reducing weight loss goal for someone with a healthy bmi

Okay I know this is kind of a repetitive subject on here so I apologize for the redundancy but I need to ask, For someone like me who has a healthy bmi (22.9) When I joined I was 123 and lost two pounds quickly. I think it was all because i never drank water because i practically lost those two overnight. I origionally set my goal to 1 pound per week which allowed me 1200 cals but I have felt like I am starving on it. I eat lots of fruits and veggies and have still been sooooo hungry. I stuck with it all week for like two weeks until I read a post banks said that for people who are close to their healthy goal weight, their body thinks its fine and doesnt like to lose weight, and its best to lose very slowly so I decided to change my goal to .5 pounds per week and now I can have like 1400 cals which is plenty for me yay!! My question is do you all in your experience agree that i may have more sucess if I reduce my deficit from like 500 cals to more like 250 and take it slow since my body is at a healthy weight. I really would like to weigh 115 and tone up some lean muscle on my body, but can do it slowly if it will help me be more sucessful. I am willing to take it slow as long as I can someday hit that mark on the scale. Also is it true that if I have more muscle on my stomach, it will use fat from my stomach to feed that muscle first? Because my only problem area is my poochy tummy from having my son. Thanks for your time!!


  • krystalmoore1986
    krystalmoore1986 Posts: 216 Member
    Okay I know this is kind of a repetitive subject on here so I apologize for the redundancy but I need to ask, For someone like me who has a healthy bmi (22.9) When I joined I was 123 and lost two pounds quickly. I think it was all because i never drank water because i practically lost those two overnight. I origionally set my goal to 1 pound per week which allowed me 1200 cals but I have felt like I am starving on it. I eat lots of fruits and veggies and have still been sooooo hungry. I stuck with it all week for like two weeks until I read a post banks said that for people who are close to their healthy goal weight, their body thinks its fine and doesnt like to lose weight, and its best to lose very slowly so I decided to change my goal to .5 pounds per week and now I can have like 1400 cals which is plenty for me yay!! My question is do you all in your experience agree that i may have more sucess if I reduce my deficit from like 500 cals to more like 250 and take it slow since my body is at a healthy weight. I really would like to weigh 115 and tone up some lean muscle on my body, but can do it slowly if it will help me be more sucessful. I am willing to take it slow as long as I can someday hit that mark on the scale. Also is it true that if I have more muscle on my stomach, it will use fat from my stomach to feed that muscle first? Because my only problem area is my poochy tummy from having my son. Thanks for your time!!
  • lyla29
    lyla29 Posts: 3,549 Member
    I recently changed my goals to .5 lbs a week since I also have a healthy bmi and don't have very much to lose. I have also recently changed my workouts to a fat burning dvd and quickly lost 2 lbs after not losing any for a few months, and can see and feel my muscles toning up. It will just take time for your body to adjust.
  • krystalmoore1986
    krystalmoore1986 Posts: 216 Member
    well I lost another pound so I guess it worked~~!!!!!
  • littlespoon
    Thanks for this - I was going to ask the same question, but your BMI and mine are really close.
    I have increased my calorie intake to what MFP suggested on .5lb per week, but its 1306 cals, and I know that is probably not enough either. I was thinking that if I eat almost maintenance on the days I work out, and then 300 cals less on days I dont, I will probably start seeing a loss again.

    Anyone's opinion would be appreciated
  • krystalmoore1986
    krystalmoore1986 Posts: 216 Member
    Well I have mine set for light activity because I am a stay at home mom all day with my toddler running around with him and my daily allotment is about 1400, I am seeing great results with that. If I exercise I eat almost all my cals for example say I burn 300 cals exersicing I will eat 250 of them back to make sure I keep my metabolism up. Hope that helps.....:bigsmile:
  • banks1850
    banks1850 Posts: 3,475 Member
    It makes me happy to see people realizing what they need to do. I commend you krystal (and everyone else) that recognizes the differences between a person with a healthy BMI and someone that is overweight.

