Can I lose 12 lbs in 39 days?

I am currently 182. 5'3. And I made a weight loss calendar where I have goal weights at certain days. Basically it's about 10lbs smaller each month. Some are like 5lbs smaller. But for the first month, it's 12 pounds smaller. Going from 182 to 170. And it's a 39 day period. Is it possible...? If not I'll take 5lbs off and make it 175lb goal instead.


  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    It's not predictable.

    Everyone's body is individual - you have to do the best you can, and accept the results you get.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    Possible... yes. But understand the initial weight will probably be water. The rest will be determined by your diet. You have over 50lbs to lose, so 1.5lbs - 2lbs per week can be achieved (so maybe 10lbs). but.... Don't set yourself up to fail - that will cause discouragement. I'd suggest aim for 8-10lbs in 39 days. If you lose more - Bonus!!
  • dancingmuffin
    dancingmuffin Posts: 70 Member
    aim for 5 be happy if you get 10. 12 inn one month is hard the only time i did somthing like that was when i had food poising or when i started my blood pressure meds. Other wise i avarage about 10lbs a month but i started at 300lbs
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    The worst thing anyone can do is make weight deadlines....Having goals is one thing but putting a timeframe on it will only lead to disappointment..
  • chellebelle418
    totally possible.....don't lower that goal if it's what you want! goals are made to push us, to drive us....if you lower it, then you're just giving yourself an excuse not to succeed. at the same time, if you aim for 12 and only get 8, be happy! also remember it isn't always about the scale....i've been working out and eating healthy for 3 weeks straight, totally dedicated, and have lost 2lbs. and about 4 inches, and my jiggle isn't so jiggly......5lbs of fat takes up way more space than 5lbs of muscle. work for it sister, you got this. :)
  • Cathalain
    Cathalain Posts: 424 Member
    I have to ask why you're in such a rush.

    Don't you want your results to stick? Because the best way to lose weight is slow and steady. This isn't a sprint, it's a marathon. You're setting yourself up for disappointment.

    Slow and steady wins the race. And you'll be much more likely to KEEP it off.
  • Factory_Reset
    Factory_Reset Posts: 1,651 Member
    The worst thing anyone can do is make weight deadlines....Having goals is one thing but putting a timeframe on it will only lead to disappointment..


    *OP, I hate agreeing with this guy too, but he is spot on*
  • AglaeaC
    AglaeaC Posts: 1,974 Member
    You seem to put a lot of energy in numbers and deadlines. Maybe it would benefit you to relax a bit?
  • VelveteenArabian
    VelveteenArabian Posts: 758 Member
    You can't really set a calendar to weight loss, especially in such a short period. You can't guarantee how your body will react week to week, or even day to day.
  • _Calypso_
    _Calypso_ Posts: 1,074 Member
    totally possible.....don't lower that goal if it's what you want! goals are made to push us, to drive us....if you lower it, then you're just giving yourself an excuse not to succeed. at the same time, if you aim for 12 and only get 8, be happy! also remember it isn't always about the scale....i've been working out and eating healthy for 3 weeks straight, totally dedicated, and have lost 2lbs. and about 4 inches, and my jiggle isn't so jiggly......5lbs of fat takes up way more space than 5lbs of muscle. work for it sister, you got this. :)

    Terrible advice! Any amount loss will be a success!! Aiming too high (an unhealthy amount) is setting a person up for failure and in the weighloss world that causes discouragement and the feeling they can't do it which then causes them to quit. Yes goals are great, but be realistic about them!!!

    Okay not ALL terrible... you're right - scale is not the tell all of success. Pictures and measurements are a better indicator as the scale can fluctuate greatly day to day and should be a mere guideline.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    The worst thing anyone can do is make weight deadlines....Having goals is one thing but putting a timeframe on it will only lead to disappointment..


