Hey everyone!!!! I've been here for some time......havent posted yet.....on my second round of p90x......If anyone has any questions about the program, diet, etc. let me know!!!!! Thanks! See my blog for more info on me



  • Guinepig
    Guinepig Posts: 51 Member
    I am doing the INSANITY workout, have you tried it. I was thinking of trying P90X but I was only able to get ahold of these ones. My friend is trying P90X...what results did you get the first round and why round two?

    Best of luck
  • rclemens1221
    I DID Insanity and actually went to a Shawn T workout!!!!!! I LOVE the workout but HATED the fact that I wasnt lifting...haha....it's a guy thing
  • Guinepig
    Guinepig Posts: 51 Member
    Oh I get the lifting thing. Since i started at the gym I put on as much weught as I took off...about ten pounds. Doesn't sound like much but I'm on 5'1". I got, that to lose weight you need muscle and it really helps to kick the metabolism into high gear. I even tried to bulk for about a month or two but found that I was putting on just as much fat as i was muscle. NOW on to the weight loss of that fat and toning.
  • jboothfsc
    Love P90X. My husband and I bought the videos about a year ago and now we've started using them again (only on our first few days). Those workouts kick butt and you see great results. My only issue is that when you are not consuming as many calories (trying to create a deficit), you just don't have the energy to complete every rep that Tony wants you to. LOL.

    I guess I'm going to have to suck it up if I want to see results. I'm 32, but I still want to be competitive in sports like I was B.C. (before children)....

    Keep up the good work!