to drink alcohol while trying to lose weight, it is said that one drink a week is what is recommended. I was like you awhile ago, drinking alot more than one glass a week. I decided to give up alcohol for two weeks to work really hard at losing weight and working out just to see if I could do it. After the two weeks, I went to have a couple of drinks one evening and discovered that I wasn't all that interested in it anymore. One glass was really all I needed or wanted for that matter. I think everyone is different and you have to find what works for you but cutting down will definitely help, especially for counting those calories.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Anybody know if some types and/or brands are better than others? Something that wouldn't be too expensive or difficult to find between my local Jewel/Dominicks/Trader Joes/Sam's Club?

    Stay away from whites- reds are usually better for you and I find that I am satisfied with one glass, rather than 5 lol
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    Anybody know if some types and/or brands are better than others? Something that wouldn't be too expensive or difficult to find between my local Jewel/Dominicks/Trader Joes/Sam's Club?

    Stay away from whites- reds are usually better for you and I find that I am satisfied with one glass, rather than 5 lol
    I love Pinot Noir
  • coachniquenya
    coachniquenya Posts: 60 Member
    Okay so if I stick to nice, rich reds and only do one glass each week then I should be okay and I'll save the whites for special occasions. Unfortunately there is a bottle of Riesling that has been in my fridge since Sunday and it is really calling my name. Hmmm....I'm gonna need a plan for that. Time to break out the bottle stoppers. I hardly ever use them since the entire bottle is usually gone.

    Side note: I never get the headaches, hangovers and things people complain about and I have always drank a whole lot of water before and after alcohol consumption so I never get the dehydrated effect either.
  • ctraill
    ctraill Posts: 89 Member
    My two cents as someone who drinks a lot of wine and refuses to give it up, I honestly don't think it makes much of a difference as long as you're not going over your net calories. Personally, I actually find that wine usually makes me less hungry.

    For me, it's not realistic to give it up and one of the challenges in my life will be learning to work it into my net calories. I don't log my exercise calories on here but I do make a point of going to the gym on days I expect to be drinking so that my exercise kind of cancels out my drinking. I like "earning" my treats.
  • MKSullivan
    Wine is always tough for me too. I have the good intentions of having one glass and one glass only. But one usually leads to another and so on. Then I feel poorly the next day so I eat something greasy thinking it will make me feel better. That usually doesn't help, just makes me feel worse. THEN I do miss my workout as well. I've decided wine will have to be saved for weekends only...and only one glass.
    The tough part about wine is that a serving of wine is meant to be around 6 oz. At restaurants or at a friends house, the pour tends to be way more than 6 ounces.
    I found some really cool glasses in this months Weight Watchers magazine. The glasses look art deco-ish but the lines on the glasses are actually measuring lines - 4 oz, 6 oz and 9 oz. A good way to monitor your wine comsuption!
  • msamcoates
    msamcoates Posts: 261 Member
    My two cents as someone who drinks a lot of wine and refuses to give it up, I honestly don't think it makes much of a difference as long as you're not going over your net calories. Personally, I actually find that wine usually makes me less hungry.

    For me, it's not realistic to give it up and one of the challenges in my life will be learning to work it into my net calories. I don't log my exercise calories on here but I do make a point of going to the gym on days I expect to be drinking so that my exercise kind of cancels out my drinking. I like "earning" my treats.

    This is me, only my weakness is alcohol .... I didn't cut it out because realistically, who am I fooling. I cut back and I get a good workout in on the days I know I will be drinking. I also save some calories just for alcohol.
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    I am a wine drinker as well. I have not noticed that consumption of alcohol has had any effect of my weight loss. I do drink in or two drinks a week. I like dry red wines and dark beers, so that makes it easier to "savor" my drink ...unlike sweet wines and light beer that just make you want to down it and have another:). I find that if I try to ban something entirely from my diet, it will only make me crave it more. I'm not dieting, but making lifestyle changes and so I have to be honest with I really think I can give up alcohol and sweets entirely FOREVER? Not hardly. I have been very successful in the last year with my weight and all:)