Sweet tooth with no control :(

I have a wicked sweet tooth, and on top of that, I have horrible self-control. If I have sweets in the house, I never want to stop at just one. And if I get a craving and don't have anything available, I'll just eat and eat until I give in and go buy chocolate or ice cream or something. I would love advice from anyone who's had the same problem and found a way to deal with it!


  • tcxyz2011
    tcxyz2011 Posts: 29 Member
    Portion control! I also have a huge sweet tooth and love chocolate but now I am limiting myself to one sweet treat a week but I sometimes go over. If you really must always eat sweets, try dark chocolate, 80% or better is good. Try websites like skinnytaste.com or eatyourselfskinny.com or even the tone it up girls offer sweet deserts with healthy ingredients. I would recommend to stay away from any prepackage deserts, except oreo's of course, :). Another thing is to buy fruits and whenever you get a craving for sweets, grab a piece of fruit. If that still doesn't cut it then have your sweets and move on.
  • WickedPineapple
    WickedPineapple Posts: 698 Member
    I would suggest avoidance. Don't keep anything in your house. From my experience, the less you eat them the less you crave them. Eventually, I started keeping bags of dark chocolate in the house (individually wrapped pieces) and worked my way to 72%. One or two pieces will do me these days. I'll also make muffins, revising the recipe to give them a little nutrition (I love baked goods). I slip up, but very rarely. I also still prefer not to have anything in the house.
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    What I do is eat something sweet everyday. I feel if you restrict your favorite foods without learning how to eat them in moderation you will only set yourself up to binge later.

    What you could always tell yourself after you eat a portion of your favorite sweet snack is, "I can eat another portion of chocolate tomorrow."
  • PennyVonDread
    PennyVonDread Posts: 432 Member
    Have you researched food addiction and how to cope?
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    Sweets, chocolate, and homemade baked goods were always my downfall. The past few months whenever I am hungry for something sweet, I eat an apple or watermelon. I buy the best quality I can afford. And then when that got old, I got honeydew and blackberries. You see where I'm going, right? Really, I don't think I could be doing this without fruit. Also, I have been fanatical about logging every bite. The only time I have desert or sweets is when I've earned it or have room for it. I have even made some crazy good butterscotch bars and chocolate brownies. I always cut my pieces SMALL and my husband and kids ate almost all of them. And I was ok with that! You do have control. You just need to ramp up that stubborn side that says this time I will not fail!
  • ajff
    ajff Posts: 986 Member
    haha, not a whole watermelon! Just a cup or two!
  • walkingmommy2014
    walkingmommy2014 Posts: 46 Member
    I started having french toast with ice cream and it makes me feel full and satisfies my cravings for sweets.
    Just use
    1/2 tbs. unsalted butter
    1 Egg white
    1 slice whole wheat bread
    (spice to taste with cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves)
    top with 1/4 c. breyers no sugar added vanilla ice cream

    Under 200cals. and still pretty good for you. Fills you up, but is very tasty.

    Also, smoothies.
    I make a chocolate banana smoothie
    1 banana
    1 c. unsweetened vanilla almond milk
    1/4c. vanilla yogurt
    2TBS Cocoa powder

    Again, under 200cals and sooo good.
  • erinsmommy1999
    I had the same issue tonight, so I made a raw chia pudding, and a gluten free apple crisp (with honey instead of sugar). Each makes 2 servings, and no more, so once it's gone, it's gone and usually my sweet tooth is done.
  • healingnurtrer
    healingnurtrer Posts: 217 Member
    I loved the "eat sugar in moderation" philosophy but it never actually worked for me. I had what I call my "sugar spiral" really it's more of a dessert spiral. I would have my 1/2 cup of ice cream one night and would stay in my calorie goal and I'd be like Yay! Sugar in moderation! But then the next day my toddler would be cranky before nap time and I'd feel stressed and I'd remember how nice it was to enjoy some ice cream the night before so I'd sit down and have some after lunch. But then I felt like I "deserved" it after dinner too. The next day I'd eat even more- no longer staying within calorie allotment... and it continued from there until I'd say- no tomorrow I'm just having a 1/2 cup. So... I did that for over a year. DIdn't lose weight. I got super frustrated and quit myfitnesspal. But I started again. :) Yay. Now, I'm happy for the people who can do sugar in moderation but I know it didn't work for me. I'm just taking a break from desserts. (Still eating sugar from fruit and like... there's sugar in the barbecue sauce I put on my meat tonight... but no desserts.) I'm finally making progress with my weight loss and don't crave desserts as much. It's mostly challenging in social situations but I'm having less cravings when I'm stressed. I'm hoping that I can add it back in slowly- once a month and work my way to once a week. I'd like to have desserts once a week when I'm on maintenance. I'll just have to see if I can overcome this behavior.

