Let's do this!

Hi! I'm Diana and I've recently discovered this wonderful site! I'm 154 cm and I weigh about 58 kgs. I want to go down to 53 or even 52 by the end of the year. Unfortunately, I don't have time to exercise, but I am willing to track my calories in order to lose weight! I'm not rushing, so it's all good. I just want to be a little thiner than I already am.

I have a pretty bad sweet tooth. I try to control it and be rational about sweets, but there are certain days I simply lose control! I hope I will be able to tame it.

I wish you all luck in your weight loss journey! It will be tough, but we'll get there! :)



  • Allizabeth1
    Allizabeth1 Posts: 10
    I'm so the same with the sweet tooth. Luckily I try to replace it with savoury stuff that's even the slightest bit healthier. ;) I find a really good thing to have when your craving sugar is sugar free jelly (I use Hartley's). Fills you up and tastes amazing. ^-^
  • diaowl
    diaowl Posts: 33
    I'm not a fan of jelly. :(
    I'll try it, though. Who knows? It might help. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Allizabeth1
    Allizabeth1 Posts: 10
    Or flavoured chewing gum. I like Bubblegum flavoured. :) Don't get me wrong - aspartame IS bad for you but only in excessive quantities.