50 days weight loss challenge!



  • NekaMaye88
    NekaMaye88 Posts: 162 Member
    I'm down for the cause! :)

    CW: 214
    GW: 150

    If it's 2 lbs per week times roughly 7 weeks, I hope to be down to 200 by July. :)
  • Thileepan574
    Thileepan574 Posts: 7 Member
    Love to join too. Aiming to loose 1 Kg per week.
  • scarlettxroses
    I would like to join too. Its been 26 days since I started and I want to stay motivated for the next 24!!
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    Good Morning!! I just weighed and I'm down 2.2!! Good Luck everybody ;-)
  • FunUsername
    FunUsername Posts: 51 Member
    As we all on different time-zones I expect, it will take a while to come, but I'll start the weigh in and have marked mine. Feel free to copy or just post your kg/lb loss and I'll put in :)

    Start date: Sat 18 May 2014
    WI#1 Fri 23-May total loss to this date
    ... alg42 ..................... 37 ...
    ... AllyBooMommyo .. 114 ...
    ... amyz_world ........... 10 ...
    ... Beachbaby30 ........ 21 ...
    ... bikinisuited
    ... cadaver0usb0n
    5'3''... Carley .............. 13 ...
    ... carrj01 ................... 25 ...
    ... cpanus .................... 8 ...
    ... Dopemeister ........... 14 ...
    ... emilynbanks .......... 15 ...
    ... eskimite ................ 10 ...
    ... FlyersGirlrc ........... 15 ...
    ... franhaselden ........... 9 ...
    ... graceedge ............. 20 ...
    ... Goobs53 ............... 15 ...
    ... happygolucky7
    ... jah10987 ......
    ... jallforme3 ............. 30 ...
    ... Jbeilfuss84
    ... JenTekywa .......... 22 ...
    ... JocelynElizab ...... 38 ...
    ... joolywooly33 ....... 30 ...
    ... Juliebug33
    ... Katy_b3 ............. 14 ...
    ... Lacostar05 ......... 20 ...
    ... LifeJacketWat .... 57 ...
    ... lghurley
    ... lil_cocoa
    ... littlemissmoo ..... 89 ...
    ... lizcat504 ............10 ...
    ... loldiana
    ... MancLass .......... 25 ...
    ... marysoledad
    ... mehroong .......... 24 ...
    ... MissBum .......... 23 ...
    ... moniquec37 ...... 84 ...
    ... onelifemme ....... 30 ...
    ... Ruth142014 ...... 11 ...
    ... sarahhotchkis
    ... Shihpoonut
    ... sacaguia .......... 14...
    ... scarlettxrose
    ... steeler_fan4 ..... 16 ...
    5'6'' ... spillano ...... 20 ... 4
    ... Tatyanne ......... 13 ...
    ... Thileepan574 ..... 14
    ... thinsu .............. 36 ...
    ... tildastwisted ..... 10 ...
    ... urdollface ......... 32 ...
    ... Velvetgamer

    ******** next weigh-in Wed 28-May *********
    Again if any changes needed, deletions or addition no problem. I will do these on Monday though, as I don't have computer during the w/end ... when I could open the laptop but I won't ;)
    Best of luck everyone.
  • morleyj88
    morleyj88 Posts: 3
    hi everyone my name is jake and i am new to the board, i have put on a few lbs over the long winter( more than i would have guessed) but i have made up my mind and its time for a change both physically and mentally and i figured the best way to achive both is with a diet and exercise reboot. If anyone out there could help point me in the right direction, i have gym and exercise experience what i lack is food and nutritional help along with any supplements i might consider trying that would be condusive to my weight loss goal for the summer.

    starting weight 221
    desired weight 205

    by july 15th
  • onelifemme
    onelifemme Posts: 10
    Hi, I am down a kilo - however I have to say my weight seems to fluctuate by that pretty easily so i guess it's if it keeps going down. I feel like my scales a glued to the same spot. My starting weight was 97.5k and today 96.6... I am 175cm the good news is that drop of a kilo brings me down a. BMi point to 31... Only two to go until I get back into overweight! Finding it really hard to stay motivated.
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Congratulations Spillano and Shihpoonut on your week 1 losses!

    I've stayed the same - nothing for the leaderboard Spillano I'm afraid.

    But I won't be put off, I had three days working away this week, and forgot my gym stuff (well I took my trainers and nothing else!). So I did plenty of walking but it's not enough. Anyway, back home now so I've got some catching up to do this week!

    Good luck to everyone else.

    Manc Lass
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    Sorry, I didn't realize weigh in was yesterday...

    05/23 - 134.8... loss...1.2 lbs

    GW - 128.0

  • DesertMermaid29
    DesertMermaid29 Posts: 181 Member
    I have been exercising and watching my calorie intake, so far. My main problem right now is I eat really healthy all day long and then by/just after dinner I want chocolate and junk food. Any ideas on how to keep these cravings away?