    Anyway- just another point of view for you to consider. Good luck!
  • roobe18
    roobe18 Posts: 45 Member
    Giving it up completely is really the only way to go. In the beginning I chewed a lot of sugar free gum and a lot of sugar free mints. I especially like Icebreakers Sours for curbing my sweet cravings. I went cold turkey for close to six months and it really does get easier after a few weeks. And I have to say, when it comes to weight loss, giving up the sweet stuff is the answer. As soon as I started allowing them back in, the lbs started coming back with a vengeance.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Personally, I think giving up forever is not realistic at all, but taking a break for a few weeks is probably a good idea... then you can see if you can reintroduce sweets slowly.

    Personally, I quit all sweets except protein shakes for a month (had plain Greek yogurt with fresh fruit as snacks), and it seemed to help. I still have a hard time controlling myself around baked goods, but otherwise, I can eat in moderation. I just couldn't imagine cutting sweets forever.
  • littlekitty3
    littlekitty3 Posts: 265 Member
    I have a horrible sweet tooth and I pretty much knocked that one out by upping my fruit intake. Sometimes avoidance doesn't work and you just gotta work with it.
    If you have to eat a whole water melon do it, it's better than devouring a giant bag of Hershey kisses.
  • martyqueen52
    martyqueen52 Posts: 1,120 Member
    I have the same problem. The only sweets in my home are the 100 calorie packs of Keebler cookies and some biscotti.

    Now.... on Saturdays.... I re-feed. I go to a local pastry shop get a huge slice of cake, 3 chocolate chip cookies, and a cream horn.

    Or, my wife and I go to Kroger's and get one of those square deli strawberry short-cake cakes and split it while watching a movie.

    Indulge once a week, it won't hurt you.
  • frankiesats
    frankiesats Posts: 114 Member
    Sweets are okay in moderation - never deny yourself anything, but how about trying a few of these as alternatives?

    Banana, chopped with one table spoon of peanut butter and half a table spoon of hot chocolate powder (directly on the banana)

    Sugar free jelly

    Low calorie/sugar free hot chocolate

    Protein shake (chocolate, banana, strawberry flavours?)

    Nakd bars - chocolate orange is very good!

    Protein pancakes with chopped strawberries

    Light squirty cream and fruit or jelly

    Rich tea biscuits

    Onken fat free yogurt (you can freeze this and it's like ice cream)

    Flumps (the marshmallows)

    It's best if you can try and divert your sweet tooth to fruits - natural sugars are fine! But don't deny yourself, as long as you're in your calorie goal and eating healthy around a treat it's fine!

    May be try and allow yourself a set number of treats a week - start with one 'sweet treat' a day (in your allowance) and then gradually reduce down to 3 times a week :) It's all habit, if you can change your mind set to prefer other kinds of foods you'll be fine!
  • SuperPenguin6
    There are definitely some great ideas in all of your posts! I don't think I can give sweets up, but thank you to everyone who listed out better alternatives. I will give some of them a shot! I appreciate it :)
  • 3monthsfromnow
    i'm with you right there...i've been trying to eat healthy and working out since January...but i've fallen off the wagon mulitple times. Like...I could eat healthy for 5 days and then binge like crazy the 2 other days. I found out that I was too strict with what I was eating which leads you to binge...so the trick is to have something sweet that fits in ur daily intake...and make sure that it's not TOO unhealthy...but something like frozen yogurt or dark chocolate...sugarfree jello etc...it'll be easier to continue the journey..
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    A lot of it may be learning to control the urge to eat.
    I used to have trouble with Reese's cups. But I've gotten to a place where if you give me a bag of candy, I can easily eat one serving, or fit a little extra into my macros.

    I think limiting the bad stuff you know you will overeat on is a good first step. Portioning everything out into individual serving bags is also an avenue as well.

    Example: if you have a big bag of M&Ms, weigh out a serving, bag it, and then store it away. If you eat one bad and are finding yourself wanting another, stop and say: "do I really need this? Why am I eating this? Am I hungry?" By pre-portioning stuff, you will be less likely to overeat (eating directly out of a bag and not knowing how much you're eating can cause trouble!), and be able to visually see the amount of a serving.

    Maybe even writing the macros on the bags will help too!
    One serving (1/4 cup or 41g) has 210 calories, 9g of fat, 6g sat fat, and 30g of carbs. If you can see that eating two of those bags will use up 420 of your daily calories, and 18g of your fat, it may help you to reconsider.
  • P90XBowler
    P90XBowler Posts: 152 Member
    I have a Quest bar nuked in the microwave mid afternoon and it takes care or my sugar cravings for the day, also some greek yogourt, fruits and a protein smoothie post workout after dinner.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    Try sugar free gum. Eat packs of it when the cravings hit. I think it's better than a lot binges of real candy.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I have a Quest bar nuked in the microwave mid afternoon and it takes care or my sugar cravings for the day, also some greek yogourt, fruits and a protein smoothie post workout after dinner.

    Yup. Quest bars take care of my sugar craving while still providing huge nutritional benefits and at a small calorie expense. No harm done!