Anyone Doing Keto?

Hi everyone!

I'm new but I would like some advice, recommendations, success (or horror) stories of people who have tried or are currently on the Ketogenic diet. I'm currently doing a low carb (50-80 carbs a day) diet and have noticed a lot of positive changes with my mind and my body so far but I want to know if there's more I can do to help myself.

I'm kind of at a plateau right now. I have done some research on the difference between low carb, low glycemic, ketogenic, differences but I wanted to hear actual people's opinions and advice on the subject.

What were some of the changes you noticed? Good, bad, otherwise?

Thanks in advance. :)


  • sweetgeorgiabee
    sweetgeorgiabee Posts: 16 Member
  • run4rain
    run4rain Posts: 4
    Hi there! I'm on my third week of Keto. My experience has been great so far! I lost a lot of water weight at first and didn't have any cravings until two days ago. I did struggle with nausea at first from trying to get so much olive oil, grass-fed butter, and coconut oil in, but I was drinking caffeine-free tea with coconut oil in it first thing in the morning and once I stopped that, my nausea ended. I've been out to eat a few times and was able to find things to eat. My hardest part has been two days ago, being on the road traveling. I usually take a snack like flax crackers or heavy whipping cream with unsweetened cocoa and Stevia with me when I'm going to be out of the house for a few hours, but I was out longer than I thought I would be and got so hungry, I had to stop and get a double cheeseburger and almost bit into the bun before I realized what I was doing. I also find that if I don't give myself electrolytes every other day, I tend to get dizzy. An easy way to get in electrolytes is beef or vegetable broth or putting a little Himalayan pink salt in your water. I don't know if you've heard of the "keto flu" (also called the "Atkins flu"), but that didn't hit me until my 11th day. I've read that it can take up to a month to become keto-adapted. I keep my carbs under 20g per day and I try to keep my protein in the 55-65g range to not have an excess of protein.

    Although I'm only in my third week, I would suggest if you've hit a plateau, try upping your water intake or lower your carb intake a couple days a week. You can also try to do a couple of days where you wait an extra two or three hours to eat your breakfast. Also, make sure you're getting enough calories. I've seen people post they were only eating 1,000 calories and they wondered why their weight wasn't budging. Eating this way, I lost 15 lbs before I got the "keto flu" and entered ketosis. Since then, I've lost another 6 lbs since last week. Granted, that was right after TOM, so some of that was still water weight.
  • txjude34
    txjude34 Posts: 5 Member
    Just restrarting. The first time I did it without much success. Will be glad to follow someone a few weeks into this.
  • GoodJobKETO
    GoodJobKETO Posts: 1 Member
    Looking for Keto friends! Second time doing this, first time lost 25lbs in a month and a half, i still have 75 more lbs to go though...
  • I am! Just started 10 days ago!
  • jcmfd
    jcmfd Posts: 2 Member
    Going to try it! I tried the Atkins diet several years ago and lost maybe ten pounds, but I found it hard to give up my beloved pasta. But now, RIP, carbs.
  • bptter
    bptter Posts: 5
    I started a week ago. I like it so far. Have lost 6 pounds this week.
  • DebraYvonne
    DebraYvonne Posts: 632 Member
    Add me ladies! I have been doing for 1-1/2 to 2 months, down 8 now stuck and trying to adjust my macros.:smile:
  • anna_mom2two
    anna_mom2two Posts: 2 Member
    I have been on Keto since April, 2013 and have lost 70lbs so far.. only thing that has ever worked for me.
  • Ligenliefde
    Ligenliefde Posts: 28 Member
    Been doing it for 4 weeks now. Cannot believe how easy it is compared to other diets! I had tried every diet known to man without success before I tried this one. Weight is coming off at a nice steady pace and I feel full of energy and never hungry. Eating enough calories is a bit of struggle where with other diets I was STARVING all day long! :laugh: :noway:
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm new but I would like some advice, recommendations, success (or horror) stories of people who have tried or are currently on the Ketogenic diet. I'm currently doing a low carb (50-80 carbs a day) diet and have noticed a lot of positive changes with my mind and my body so far but I want to know if there's more I can do to help myself.

    I'm kind of at a plateau right now. I have done some research on the difference between low carb, low glycemic, ketogenic, differences but I wanted to hear actual people's opinions and advice on the subject.

    What were some of the changes you noticed? Good, bad, otherwise?

    Thanks in advance. :)

    During your research did you learn that holding protein and calories constant there is no significant difference in fat loss between all the diets you listed and higher carb varieties?
  • l3eware0f4ire
    l3eware0f4ire Posts: 82 Member
    Been doing low carb/keto since mid April. I enjoy it but for the insomnia it causes me. I have to take over the counter sleep aids once in awhile to get a full night of sleep. 3mg melatonin. It also caused my period to be two months late. I still have horrible sweet cravings. Otherwise I like what it has helped me achieve. Around 32 pounds in two an a half months.

