Weight loss and severe constipation issues :(

May 24, 2014 4:14 AM
Hey everyone :)
So I was overweight until 1 year ago. I didn't care what I are when I ate, etc and I ended up weighing something close to 78 kilos. Since last year June that I started seeing a dietician. By September 2013 I was down to 65 kilos. Then my weight loss kinda plateaud. That is when I took matters into my own hands. My dietician had told me to have 1200 calories a day. I'm 5'4". But since November I started eating only 300 calories a day. When I binge it's 500. I turned 21 this month and recently I've been noticing that I can't use the loo properly. I drink a lot of water to curb my hunger pangs. So I pee a lot. But I can't get myself to poop. Some nights it's really bad and I have a horrible stomach ache. I can't get myself to eat though. I weigh 55 kilos now she want to get down to atleast 50 until I can start eating again. I have tea with sugar free for breakfast in the morning. Lunch is usually vegetable salad without dressing. Sometimes I skip dinner or have clear soup. And oh yeah a lot of water throughout the day.
Can someone please help me to relieve myself of constipation? :(


  • cherrilovee
    cherrilovee Posts: 194 Member
    Constipation issues are usually because you're not getting enough water during the day. If you're already drinking 8 cups, bump it up to 10. Water is an essential!
  • CindyMarcuzAdams
    CindyMarcuzAdams Posts: 4,006 Member
    You are constipated because you are anorexic. You need to see your doctor to help you get through this. I am no expert but you need to eat 1200 calories of varried foods to live a normal healthy life. And YES you will lose weight on 1200 calories.
    I beg you to get help.
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Your problems are related to severely restricting your calories. You are not doing yourself any favors and could be setting yourself up for a lifetime of health issues. Your dietician told you 1200 calories for a reason. Your body cannot get the nutrition it needs at 300-500 calories per day. Your organs need nutrition, your brain, kidneys, and your bowels.... Eat the 1200, minimum. I am 41, 5'2" and losing on 1600/day. See your dietician and your doctor and get some help now, before you do any long term damage.

    ETA: seek medical attention! Now!
  • rebeccalee1986
    I am just gonna say it, I am sorry but it looks like you have an eating disorder. Personally I think you should see a doctor
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I am just gonna say it, I am sorry but it looks like you have an eating disorder. Personally I think you should see a doctor

    This. Please seek medical attention.
  • LittleBallofFurr
    LittleBallofFurr Posts: 242 Member
    I am just gonna say it, I am sorry but it looks like you have an eating disorder. Personally I think you should see a doctor

    This. Please seek medical attention.

    Again, please do this!
  • baxt1412
    baxt1412 Posts: 2 Member
    You have a very serious eating disorder if you have been eating that way since november. willing to guess you are no longer having periods or if you are they are very spotty or irregular. to add on to that, bad hair, skin, and nail health i'm sure as well and little to no sex drive. (sorry to be graphic.. but it's important that people realize and recognize these things). this is extremely unhealthy and it's surprising that you are not very sick by now.
  • goldcoastgirl78
    goldcoastgirl78 Posts: 7 Member
    Please don't take this the wrong way, but constipation is just the beginning of your health problems if you keep eating like that. Your hair will start to fall out and leave you're nearly bald, you'll trash your reproductive system and won't ever be able to have kids, your bones will crumble and your teeth will start to go black and die because they'll be malnourished. You'll get strange rashes and dandruff. Your bmi only has to be a little under the minimum healthy range for this to start happening. IMO it's not worth it. I've known alot of anorexics and no one thinks they look good. Get help before this permanent damage happens to you. You're too young and pretty to be wearing dentures and a wig.