A Bad Gall Bladder Was the Reason I Wasn't Losing the Weight

I couldn't understand why I wasn't losing the weight!!! I mean I was taking the time to exercise daily at least 1 hour a day Monday - Friday, watched was I eating, and I was still having difficulty losing the weight I thought would melt away like butter in a hot pan!!!! Let me back pedal just a bit. I was having digestional problems, abdominal cramping, and bloating that I chalked up to "women issues". Little did I know I would be rushed to the emergency room all the while thinking I had another kidney infection, after a bit of poking and prodding, I found out I had gall stones the size of a golf ball (literally) and several smaller stones that was causing me all these health issues. It wasn't until I was informed of the purpose of the gall bladder and what it actually does. I know realize everything I was eating wasn't being processed nor broken down to be digested. Long story short, after going through an emergency gall bladder surgery (completely removed) in December 2010 I have lost 22 lbs. I had to completely change my diet. My new diet consists of fish, chicken breasts (only) No red meats for now anyhow, fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, 2% reduced fat milk, low-fat yogurts, raw beet juice (which is DISGUSTING), fresh carrot juices, and anything else I throw into my juicer, no processed sugars including flavored coffee creamers, no fried foods, nothing high in cholesterol, and tons, and tons of water!!!

It's sad to say, that had my body not forced me into the emergency room, I'd continue to struggle with my weight, still eat somewhat healthy, however, still enjoy the cakes, cookies, pastries, etc.., and continue to work out and struggle with losing weight. I lost this weight without stepping foot into the gym (WHICH I AM NOT SUGGESTING EVERYONE GO GET THEIR GALL BLADDERS REMOVED) but I'm so excited to return because I feel like a brand new person, and I know once I get back in the gym, my results will be remarkable.

I just wanted to share this story, because a lot of people have this problem and don't even know it!!!! I'm just very thankful that I was able to take care of it before my gall bladder burst which would've caused even more damage, possibly irreparable damage to my body!!! Hope this story can help someone...

p.s. Did you know that gall bladder surgery is the 2nd most common surgery in the U.S. next to appendicitis?


  • Missevanston
    Missevanston Posts: 361 Member
    Wow! That is some experience you had! Thanks goodness you found out what was happening, and you are now okay! How fun to be back at the gym, knowing that you are eating healthy and can look forward to healthy results! Best !
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    Very informative! Thanks for sharing!
  • jennyjennbug
    jennyjennbug Posts: 101 Member
    I have a sensitive gallblader too not the stones but I have to watch what I eat if not I end up in sever pain on my side. My doctor keeps track of it but she said with weight loss it could get better. She's giving me a year to get down to 175 then there going to test it again. But at any time I would end up wit gallstones I will have to have it removed. Thanks for yor story and congrats on the weight loss.
  • Nemlein
    Nemlein Posts: 168 Member
    I had gall stones three years ago, followed by a lap-choli (laprascopic cholecystectomy, or gall bladder removal) procedure. Unfortunately, it had no bearing on my weight gain or loss. Then again, I wasn't put on a special diet afterwards; they just yanked that sucker out and sent me on my way :tongue:
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    millesun stole my add-on to the production of bile.. :indifferent:

    Lol. Glad someone else with medical knowledge chimed in with that.
  • Hi,

    My name is Angella. I have been complaining for the last few years of digestive problems to my doctor. Recently, as my acid reflux has increase my doctor is paying a bit more attention to my concerns. I have been watching my diet and exercising and not shedding one pound. I have tried cutting calories to 1200 per day, HCG diet, low carb, low fat, weight watchers and every other fat remedy under the sun to NO avail. I have told my self and my doctor that I don't feel like I am digesting properly and have continuously gained weight.

    At this point, Im frustrated with the weight gain seems that its in my stomach area and I can't seem to lose it. I have known what's wrong with me but to get the doctors to understand is nearly impossible. I am having a difficult time with pain in my throat after I eat or drink and now the doctors are sending me to have an endoscopy this week finally. I think I know my body better than any doctor and they really should listen more. I have described the same symptoms you have, and I have had my thyroid checked and everything else. Im hoping that they will finally listen to me and check my gallbladder, which I truly believe is the culprit and the only rational explanation. I am finally EXCITED that someone else has experienced this and has made me feel MUCH better.