    Hi urdollface ... What I've been doing is having a bowl of cereal with milk; if I feel particular bad, a teaspoon of peanut butter. ... but then again I'm only 3 days in ... so the cravings not hit yet. I think the best thing though is to focus on a slimmer you, then go look in the mirror, which is actually what I did yesterday, cruel and tough though.

    It's a tough battle. Let's just think how great it will be when we make it through!
  • DesertMermaid29
    DesertMermaid29 Posts: 181 Member
    May 17th-

    I'm in as well!

    SW: 163
    CW: 157
    GW: 125
    GL: 17

    GWeek1: 154
    GWeek2: 151
    GWeek3: 148
    GWeek4: 146
    GWeek5: 144
    GWeek6: 142
    GWeek7: 140

    We can do this!

    May 19th -
    SW: 163
    CW: 156.4
    GW: 140

    I have been exercising and watching my calorie intake, so far. My main problem right now is I eat really healthy all day long and then by/just after dinner I want chocolate and junk food. Any ideas on how to keep these cravings away?

    Hello everyone! I'm checking in! Today was my weight/measure day...

    May 25th -
    SW 163
    CW 156.4
    GW 140

    Also, I am 5'4"

    For inches total I've lost 4'5" off my waist!
    This was a slow week for weight loss, I didn't hit the goal I set, but now I'm thinking I set my goals a little too steep.. so I'm taking away the week by week on here. I'll just lose and work to get to the 140 by 50 days.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,462 Member
    I walked for an hour - 2 miles - with my hubby and our grandpuppy then dropped them at the house and continued by myself for another hour - 4 miles - this morning before it got really hot. We walk around the playground and the sports field at the grammar school down the street. They had their giant sprinklers going at 8:30 this morning and we were all running through them and having a great time! It's so much fun to walk with the pup!

    Hope everyone has a great Monday.

  • eskimite
    eskimite Posts: 56
    Day 9, back from long beach weekend. Didn't do too bad with eating...definitely ate more at each meal than I would normally, but no snacking in between meals, which is part of my normal habit. All in all, I could have been more disciplined, but I did a good job with no completely going overboard. This week, back to low-carbing it...overall, feeling more like myself, not controlled by cravings.
  • tildastwistedlife
    tildastwistedlife Posts: 85 Member
    So excited! I never lose much more than a pound but this week was great. 2.2 lbs lost this week! So close to breaking into 'onederland'!

    SW: 202.6
    GW: 192.6

    5/27/14: 200.4
  • Petrina79
    Petrina79 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a little late but count me in. Goal is to lose 20 lbs by August 1st.
    Fitness Goal: KEEP ON MOVING
    1. Wear pedometer and walk a minimum of 10 000 steps daily
    2. Bike 2 to 3x/wk
    3. learn to run 5k without stopping

    SW: 240.4
    GW: 220.4

    5/27/14: 240.4
  • MissBum
    MissBum Posts: 71 Member
    Start 183
    Goal 160

    05/20 - 183
    05/23 - 181
    05/28 - 177

    I was shocked when I got on the scale this morning! Woohoo that 5k yesterday paid off! :)
  • DesertMermaid29
    DesertMermaid29 Posts: 181 Member
    Start 183
    Goal 160

    05/20 - 183
    05/23 - 181
    05/28 - 177

    I was shocked when I got on the scale this morning! Woohoo that 5k yesterday paid off! :)
    That's awesome!! Good work!
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all, I've not checked in for a couple of days as I've been incredibly busy at work. The good news is that I've managed to hit my exercise and calorie goals even though I've been carrying a hip injury for about three weeks so can't really run. So I've upped my bike riding and swimming, as well as throwing in a couple of gym sessions, and that seems to be doing the trick. I'm looking forward to my weigh in at the weekend as I need to start shifting these pounds for this challenge.

    Hope everyone else is doing OK out there.
  • Petrina79
    Petrina79 Posts: 29 Member
    I'm a little late but count me in. Goal is to lose 20 lbs by August 1st.
    Fitness Goal: KEEP ON MOVING
    1. Wear pedometer and walk a minimum of 10 000 steps daily
    2. Bike 2 to 3x/wk
    3. learn to run 5k without stopping

    SW: 240.4
    GW: 220.4 by August 1st
    GW: 185 (by October 19th)

    5/27/14: 240.4
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Day 13 for me today: yesterday didn't end up too great, as I left it too late to eat when I got home so I ate stuff as I got my meal ready. But I didn't completely crash and burn so I'm hanging onto that.

    I went to see my personal trainer today, it was a pretty brutal session before work - and I'm not too great in the mornings. But it's done now; and if I can get out of work on time, I'm going to try and fit in a spin class on the way home (to make up for yesterday's failings).

    This is the point that I usually bale out of this sort of thing, so I'm committing to keep on posting till I get to the end of the 50 days. So it's good to hear how everyone else is doing.

    Cheers all.