Tips for recent bariatric surgery patient

Hello all,

I recently underwent bariatric surgery and am looking for tips and ideas for strength training, toning, weights, etc. I'm down 60 pounds (30 pre-op, 30 post-op). I've been getting in about an hour of cardio 5-6 days a week for the last three weeks (surgery was 4 weeks ago) and will soon be cleared to do light weight training. However, I haven't the first clue where to start. I really want to work out my arms and my lower abs - my two worst problem areas. What are some low-weight exercises I can start with?

Any helpful is much appreciated!!



  • chrissythepoet
    chrissythepoet Posts: 19 Member
    I do walk away the pounds. You can find it on youtube. I am doing the one mile will hopefully work up to the two mile.

    I'm going through nutrition counseling to get bariatric surgery. I have about 5 months until I can get it.
  • hkabashi82
    hkabashi82 Posts: 42 Member
    For me, it was definitely the best/right decision. I just worry - very preemptively - about loose skin, possible plastic surgery and would like to start toning and the like as soon as possible so it's not something I deal with in the future. My surgeon says I should be fine and that I'm young and I should stop worrying but I can't help it!

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Cincigirl13
    Cincigirl13 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi, I had WLS too. I was cleared for any exercise after 1.5 months and I started C25K and Zumba for cardio and then New Rules of Lifting for Women around month 2. I am now 6 months post-op and have lost 100lbs. I have have seen great results from the NROLFW routines and find them easy enough to follow. Congrats on your weight loss and feel free to add me as a friend if you want. I don't see too many WLS people on these boards.
  • amber961
    amber961 Posts: 3 Member
    This may seem like an odd question, but did your doctors discuss the order in which you should eat your food? You should always eat proteins first to ensure you get enough. Also, if you have knee or back pain, an arc trainer is lower impact than walking.
  • hkabashi82
    hkabashi82 Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks Cincigirl13! I'm definitely going to look into that. Congrats to you too :) That's wonderful!

    Amber961: My doctor has me on a high protein diet. They've been very clear about what I can/should be eating and it's been working out really well. Thankfully I don't have much knee or back pain and the elliptical and treadmill work just fine :) Thanks for the tips!
  • kbear621
    kbear621 Posts: 32 Member
    My surgery is in 6 days! i had to lose 52 pounds just to be approved and I have lost 64 in 100 days! I am always looking for support on MFP and would love to add some friends who have gone through the surgery journey. Any tips anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated! Oh and feel free to add me too!