Reducing Coffee's Acidity.

Joshacham Posts: 470 Member
Is there a way to reduce the acidity of coffee? I ask because I drink a cup of coffee (black) about 20 minutes before I start my run in the morning. I have no problem for my first mile, but as I'm closing in on my second mile of my run, I get a mild case of acid reflux burbling in my stomach. It doesn't travel all the way up to my throat, it just burns where my esophagus and stomach meet and only subsides when I stop running. I rarely had this issue when I drank my energy drink before my run and I don't believe I have an ulcer.


  • sineanbroc
    sineanbroc Posts: 25 Member
    Try cold brewing your coffee perhaps, all of the caffeine less of the acid. I make it in the french press overnight in the fridge, then in the morning, press-pour-drink :)

    It's less acidic because the acidic compounds in the coffee beans are extracted at temperatures above 70 degress celcius/ 160 faranheit. Especially good in summertime :)
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    It is probably not the coffee acidity but your stomach acid kicking in without anything to digest. Adding a little honey or milk may help.
  • Joshacham
    Joshacham Posts: 470 Member
    I'll experiment with adding honey and cold brewing my coffee. I heard about it and supposedly it's suppose to be a whole lot better than having it hot brewed.
  • Sunbrooke
    Sunbrooke Posts: 632 Member
    What about having espresso instead. I found a never used espresso machine for five dollars at a yard sale. Eapresso machines are simple to use and faster than coffee makers. I just microwave some hot water for an americano, if we want to sip on a cup. Or you could try instant powder in a little water. Just take it like a shot because it won't taste good.
  • dandelyon
    dandelyon Posts: 620 Member
    Puroast makes a low acid coffee. Our local grocery store carries it, as well as Amazon. I know people with GERD who swear by it (I drink it, but I don't have GERD so I can't really attest to the acid-related properties.)
  • _mlee_
    _mlee_ Posts: 90
    Do you get acid reflux with anything else or at any other point in the day? If you actually suffer from acid reflux you should refrain from drinking any coffee or alcohol (I know sucks lol) OR you could try acid reflux meds (Tecta, Prevacid, Zantac, Omeprazole etc) Some you can get just over the counter at the pharmacy. If it's just with your morning coffee then maybe try adding more milk or water it down? I'm not quite sure how that would taste... I'm not a coffee drinker :)