    I too am at a healthy BMI (I hover between 23.5 and 24.5 depending on my daily weight). And I too have about a 200 calorie deficit. I have lost about 1 lb in the last month and a half (not positive about that, but the averages seem to bear it out) which I really don't care about because I'm really just looking to get rid of the last little 1/2 inch of belly fat.

    If I can give one suggestion to people with a healthy BMI, it would be this. Forget your weight, at this point it's no longer about how much you weigh! Now my primary focus is physical fitness, body sculpting, and body fat percentage. 5 to 10 lbs is going to virtually unnoticable to 99.5% of the people out there. Focusing on a weight goal will just take your eyes off the prize. The prize (at least in my case) is that muscle tone and fitness level that we want to achieve. For instance, I have 3 primary goals right now. 1) body fat % of around 12% - I am currently at about 13.5% and it should take about 2 to 4 months more to get there. 2) abs that you can actually see. I don't need Phelps abs, but some kind of an outline would be nice (and maybe a little more leg definition would work too) and 3) The ability to average a sub 6 minute mile. - This is the big one, and the hard one, I average about 6:50 or so right now, so I'm a loooong way from that one, but that's good, cuz I have short term, medium term, and long term goals. And NONE of them include weight.

    As a matter of fact, once I lose this last bit of belly fat, I'll be looking to gain about 10 lbs of muscle.
  • jlwhelan1
    jlwhelan1 Posts: 664
    I, too, recently changed my goals from weight (although I know my weight goals are in line too) to fitness, because with the fitness the weight will go too
    but not until I am pretty fit and have really maintained a higher level of activity for six months or so.

    I raised my minimum calories from 1200 to 1300 (I'm 4'11" with a BMI of 23)

    I have also bumped up my activity and varieties of activity.

    My butt/hips and thighs all show 1/2 inch loss (in a week!!!) but the scale...sheesh, took a big hit up. I think that I overdid on sodium the other day to account for some of that. I'm happy with my inches and fitness progress so I'm ignoring the scale moving up.

    My brain knows that I'm doing it right so I'm happy with my progress. Yet my vain brain also likes to see small numbers on the scale.:laugh: :bigsmile:
  • allisgood
    allisgood Posts: 45 Member
    i really need to read this thread.....i do not have a lot to lose yet have a desire to firm up so clothes fit me better. By all accounts, I am not overweight.....I know it.....however, i am tired of talking about the 5-8 pounds I want to lose. Now is the time.

    I am considering your suggestions to stop focusing on weight and pay attention to fitness. The best part of MFP has been recognizing what I am eating.

    I have to admit, adding calories as I have read several of you have done is a scary tactic. I am hardly losing at 1200 calories a day. I am wondering if I should be "eating" my exercise far I have been but I am unsure.....only 2 pounds in just under three weeks! :-(
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    i really need to read this thread.....i do not have a lot to lose yet have a desire to firm up so clothes fit me better. By all accounts, I am not overweight.....I know it.....however, i am tired of talking about the 5-8 pounds I want to lose. Now is the time.

    I am considering your suggestions to stop focusing on weight and pay attention to fitness. The best part of MFP has been recognizing what I am eating.

    I have to admit, adding calories as I have read several of you have done is a scary tactic. I am hardly losing at 1200 calories a day. I am wondering if I should be "eating" my exercise far I have been but I am unsure.....only 2 pounds in just under three weeks! :-(

    Ok, you need to read this post linked below, because for your size and even you admit you don't "need" to lose weight--then 2 pounds in 3 weeks is fantastic! Please read below link--
  • allisgood
    allisgood Posts: 45 Member
    shorerider.....thanks for your suggestion.....i see.......i could add weight bearing exercise to me regime....i know the benefits of weight lifting.....again, i repeat, now is the time.

    we are "riders" too....hubby just got back from century ride! I am meeting friend in the morning for a 25 mile ride.