    *OP, I hate agreeing with this guy too, but he is spot on*

    God, I hate it when he's right.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    totally possible.....don't lower that goal if it's what you want! goals are made to push us, to drive us....if you lower it, then you're just giving yourself an excuse not to succeed. at the same time, if you aim for 12 and only get 8, be happy! also remember it isn't always about the scale....i've been working out and eating healthy for 3 weeks straight, totally dedicated, and have lost 2lbs. and about 4 inches, and my jiggle isn't so jiggly......5lbs of fat takes up way more space than 5lbs of muscle. work for it sister, you got this. :)

    So, given that I am 5'6" and weigh 195 with at BF% of 24, can I lose 80 pounds in 48days?

    When do you start to say the goals are not realistic? What if you push yourself to a point that your goals are unhealthy, and may drive you to an anorexic, or bulimic condition? I think this line of reasoning is crap.

    Goals should be realistic, and you should not have to resort to unhealthy practices to meet them. Have patience OP. Take is lsow and steady, and you should be able to lose the weight you want, and elminate the rebound effect from quitting after you disappoint yourself when things don't work out the way you plan.
  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    Two pounds per week should be the max. Safety and sustainability are the key.
  • chellebelle418
    totally possible.....don't lower that goal if it's what you want! goals are made to push us, to drive us....if you lower it, then you're just giving yourself an excuse not to succeed. at the same time, if you aim for 12 and only get 8, be happy! also remember it isn't always about the scale....i've been working out and eating healthy for 3 weeks straight, totally dedicated, and have lost 2lbs. and about 4 inches, and my jiggle isn't so jiggly......5lbs of fat takes up way more space than 5lbs of muscle. work for it sister, you got this. :)

    So, given that I am 5'6" and weigh 195 with at BF% of 24, can I lose 80 pounds in 48days?

    When do you start to say the goals are not realistic? What if you push yourself to a point that your goals are unhealthy, and may drive you to an anorexic, or bulimic condition? I think this line of reasoning is crap.

    Goals should be realistic, and you should not have to resort to unhealthy practices to meet them. Have patience OP. Take is lsow and steady, and you should be able to lose the weight you want, and elminate the rebound effect from quitting after you disappoint yourself when things don't work out the way you plan.

    the point was that if you say "i'll never do that", then you never will. set a goal and aim for it, but be realistic in the fact that you may fail. we all learn from failure, it pushes us to try harder. never did i insinuate that anyone should starve themselves or do it in an unhealthy manner. but anything is possible. you may lose 10 one month and 2 the next....everyone is different. simply saying that if that's her goal then aim for it but be happy with any results, any loss or change is a win...
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    totally possible.....don't lower that goal if it's what you want! goals are made to push us, to drive us....if you lower it, then you're just giving yourself an excuse not to succeed. at the same time, if you aim for 12 and only get 8, be happy! also remember it isn't always about the scale....i've been working out and eating healthy for 3 weeks straight, totally dedicated, and have lost 2lbs. and about 4 inches, and my jiggle isn't so jiggly......5lbs of fat takes up way more space than 5lbs of muscle. work for it sister, you got this. :)

    So, given that I am 5'6" and weigh 195 with at BF% of 24, can I lose 80 pounds in 48days?

    When do you start to say the goals are not realistic? What if you push yourself to a point that your goals are unhealthy, and may drive you to an anorexic, or bulimic condition? I think this line of reasoning is crap.

    Goals should be realistic, and you should not have to resort to unhealthy practices to meet them. Have patience OP. Take is lsow and steady, and you should be able to lose the weight you want, and elminate the rebound effect from quitting after you disappoint yourself when things don't work out the way you plan.

    the point was that if you say "i'll never do that", then you never will. set a goal and aim for it, but be realistic in the fact that you may fail. we all learn from failure, it pushes us to try harder. never did i insinuate that anyone should starve themselves or do it in an unhealthy manner. but anything is possible. you may lose 10 one month and 2 the next....everyone is different. simply saying that if that's her goal then aim for it but be happy with any results, any loss or change is a win...

    Then say that. Don't say, "don't lower that goal if it's what you want!" I think it is better to set realistic goals in the first place... This is espaecialy important in areas where your heath and safety are involved.