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Advice on female weight training (Still not toned!)

Well a little over a year ago I started my weight loss journey. I refused to look on the scale to see what I weighed but I have lost a lot of weight and now have just 25 pounds to go ....I stand now at 5'4'' 142 pounds.

I have incorporated strength training into my workouts several months ago. I started out using 5 pound weights and that was a struggle for me! Now I am up to 10 pounds and feel like I could increase it soon. I also do 20 pound kettlebells for lower body but also feel like that could be increased.

Anyways, while I have lost a lot of weight and am all around healthier, I am still jiggly and not toned! I eat a lot of protein, I weight train and I still am not toning up. I am confused about this whole process. I still have 25 pounds left to lose of fat for sure. But shouldn't I be more solid since I have been weight training for 4 or 5 months? Why am I still not more toned or defined? I certainly eat well. I am not sure if I have to lose more weight first before the muscle definition will show. Or maybe I am not lifting heavy enough? Idk I am a pro at weight loss but soo clueless about strength trainning. Help!


  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    Nope. The weights you are lifting are not heavy enough yet. Talk to a trainer about some basic, full body lifts to master, and increase what you're lifting.
  • JanaCanada
    JanaCanada Posts: 917 Member
    Following this thread because I have the same situation and same questions. :)
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    That toned look you're looking should come as you continue to drop the weight. I would suggest moving up in your lifting weight though. For me, at the start of my lifting (18 months ago) I was adding 5-10 lbs to my lifts each week. This decreased after a few months but only going up 10 lbs over the course of a year seems like you're probably not going to be activating your muscles enough to get the 'toned' look you're hoping for even when you get all the excess weight off.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Nope. The weights you are lifting are not heavy enough yet. Talk to a trainer about some basic, full body lifts to master, and increase what you're lifting.


    Also, if you are eating at a deficit, it is likely you are losing muscle mass along with your fat loss which would result in not having the definition you are desiring.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    you aren't going to get that firm toned look you're after until you drop more of the body fat covering the muscles. You're still far from goal
  • Strokingdiction
    Strokingdiction Posts: 1,164 Member
    Nope. The weights you are lifting are not heavy enough yet. Talk to a trainer about some basic, full body lifts to master, and increase what you're lifting.


    Also, if you are eating at a deficit, it is likely you are losing muscle mass along with your fat loss which would result in not having the definition you are desiring.

    Both of these. If you start lifting heavier and make sure you're eating .8-1g of protein per lb of lean body mass, you should retain more muscle.
  • dixiewhiskey
    dixiewhiskey Posts: 3,333 Member
    You can lift weights til the cows come home and still have a lot of body fat because of poor nutrition habits and or no calorie deficit.
  • TKhamvongsa
    TKhamvongsa Posts: 287
    Nope. The weights you are lifting are not heavy enough yet. Talk to a trainer about some basic, full body lifts to master, and increase what you're lifting.

    This - Lift heavy! It will not make you bulky.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    you aren't going to get that firm toned look you're after until you drop more of the body fat covering the muscles. You're still far from goal

    Correct. Plus, if you're lifting weights and have just made it up to 10lb DBs after several months, you aren't doing strength training. You're probably doing some form of cardio I'm guessing. Like Jillian Michaels DVDs. Pick an actual strength training program and you will see real results. Combined with being a lot closer to your goal weight will make for an overall huge change. 25lbs of fat is still quite a bit.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Nope. The weights you are lifting are not heavy enough yet. Talk to a trainer about some basic, full body lifts to master, and increase what you're lifting.


    Also, if you are eating at a deficit, it is likely you are losing muscle mass along with your fat loss which would result in not having the definition you are desiring.

    These are the correct answers. Lift heavy. And by heavy, I mean with a barbell preferable to dumbbells, and doing compound moves like back squats, deadlifts, overhead press, and bench press. And give it time. You still have a lot of fat to lose before you'll get to where you want to be, but if you lift heavy and eat enough you will get there.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Even with 25lbs to go, that could still be a good amount of body fat to lose. Especially as your strength training doesn't really sound like strength training...more just cardio or endurance training which doesn't focus on body composition.

    Continue to eat at a deficit while including progressive strength/resistance training in your weekly routine and you should see results as you get closer to your goal.
  • Sarah4fitness
    Sarah4fitness Posts: 437 Member
    I should add: People say, "Lift weights to get toned." It's a misnomer. It should read: "Lift HEAVY weights, not puny 5lb dumbbells. Do so while eating 1g/protein (approximately) per pound of bodyweight, fit it into your calorie goals for the day. And lift heavy weights. Properly. With good form. Look into squats, deadlifts, lunges, overhead presses, lat pulls or assisted pull ups, and rows, for a start. Then increase the weights you're lifting, or you won't progress. MUSCLE is "tone," so build it to see it."
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    I should add: People say, "Lift weights to get toned." It's a misnomer. It should read: "Lift HEAVY weights, not puny 5lb dumbbells. Do so while eating 1g/protein (approximately) per pound of bodyweight, fit it into your calorie goals for the day. And lift heavy weights. Properly. With good form. Look into squats, deadlifts, lunges, overhead presses, lat pulls or assisted pull ups, and rows, for a start. Then increase the weights you're lifting, or you won't progress. MUSCLE is "tone," so build it to see it."

