What training's best?

I know this question's probably been asked before but what does everybody find more effective for toning up (not bulking though)...
More cardio and a little bit of strength training, more strength training and a little bit of cardio or an equal amount of both?

I do mainly cardio with a little bit of strength but would love to know if a different routine would be more beneficial.
Thanks ????


  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    lift heavy. Also, you know a guy named Training ?
  • Rianxlaura
    Rianxlaura Posts: 12
    Not too sure I follow haha. But thanks for the lifting tip,
  • Rianxlaura
    Rianxlaura Posts: 12
    Thanks, looks like a really helpful link ????
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    lift heavy. Also, you know a guy named Training ?

    I don't get it.

    You can get results doing pretty much any combination of the listed along with a moderate deficit. I do recommend lifting heavy as well but it is not the only option. Cardio has benefits as well, but more for health than results, it is not required either. Overall you will likely be far more successful doing what you enjoy doing than forcing yourself to do something you hate.