Running friends and advice!

k12340 Posts: 7 Member
Just finished my first week of training for a half marathon in October! It was a good week for the most part but there were definitely a couple of days I was dragging myself to the gym. Id love some advice or support from others who have done one or are in the process of training for one. Would also love to cheer others on too!


  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you're running at the gym, you're doing it wrong. :wink: Be sure to do most of your running on the road. I don't know of any half marathons that are held on treadmills and you'll want to train as close to race conditions as possible as often as possible. If you do need to use a treadmill, be sure to always run with at least a 1% incline.

    We all have good days and bad days running. I'm always a little happy after a bad run because it means the next one will be much better. I haven't been running much due to a foot injury, and it's also non-running season in the desert Southwest where temps are already hitting triple digits. I'll be ramping up later in the summer, though, and I'd be happy to help support you.
  • k12340
    k12340 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the advice! I mostly try and use the gym for non-running days and rainy days. I know I should just get used to them since I want to do a half in the fall. But I'm just not a fan of the rain! I suppose I should be grateful though because triple digit days sound much worse!
  • mattyhop2
    mattyhop2 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi if you're training for a half marathon and you're looking to make some progress and improvements on your distance and speed you need to use what's called overload once or twice a week and record how you do each run (that's vital). You can overload by increasing your intensity,frequency or time and by increasing one of these each week you'll be able to improve your running capabilities.

    Matty :)