    Would love more keto friends! I log daily and diary is open to my buddies. Happy ketoing! :drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Honestly I gave it a legitimate try recently.

    I spent about 6 weeks at under 20 net carbs a day.

    I was tired, sluggish (that energy boost everyone else gets, didn't happen), foggy minded, weak, constantly hungry, famished, hangry and emotional the entire time.

    It was miserable.

    And, I got sick, truly sick, and missed two days of work, for the first time in years.

    20 net carbs is not enough for me to take in the fruit and veg level my body thrives on.

    I've seen it do "miracles" for others, but my body doesn't jive with it's chemistry.

    I went back to normal Paleo (which is still pretty low carb) but I've been really enjoying bananas, mangos, and sushi!

    I love not caring less if I go over 20 carbs and my keto stick is clear than I feel sluggish for days because I just couldn't live without another serving of veg. That's kind of like intentionally dieting yourself into sickness.

    Good luck!

    Do what works for you.

    PS I lost 0 weight in keto. I truly believe what I did lose was water weight because I started in the 180's, ended in the 180's, and I'm still in the 180's. Lots of suffering for 0 progress.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I'm new but I would like some advice, recommendations, success (or horror) stories of people who have tried or are currently on the Ketogenic diet. I'm currently doing a low carb (50-80 carbs a day) diet and have noticed a lot of positive changes with my mind and my body so far but I want to know if there's more I can do to help myself.

    I'm kind of at a plateau right now. I have done some research on the difference between low carb, low glycemic, ketogenic, differences but I wanted to hear actual people's opinions and advice on the subject.

    What were some of the changes you noticed? Good, bad, otherwise?

    Thanks in advance. :)

    During your research did you learn that holding protein and calories constant there is no significant difference in fat loss between all the diets you listed and higher carb varieties?

  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    Honestly I gave it a legitimate try recently.

    I spent about 6 weeks at under 20 net carbs a day.

    I was tired, sluggish (that energy boost everyone else gets, didn't happen), foggy minded, weak, constantly hungry, famished, hangry and emotional the entire time.

    It was miserable.

    And, I got sick, truly sick, and missed two days of work, for the first time in years.

    20 net carbs is not enough for me to take in the fruit and veg level my body thrives on.

    I've seen it do "miracles" for others, but my body doesn't jive with it's chemistry.

    I went back to normal Paleo (which is still pretty low carb) but I've been really enjoying bananas, mangos, and sushi!

    I love not caring less if I go over 20 carbs and my keto stick is clear than I feel sluggish for days because I just couldn't live without another serving of veg. That's kind of like intentionally dieting yourself into sickness.

    Good luck!

    Do what works for you.

    PS I lost 0 weight in keto. I truly believe what I did lose was water weight because I started in the 180's, ended in the 180's, and I'm still in the 180's. Lots of suffering for 0 progress.

    You like paragraphs.
  • da_bears1008
    da_bears1008 Posts: 354
    Honestly I gave it a legitimate try recently.

    I spent about 6 weeks at under 20 net carbs a day.

    I was tired, sluggish (that energy boost everyone else gets, didn't happen), foggy minded, weak, constantly hungry, famished, hangry and emotional the entire time.

    It was miserable.

    And, I got sick, truly sick, and missed two days of work, for the first time in years.

    20 net carbs is not enough for me to take in the fruit and veg level my body thrives on.

    I've seen it do "miracles" for others, but my body doesn't jive with it's chemistry.

    I went back to normal Paleo (which is still pretty low carb) but I've been really enjoying bananas, mangos, and sushi!

    I love not caring less if I go over 20 carbs and my keto stick is clear than I feel sluggish for days because I just couldn't live without another serving of veg. That's kind of like intentionally dieting yourself into sickness.

    Good luck!

    Do what works for you.

    PS I lost 0 weight in keto. I truly believe what I did lose was water weight because I started in the 180's, ended in the 180's, and I'm still in the 180's. Lots of suffering for 0 progress.

    You like paragraphs.

    No, she likes sentences.
  • baba_helly
    baba_helly Posts: 810 Member
    I did a low carb diet over a year ago and I was tired all the time and my breath smelled horrendous. Good luck on your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • EddieHaskell97
    EddieHaskell97 Posts: 2,227 Member
    I did ketosis for six months and it suppressed my appetite quite well. At that point it boiled down to fewer calories in than out. It worked well for me, but I'm glad to be done with it. Now I just watch my calories and work out like a pi$$ed-off mutha'-f$@#9r!

    Good luck!
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    A friend of mine did Keto, he lost a bunch of weight really fast and looked great, as soon as he went back to regular eating he gained it all back and an extra 20lbs. it's not sustainable.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member