    Isn't it 1gram per LBM, not bodyweight?

    And there are other options beside lifting barbells. And heavy is relative to the person. If you are starting at 5lbs for certain exercises, that's fine. Hell even smaller than that or bodyweight is fine as long as you are pushing to progress the weight/exercise.

    And bringing up bodyweight, there is a lot you can do with that alone as well.

    OP, exactly what equipment do you have access to? Is the lack of equipment that has you stuck at 10lbs?

    Or maybe it is a rep amount issue? What exercises are you doing and how many reps and sets?
  • iceycoldhot
    iceycoldhot Posts: 72 Member
    Thanks guys! I'm glad it's not hopeless!

    Let me clarify a few things: first off, I eat plenty and healthy, protein filled foods. My diet is not an issue.

    Second, I read up on weight training where they said if you cannot lift past 8 reps then that is the weight you should use. For me, it WAS 5 pounds. I literally was so weak when I first started (because I never weight lifted before) that I could only lift 5 pounds for a MAXIMUM of 8 reps. After a while I gradually increased the weights. From 5 to 7 to now 10 and I wanted to gradually increase 10 12 then 15. So I know I was doing exactly what every strength training article said to. But I understand it probably will just take time for me to work my way up to a higher weight in order to see the results I want!

    But thanks soo much for your responses :) I know I have 25 pounds to lose and I'm in no rush. Have been losing 1-2 pounds a week or so and just taking my time. I just need to lose more fat and lift heavier and I will get there.
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member
    I should add: People say, "Lift weights to get toned." It's a misnomer. It should read: "Lift HEAVY weights, not puny 5lb dumbbells. Do so while eating 1g/protein (approximately) per pound of bodyweight, fit it into your calorie goals for the day. And lift heavy weights. Properly. With good form. Look into squats, deadlifts, lunges, overhead presses, lat pulls or assisted pull ups, and rows, for a start. Then increase the weights you're lifting, or you won't progress. MUSCLE is "tone," so build it to see it."


    Also want to add…..

    If you do not have an appreciable amount of muscle and that's the look you are going for, it may take getting your bf% down THEN doing a bulk to build the muscle you are looking for. We all know people who are small/skinny but without muscle. Lifting and eating sufficient protein will help preserve muscle while losing weight, but if you don't have a good amount to being with, you may have to build mass after getting rid of the fat.
  • iceycoldhot
    iceycoldhot Posts: 72 Member
    @ sara4fitness What weight would you recommend for lower body?

    I am currently using a 20 pound kettlebell. What should I increase it to? Or better yet, what do YOU use for lower body?
  • 12by311
    12by311 Posts: 1,716 Member

    Isn't it 1gram per LBM, not bodyweight?

    Yeah, or .6-.8 gram per bodyweight. I think.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Thanks guys! I'm glad it's not hopeless!

    Let me clarify a few things: first off, I eat plenty and healthy, protein filled foods. My diet is not an issue.

    Second, I read up on weight training where they said if you cannot lift past 8 reps then that is the weight you should use. For me, it WAS 5 pounds. I literally was so weak when I first started (because I never weight lifted before) that I could only lift 5 pounds for a MAXIMUM of 8 reps. After a while I gradually increased the weights. From 5 to 7 to now 10 and I wanted to gradually increase 10 12 then 15. So I know I was doing exactly what every strength training article said to. But I understand it probably will just take time for me to work my way up to a higher weight in order to see the results I want!

    But thanks soo much for your responses :) I know I have 25 pounds to lose and I'm in no rush. Have been losing 1-2 pounds a week or so and just taking my time. I just need to lose more fat and lift heavier and I will get there.

    What exercises are you doing? And is there a medical condition you are dealing with in regards to muscle weakness?
  • mlyn0812
    mlyn0812 Posts: 31
    Like you said you still have a good 20-25 pounds to lose. It's likely the fat is covering the muscle. Toned= low body fat + muscle.
  • iceycoldhot
    iceycoldhot Posts: 72 Member
    Lower body 20 pound kettlebell: Squats, lunges, kettlebell swings

    Upper body: dumbbells- overhead press, tricep lifts, side lateral raise