100 Days from today...

It'll be the end of summer, August 28th (days from Labor Day). What did your summer look like?

Will you look back and say - wow! I enjoyed myself these last few months, I did things that I wouldn't have tried in the past? Or will you pause and look with regret of what was missed because you didn't want to try? Were you afraid, embarrassed? Let's face those fears!

Here's a short bucket list of fun activities I want to do this summer - what's on your list??

Fly a kite
Play hopscotch & jump rope with my nieces
Buy a new bathing suit and go to the beach
Ride my bike on a group ride
Explore my neighborhood and city on foot.. and bike (and use my car as little as possible)
Yoga at Millennium Park - outdoors and free!
Kayak rental
Walking Architectural tour

I will add more at a later time - inspire me!


  • wendyg311
    wendyg311 Posts: 239 Member
    Good idea. It's looking like I will be looking back with regret :frown:

    ( Mine would be just to get into a pair of my shorts from last year)
  • goalss4nika
    goalss4nika Posts: 529 Member
    *30 Pounds lighter
    *Go to hersheypark and fully enjoy myself by being able to fit onto all of the rides
    *Go to a wine festival

    Thats about it right now :smile:
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Learn to grill fish
    Ask my friend to teach me tennis
  • kk_140
    kk_140 Posts: 518 Member
    Take my nieces to Kemah boardwalk again
    Take my fiance Eat at Bubba Gump Shrimp (because she's never had it and everytime we drive by one she says "I've never been to a Bubba Gump restaurant, we should go!")
    Hit the beach as often as possible
    Climb to the top of Enchanted Rock
    See the bats fly in Austin
    See the Houston zoo again (haven't been since I was little)
    See the Houston museum of art and science.

    There, a list. I'm actually going to write this down somewhere so I can check them off!
  • wjdamsell
    wjdamsell Posts: 7 Member
    Do my first 5K fun run...
    Ride a motorbike again. Haven't ridden one for over 20 years...
    Climb Snowden.

    I think we should check back and see how we all got on!
  • TehLaughingDog
    TehLaughingDog Posts: 200 Member
    I love this.

    1. Go outside to play every day.
    2. Hike Hogsback with my dog.
    3. Go camping.
    4. Run my first 5k.
    5. Learn to appreciate the little things.
    6. Try not to be so depressed all the time.
    7. Eat ice cream every week P=
    8. Learn to eat healthy on a budget.
    9. Set up a routine for myself.
    10. Expand my curiosity with the world around me.
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    I love this.

    1. Go outside to play every day.
    2. Hike Hogsback with my dog.
    3. Go camping.
    4. Run my first 5k.
    5. Learn to appreciate the little things.
    6. Try not to be so depressed all the time.
    7. Eat ice cream every week P=
    8. Learn to eat healthy on a budget.
    9. Set up a routine for myself.
    10. Expand my curiosity with the world around me.

    For sure #7.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    This summer I want to:

    Walk a lot like last summer.
    Go to the beach more often.
    Eat lots of cherrystones and oysters.
    Play with my granddaughters.
    Enjoy time with my children.
    Celebrate my 40th wedding anniversary!
    Family reunion in Greece in August/September!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    I start grad school this summer
    I want to go hiking as much as possible
    I want to play basketball as much as I can

    I want to keep smiling every day.
  • sugarlemonpie
    sugarlemonpie Posts: 311 Member
    Good idea! Things I'd like to do this summer:

    - Go for an early morning hike
    - Swim once a week
    - Gym 4x a week
    - Go to a park and play catch with my dad
    - Get a slight tan
    - Jog the canyon

  • Kittysaurusrex13
    Kittysaurusrex13 Posts: 343 Member
    Go hiking regularly
    Take my son swimming a lot
    Go to the zoo
    Go to the children's museum
    Walk around Portland for fun
    Go on dates with my husband
    Take my son camping for the first time
    Go for a walk every day
    Fly a kite (I love this one thanks for the inspiration)
    Paint with my son
    Play baseball
    Play kickball
    Train for my first 5k in September
    Help my dad in the garden and reap the delicious benefits
    Take a million pictures
    Movies in the park
  • bebeisfit
    bebeisfit Posts: 951 Member
    Movies in the Park!
  • millej30
    millej30 Posts: 17
    I had just done this a couple days ago and sent the list to my bf! Even if we don't get to all of it it'll still be a fantastic summer.
    To Do Summer '14

    Mud bogs
    Rent pontoon
    Outdoor concerts
    MI Adventure/adventure island
    Stargazing in bed of truck
    Host BBQ
    Blue water sand fest
    Battle creek air show balloon festival
    Cruise/ferry trip
    Lilac festival
  • jenna40_2go
    jenna40_2go Posts: 101
    I love this! Ok my turn....

    1. Go to the beach once or twice a week.
    2. Mow my lawn in a bathing suit and not be embarrassed.
    3. Go for a morning run and not kill myself doing it.
    4. Get thru the T25 program and not modify!
    5. Be as fit as my husband.
    6. Eat out and while being conscious of what I'm eating, enjoy what I'm eating.
    7. Be proud of the work I put in and see the results.
    8. Impress my daughters.
    9. Impress my husband.
    10. Impress myself.... more than anyone else!