Knee pain - help!!!!

Hi all,

I never had any knee problems when I was running 3x a week, and I have been doing squats and lunges in 30 day shred as well as the gym since Feb and didn't have any knee problems either. Lately I've switched to doing No more trouble zones and Banish fat boost metabolism on alternative days (they jut work better for my schedule and my gym membership expired) and the knee pain has started. It's not very serious yet but it is uncomfortable when walking and I am getting quite worried about them in the long run. I'm not sure why this is happening. Any help would be very much appreciated!!


  • EllaIsNotEnchanted
    EllaIsNotEnchanted Posts: 226 Member
    R/M ICE

    Rest/Dynamic movement

    Basically. do some strengthening exercises like balancing on one leg and kicking your other leg in different directions.
    As well as other knee strength exercises that are good for warming up.


    & go see a doctor if the pain lasts over 3 weeks because that is a sign of something bad and can only get worse.
  • Alexandra_S
    Alexandra_S Posts: 41 Member
    Go to an orthopedist. Only the doc will tell you for sure. I've got a knee injury recently. My doc told me that problems with knees can occur because of problems with feet and uncomfortable footwear. So maybe you just need better shoes, but it's better to see the doc.
  • shutterbug35
    shutterbug35 Posts: 1 Member
    I am so happy to have found this post as well as this board in general. I just started running about two weeks ago. I'm fairly small - 118 lbs and 5 foot tall, but I'm lazy as all get out and pretty sure I'm allergic to exercise. I'm 44 years old so decided to get off my butt and start the C25K. Now the first two days were great -- I did fine. The third day, for some reason had me quite winded. The fourth day is when the knee pain hit - Thursday, May 15. When I first took off running, my knees REALLY bothered me. Wasn't sure what was going on but still I trucked on... When I got up on Friday, my knees still hurt pretty bad but I took Ibuprofen and pushed on. Rested Friday and Saturday and decided to go ahead and try to run anyway on Sunday - because I was determined to stay with this whole C25K thing, right? So day five - Sunday, May18. I ran, and cried, and ran and cried. Monday morning, when i got out of bed, I'm pretty sure I crossed over for a minute and saw Baby Jesus. I have NEVER FELT THIS KIND OF PAIN.

    Now several days later, (Thursday May 22), I can't walk straight - and look about 80 or 85 when I walk. Every movement is painful. I have an appointment with my orthopedist in about an hour and a half to see what the heck I have done to myself. My shoes suck. I'm the first to admit that they're old as the hills and I need to be properly fitted. But I'm knew to this so I guess I thought the ones I had would suffice. I'm just praying that I haven't ruined my chances for running, because I was SO proud of myself for actually doing it and I was getting better!!! Even after day 5 my breathing was better and I was building resistance and endurance I could tell. My leg muscles weren't killing me like the first two days but my knee pain brought me to my ... well my ankles... :/ I did the ice on the knees one night and that definitely felt better. But I ask all of you to say a prayer that I haven't totally ruined my knees and done something foolish! :/
  • crys_aintgivingup
    crys_aintgivingup Posts: 115 Member
    Thanks everyone for your feedback! I iced my knees after working out today and also did some knee strengthening exercises, and they don't feel so bad now.

    shutterbug35 - I'm so sorry to hear that! I can't imagine what it must feel like - my knees are irritating me but nowhere near the kind of pain you described. I'm sure your orthopedist will give you an accurate diagnosis and show you what you can do to heal and strengthen your knees!

    What kind of track did you run on? Concrete is the worst for new runners. Also, getting a pair of fitted shoes will help a long way!

    In any case there are still many exercises you can do even if you have to temporarily shelf running. Search for low impact exercise on the board/the net and you'll find plenty!
  • AMossy
    AMossy Posts: 4 Member
  • AMossy
    AMossy Posts: 4 Member
    I am so happy to have found this post as well as this board in general. I just started running about two weeks ago. I'm fairly small - 118 lbs and 5 foot tall, but I'm lazy as all get out and pretty sure I'm allergic to exercise. I'm 44 years old so decided to get off my butt and start the C25K. Now the first two days were great -- I did fine. The third day, for some reason had me quite winded. The fourth day is when the knee pain hit - Thursday, May 15. When I first took off running, my knees REALLY bothered me. Wasn't sure what was going on but still I trucked on... When I got up on Friday, my knees still hurt pretty bad but I took Ibuprofen and pushed on. Rested Friday and Saturday and decided to go ahead and try to run anyway on Sunday - because I was determined to stay with this whole C25K thing, right? So day five - Sunday, May18. I ran, and cried, and ran and cried. Monday morning, when i got out of bed, I'm pretty sure I crossed over for a minute and saw Baby Jesus. I have NEVER FELT THIS KIND OF PAIN.

    Now several days later, (Thursday May 22), I can't walk straight - and look about 80 or 85 when I walk. Every movement is painful. I have an appointment with my orthopedist in about an hour and a half to see what the heck I have done to myself. My shoes suck. I'm the first to admit that they're old as the hills and I need to be properly fitted. But I'm knew to this so I guess I thought the ones I had would suffice. I'm just praying that I haven't ruined my chances for running, because I was SO proud of myself for actually doing it and I was getting better!!! Even after day 5 my breathing was better and I was building resistance and endurance I could tell. My leg muscles weren't killing me like the first two days but my knee pain brought me to my ... well my ankles... :/ I did the ice on the knees one night and that definitely felt better. But I ask all of you to say a prayer that I haven't totally ruined my knees and done something foolish! :/

    This timeline is exactly me to a tee. What did your orthopedist say? I'm frustrated that I just started, don't feel like I was overdoing it, and I'm already injured. I also have great shoes, so I don't believe that is the issue.
  • MagnumBurrito
    MagnumBurrito Posts: 1,070 Member
    If you don't stretch, it's probably your hammies shortening around your knee. The fix is to stretch them out. Bend over and touch your toes.

    Another knee pain issue is caused by the big toe being pointed inward. If that's the issue, I'd get Correct Toes and some wider shoes in the toe box.

    Or it could be just bad running form. Google around and find a shoe store that has a runners form check.