  • BuckeyeBoi
    BuckeyeBoi Posts: 233 Member
    I had my GB out 6wks ago and then 3wks ago had to go back and have a big stone removed out of the bile duct! In fact Im still not feeling completely normal.. Im gonna have to fast because I feel like the Pancreatitis is back..... I will say this it did cure me of wanting bad food to eat for sure!
  • novalh42
    novalh42 Posts: 102 Member
    I just had my GB removed and I had the pancreatitis as well due th the bile ducts being blocked. I have lost 11 pounds in 6 days so far so I was wondering if the bad GB had anything to do with it being difficult to lose weight so I Googled it and I got your post. I know it will not continue to go down this fast but I am enjoying it while I can and hoping that now it will continue to go down instead of stalling.
  • She_Hulk
    She_Hulk Posts: 277
    This thread is perfect timing! I've had a bloating issue for some time now. My doctor wants me on a gluten-free/GI friendly diet and sent me for blood work yesterday to be tested for celiacs. My sister (who is in the medical field) swears it's my gallbladder. I see my doctor tomorrow and I'm going to ask him to have my gb tested now. Thanks so much for sharing your experience!
  • I have been avoiding this site because I have had so much trouble losing weight (for four years), and am embarrassed to weigh in. Yesterday, I had another bad experience with what I think is a gall bladder problem. My doctors don't seem to be rushing to make the connection to my inability to lose weight, (though I do have an ultrasound scheduled next week). Finding this post today has given me new resurgence. Thank you!
  • duplicitous
    duplicitous Posts: 82 Member
    I too have a bad gall bladder. I have sludge and I believe sphincter issues with it not expelling as it should but my crappy care managers won't runt he tests to see. Anyway I have been steadily gaining weight for over a year and I was working out 5 days a week too. I had a personal trainer who also monitored my food intake on this app. He too was baffled. About 3 months ago I discovered the bad gall bladder and only a little over a week ago did I finally stumble upon something helpful on the internet. So I began... and this is what I did. I started taking a shot of two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with water and a tsp of local honey. Then for breakfast I had only fruit. For lunch I had only vegetables followed by dinner of anything. Just in one week I lost a pants size and 7lbs. The first time in a year I saw the scale budge downward was this morning. I am not on a diet. I am just regulating the crap I am putting in by doing it the simplest way for me. At work I can snack on the fruits and vegetables easier because I have witnesses. I don't have a problem with eating. But I do have a problem with sugar. Now I get my sugar from fruit and I don't feel guilty about it. It's good for me and to hell with calorie counting. I haven't had a gall attack this past week and that's a big plus. I even had tomato sauce with my dinner last night and had no attack. Tomato sauce seemed to be my trigger. Mind you I may plateau and see nothing fall away next week and that is ok as long as my gb isn't hurting. I'm tired of fighting with the mirror and my waist line. I am exhausted. If I eat right... what more can I ask of myself? Oh and I broke my back in 4 places so I unfortunately can ask my fat *kitten* to get back in the gym. Eating right is all I have. I just thought I would throw this out there for everyone who is struggling and still has a faulty gb in their body. There aren't many resources for us. Trust me I've hunted the whole web over.
  • Gallstones can also be the result of yoyo dieting which would explain why there are so many more women with this problem then men. Today, my sister-in-law (she is an ultrasound tech) found 4 stones in my gallbladder. I do not have insurance, and I'm wondering if this counts as a pre-existing condition (probably does) as I want this thing out of me like yesterday. I only wish they would do like a 2 for 1 combo meaning gallbladder removal with a bit of lipo or breast aug.lol
  • 120by30
    120by30 Posts: 217 Member
    I don't know anything about gall bladder problems, but I know how AMAZING it feels to find out the source of what's been ailing you for a long time. I'm glad you're on the mend and have been able to get your weight loss going. :happy:
  • recesq
    recesq Posts: 154 Member
    How can you not have insurance???
    Obamacare cured that!
  • kkc92
    kkc92 Posts: 1 Member
    My gallbladder doesn't work anymore and is being taken out too. I was not losing weight even when I was doing extreme exercises. I am glad I'm not the only one that has this problem on here.
  • jojo37696
    jojo37696 Posts: 93 Member
    You are lucky they took yours out. They refuse to take mine out as" those golf ball size stones aren't going anywhere". I've been with MFP for 2 yrs now am only here for the friends. Totally given up on losing weight and I eat what I want now. I know it's my gallbladder but when they refuse to take it out what can I do. I'm not extremely overweight but I would have loved to lose 30 lbs. I do exercise Mon to Fri and I reasonably watch what I eat. I'm moving and I'm not gaining and that is good enough for me.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I was diagnosed with gall bladder disease just over a week ago and I am now on a waiting list for surgery. I first visited my doc as I was using this site for around 2 years and not losing weight despite increased exercise and control of calories in. I had similar stomach issues to the original op. I count calories /weigh them and I am honest with my recording.

    Being in my 40s I was tested for a few obvious things too including a scan but I have been told by my gp that it is likely that the GB is enlarged and is causing me to deal with fat in different ways hence leading to lack of weight loss.

    I am not seriously overweight at 147 lb (aged 44) and this is not a result of a higher than standard fatty diet as I don't actually eat much high fat or high processed foods on the whole (though I have to fight with my love of cheeses)

    If I had not taken steps to try to sort my weight who knows how big I could have got.

    I am wary of all people thinking that the GB is the cause of course but if you are really honestly trying and getting nowhere it is worth visiting the doc for a wide range of checks.
  • lessbounce
    lessbounce Posts: 250 Member
    Ummmm I had my gall bladder removed a while back ( due to side affects for medication). Hasn't made the slightest bit of difference weight wise. But I guess every one is different, so congrats on how things have worked out for you xxx