Will Circuit Training halt weight loss?.....

I ask this because I started including circuit training into my workouts 2 weeks ago. I know the basic concept of muscle weighs more then fat ect. My question is will circuit training cause me to lose less weight since I am gaining muscle? I am still doing Cardio about 5 times a week and circuits 3 times a week and still tracking my daily calories. I know that weight lose is a slow process anyway but will circuits make this an even slower process?


  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    It is hard to gain muscle in a calorie deficit, esp if you are already close to your goal weight.

    Your muscles will retain water in the beginning, which will make it look like your weight loss is being stalled. If you are continuing to burn fat, however (by being in a calorie deficit), you will see that come off the scale quite quickly after 2-3 weeks.

    Lifting is good.
  • BigT555
    BigT555 Posts: 2,067 Member
    you will not lose fat and gain muscle at the same time. one needs a calorie deficit, the other needs a calorie surplus.

    circuit training may halt weight loss temporarily but this is due to water retention, which happens whenever someone starts a working out for the first time. if your already 2 weeks in then your body has most likely already shed a good amount of this extra water retention.

    i would continue, exercise is very important in keeping muscle mass while losing fat
  • DianeinCA
    DianeinCA Posts: 307 Member
    Muscle doesn't weigh more than fat. Muscle is denser than fat and the same weight takes up less space. (I know you know this. It's good to get in the habit of thinking this way, however.)

    +1 on the water retention.

    You will not be building muscle while losing weight. Weight lifting is the best thing you can do for your body.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    It will halt weight loss temporarily.

    It won't have any effect on fat loss provided you maintain a caloric deficit.

    When picking up new exercises or changing your routine, your body will do funny things with water retention for bodily repairs.

    As for muscle gain, it is possible you'll gain some muscle provided your body has enough spare hormone levels to do so, but this is usually only so for people that haven't been exercising for a significant amount of time (while in a calorie deficit). Much more complex than the simple "must have surplus to build muscle" but won't get too into it.

    Anyway, yes, your answer... it can halt WEIGHT loss. Not fat loss.
  • SaltLife558
    SaltLife558 Posts: 7 Member
    Good to know. I didnt even think about water retention.

    I know lifting is the best possible thing you can do for your body but circuits have got to be right there with it right?

    I did circuits for about 6 months, a few years back, and was pretty impressed with my increased strength and toning.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I ask this because I started including circuit training into my workouts 2 weeks ago. I know the basic concept of muscle weighs more then fat ect. My question is will circuit training cause me to lose less weight since I am gaining muscle? I am still doing Cardio about 5 times a week and circuits 3 times a week and still tracking my daily calories. I know that weight lose is a slow process anyway but will circuits make this an even slower process?

    It will cause your weight loss to temporarily halt if you start doing resistance style exercises because your muscles will retain water, not because they are getting larger. You will not put on muscle while at caloric deficit. I would definately include resistance training, as far as the weight gain its just water so who cares.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    When I did insanity, my appetite went insane as well and as result I gained water weight with it...but when I did other type of circuit training, I didnt feel that hungry...I dont know why.
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    Definitely agree about the water retention, but then it can literally vanish overnight and you realise you have lost serious poundage. It will happen again if/when you increase the intensity.

    I find that adding intense cardio intervals seems to blunt my appetite. I wouldn't call it HIIT though. I've been doing some Jillian Michaels DVDs recently and am not as hungry. She mixes resistance moves with cardio intervals such as mountain climbers.
  • SaltLife558
    SaltLife558 Posts: 7 Member
    Yes, I try to eat a little bit more on the days I do my circuits for that same reason. More protein mainly....

    I just love the challenge that comes with circuits and cardio intervals. I would rather began building strength now then only do cardio. Plus it helps me break it up... I have to admit I can get bored pretty easy!

    Thanks again for all of the GREAT ADVICE!
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    Yes, I try to eat a little bit more on the days I do my circuits for that same reason. More protein mainly....

    I just love the challenge that comes with circuits and cardio intervals. I would rather began building strength now then only do cardio. Plus it helps me break it up... I have to admit I can get bored pretty easy!

    Thanks again for all of the GREAT ADVICE!

    Sounds like a good plan to me, don't worry about the water weight it has nothing to do with your health which will be improving doing what you are doing (assuming your diet is appropriate).
  • bexcobham
    bexcobham Posts: 107
    Yes, don't worry about the water retention. I just stepped up the amount I'm doing and added new stuff. It's bloated me out and I weigh a couple of pounds heavier. It should settle down in a couple of weeks.

    It can be a bit of a freak out, especially when you have weight loss as a goal, but it's a great thing in the long run.

    What kind of cuircuits are you doing? :)