Stubborn Belly

Since joining this site, I've cut down on how much I've been eating and starting exercising more. Yay! I walk during my breaks at work--I have a sedentary job and end up walking outside 45 minutes during the work day. Now that it's getting warmer, I've started swimming at my apartment pool too. So I've been doing a good chunk of all around exercise. I can tell my lower body is getting stronger, I can see it. I've gained a couple pounds since starting (maybe muscle?) but I'm waiting for fat to start disappearing from my stomach area. I know I've lost an inch off my waist, is it worth is to continue doing exercise like this? Will it give me the results I want, which is a more toned stomach area? Or do I need to something more focused on exercising that specific area?


  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Diet and exercise + time is really all you need. Sounds like you are going the right direction so why stop now.

    You cannot do anything to spot reduce (ie target belly fat) but if you continue to lose fat eventually the belly will go too.

    As for gaining muscle no you have not gained muscle if you are doing things like walking and swimming while at a caloric deficit.
  • Ok now I'm curious, why haven't I gained muscle while doing those things? I've gained 2 pounds since starting my caloric deficit, so how can that be if I'm not gaining muscle?

    Also, thanks for your answer, I will keep at it :)
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Gaining muscle is extremely difficult. To gain muscle you have to eat at a caloric surplus (which you aren't doing), lift heavy weights (which you aren't doing) and the gains you will get are maximumly something like 10 pounds of muscle in a year for a woman.

    There is zero way you have slapped on 2 pounds of muscle eating at a caloric deficit, not lifting weights and having been at it for weeks not years.

    What can the 2 pounds be? Water. When you exert your muscles they will retain water both for the purpose of repair and for the solubilization and storage of glycogen, the muscles fuel source. If you exercise your muscles tend to retain more water than they would otherwise and you gain water weight. The influx of water also has the side effect that it will make your muscles look bigger and feel firmer, but you haven't actually gained any muscle tissue.

    If you stopped exercising and drank plenty of fluids you would drop that extra water retention in under a week and you'd lose something like 4 pounds. Don't do that though, keep exercising and don't worry about those "pounds". They aren't fat, its water and that is not a bad thing.

    It is easy for your muscles to retain a significant amount of water, enough to mask fat loss by scale weight and enough to even make you gain weight even though you are losing fat. Keep at it though and eventually the scale will start to come down for you.
  • You are super helpful. Can I friend request you and ask you any questions I have in the future?
  • There is no 100% SPOT reduction technique. Being committed to a healthy diet, exercise, toning, etc, eventually things fall into place. Its annoying at first but stay on top if it, things will happen :) Good luck!!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    You are super helpful. Can I friend request you and ask you any questions I have in the future?

    Although I am flattered honestly I am not going to know everything and you might be better off asking your questions of the whole community rather than just one person in it.
  • Thank you!
  • Starleighv
    Starleighv Posts: 3
    It's not about eating less, your belly directly represents your diet. You just need to eat more HEALTHY foods. Check this out :)

    Also, for your tummy lots of cardio and look up on youtube exercises for tummy. There is this girl I also follow and shes awesome. You can check her out here she has a million videos. YOU CAN DO IT! :)
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    It's not about eating less, your belly directly represents your diet. You just need to eat more HEALTHY foods. Check this out :)

    Also, for your tummy lots of cardio and look up on youtube exercises for tummy. There is this girl I also follow and shes awesome. You can check her out here she has a million videos. YOU CAN DO IT! :)

    You have to eat less to force your body to use fat. You could eat 100% all natural foods (fruits, vegetables and lean meats) yet eat over the amount your body needs and not lose anything. Cardio can help create the calorie deficit, but you have to be in a calorie deficit either way. Strength training helps retain lean mass, meaning you need to lose less weight in the long run.