Things You Will Be Able To Do After You Lose Weight



  • Lexadelphia
    Smear cream cheese on my prestigious bagel
  • Cousin_Eddie_
    Not die when tieing my shoes
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    A good motivation for me is when I think of all the things I will be able to do once I lose weight.
    I will be able to wear my Cat woman Halloween outfit ;)

    4 chicks at once, beat me PR by one.
  • happysquidmuffin
    happysquidmuffin Posts: 651 Member
    I'll be able to wear my new Maurice's jeans that I bought like a year ago, right before gaining a bunch of weight and not ever being able to wear them. And I have a bunch of favorite t-shirts I'm dying to wear again.
  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    I'll be able to go into any store and know they'll have my size. No more "Oh, you don't have a plus size section? Oh wellllllll."

    I'll be able to buy and wear dresses/skirts without having to worry about how my pudgy stomach is going to look in them.

    I'll be a walking, talking success story. I'll be able to brag about myself, something that I don't feel I'm allowed to do.

    I'll be able to tie my shoes without having to mentally prepare.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Live in a two parent, double income household.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I really want to go zip lining. I've almost made it to the max weight limit: 250. I'm pumped to be able to try it one day soon!
  • Sinisterly
    Sinisterly Posts: 10,913 Member
    Keep doing what I'm doing now.
  • BellydanceBliss
    I will make a wonder woman costume and wear it for halloween, sit ups (which I can now do), jog sprint with walking (which I now do)...mastering a normal push up...not yet on that one lol. Wearing a tank top still not there...
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Not to do......but health benefit: less heartburn
  • BellydanceBliss

    I'm excited to be able to see my vag without shifting my belly fat aside. It's good to have goals.

    this lol getting there
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    Zip lining and indoor skydiving.

    Right now I am too embarrased to use the largest size skydiving suit. I want to be able to wear a regular size.

    wearing heels.
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    Shop at any store I want and actually enjoy trying things on, jeans instead of sweat pants etc. Do more things in public without being embarrassed that people are judging me because of my size; swimming, beaches, go out dancing, eating out, amusement parks etc. It sucks not being able to try and get on rides because you're afraid the seat belt is too small or something stupid. Actually not be afraid to try and meet guys.

    I think what I'm most excited for is being able to specifically buy all the cute work out clothes that actually would fit me. So many cute things but they're all entirely too small atm.
  • Kindlyunspoken09
    I want to be able to run, to jump, to play
    I want to be able to ride roller coasters without the fear of not fitting
    I want to be funny and act a fool in public without the fear that people are judging me (not because I am acting a fool but because I am fat)
    I want to be able to wear a swimsuit without feeling like a whale
    I want to be able to walk without getting tired
    I don’t want to be embarrassed in a room full of people because I am the only fat person
    I don’t want to be afraid to try new things because I am afraid that I will not have the physical capabilities
    I want to be able to go shopping and actually find something that fits
    I want to ride horses, go hiking, ride a jet ski, try a skate board, play sports, run the bases…
    I just want to enjoy life!
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    The things I will be able to do, well wear dresses, and sleeveless tops, I hope. Also, to be able to go aboard. Oh and to be able to dance and move my body in all the cool yoga-ish like poses.
  • DivineChoices
    DivineChoices Posts: 193 Member
    My biggest goal I'm looking forward to is finally riding horses again.
  • kali31337
    kali31337 Posts: 1,048 Member
    Take a picture without having to take 15 reshoots because I hate the way I look in it
  • vicabra
    vicabra Posts: 56 Member
    Being able to shop for something I like instead of what will cover me up...
  • CharlieMurtagh
    CharlieMurtagh Posts: 1,742 Member
    Have more confidence to talk to guys
  • NerdySamoan
    NerdySamoan Posts: 78
    Go on the rides at a themepark with my kids