Freshman 25!!

I am currently home for the summer after my first year of college, and extremely insecure about how much weight I have gained. I am 5'1 and graduated high school weighing around 115-120 pounds. After a full year I am now up to 145. I need helping losing the weight. I've started tracking my eating again, and have also started jogging again. I went to the local gym and got a gym membership, but have only went a few days because I don't like working out in front of the guys there (I am extremely shy). If anybody has any tips or suggestions, please let me know.


  • JusticeFit003
    You have to hit the gym more... Trust me no one is watching you... Most people are in their own world. If it bother you go early in the day or morning so no one is around. you can always email me......
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    You have to hit the gym more... Trust me no one is watching you... Most people are in their own world. If it bother you go early in the day or morning so no one is around. you can always email me......

    This. 99% of people in the gym are so into their own workout that they aren't paying attention to anyone else in the gym. If you feel that shy, take a friend with you! Friends are awesome for motivation.

    My advice is good job for nipping this in the bud now. In college, I gained ~40 lbs in 2 years because I simply didn't slow down my eating as my activity did. Recognizing that you need to start working out now is the first step. :smile:
  • Myhaloslipped
    Myhaloslipped Posts: 4,317 Member
    Agreed. Develop good eating and exercise habits now. Don't get me started on the post-grad 45. :wink:
  • ForeverSunshine23
    I'm in college too so I know how easily the pounds can sneak up on you. My goal this summer is slim down before fall semester begins. Don't be ashamed to go to the gym nobody will be watching you. Everyone is there for the same reasons to improve their health or maintain their current fitness level. If you really feel too insecure about going to the gym, workout at home using You Tube videos, that's what I do when I don't want to be bothered with the gym. Now is also a great website full of free information and workouts. Whatever you decide to do hang in there and don't give up on your goals you can do it :)
  • HopeWoffrd
    HopeWoffrd Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks for all the support! Let me rephrase though- I am from a VERY small town, so I know everybody at the gym. 80% of the guys there went to my HS. But you all are right, they won't be paying attention to what I am doing.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Don't stress about the gym situation! I used to feel the same way, and as soon as I realized no one was watching, I fell in love. I go almost every day now, and I love it! Take a friend for a while if you want. Or just bring your headphones and rock out. Sometimes when I'm on the treadmill, I'll bring my iPad and read or watch Netflix. Get a good, steady work out, and I'm not worried about other people. :)
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    Thanks for all the support! Let me rephrase though- I am from a VERY small town, so I know everybody at the gym. 80% of the guys there went to my HS. But you all are right, they won't be paying attention to what I am doing.

    I had the same thing! I went to the only gym in our town, which was at the high school. Everyone knew everyone. It took a while to get over the fear, but I am so glad that I did!
  • Amydew2
    Amydew2 Posts: 1 Member
    Wow! About 20 minutes ago I relized just how out of control my food addiction has become. I asked my fiancé if he would get me a specific ice cream flavor (moose tracks) at the grocery store, and when he returned he had bought the wrong flavor. "No big deal right?" WRONG I flipped out, even took a child like fit! After cooling down I broke down in tears. I am so ashamed of my self and whatI hsve done to my body. Right here right now I am making a change, thats it I can't do thisis to my body any longer. I am worth more than this. My current weight is 155lbs my goal is to lose 35lbs I can do this.
    I'm not sure if this is the appropriate place to leave this comment but I just needed to get it out there. PLEASE comment on this so I can be accountable.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    Did you know that at 145 pounds, if you rode a bike for 45 minutes at 16 mph, you could burn almost 600 calories.....and you get to sit in your butt. I hate gyms, also. Love biking.
  • nancytyc
    nancytyc Posts: 119 Member
    Wow....this sounds like me. My husband said I had to share that with you. LOL
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    I don't mean to be negative, but at the gym, the guys are more interested in working out than judging you.
    Many young ladies gain weight, but then learn to control themselves,

    Best of luck to you.
  • HopeWoffrd
    HopeWoffrd Posts: 6 Member
    My food addiction is out of control too, so don't feel alone! I realized about a month ago that right after I finish a big meal (usually dinner) I instantly crave something sweet, and will raid the whole kitchen until I fix my sweet tooth. But we got this! We can lose all the weight!