Gallstones anyone?

So here's the deal... I have gallstones and so my diet is very limited.
I need to watch my fat intake as well as foods that make me gassy because the bloating is simply unbearable!

Now I'm looking up foods I'm trying to eat and there's almost NOTHING I can eat that won't trigger one or the other.

I guess where I'm trying to get at is I'm curious to know if there's anybody else that's suffering from this? You should add me because it'd be nice to befriend other people who understand this pain. My friends and family sympathize, but it's not the same. I'm constantly either in pain or discomfort and I'm ALWAYS hungry because I can't eat much! Haha.


  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I finally had to have mine removed they were awful. I only ate bland food. Mashed potatoes were a staple. Lol.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Gallstone pain is the worst!!!! I ended up having mine out - that was over 20 years ago and I've never had another issue. I don't want to advocate surgery for anyone but they can do it laproscopically now and the recovery for that is so much better. It might be worth looking into.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    my bf also had to have hers removed, she was in agony anytime she ate too much fat.

    do you have health insurance? Start being a squeaky wheel to your docs about the severe pain you experience. "I am bored with my bland diet" will not score you a gall bladder surgery (they will just expect you to live with it), but "I cannot stand up straight from the pain" just might.

    good luck!

    eta: her scar on her tummy is smaller than the eraser on a pencil. It looks like a tiny dot.
  • Jessanova
    No, unfortunately I don't have health insurance. I'm applying to get it for free though. They have a financial assistance program that helps me out. But that'll take a LONG while before I'm able to do anything with it. I think the only good thing about it is I'm losing weight from it.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I had trouble finding foods to eat as well. I finally opted to have my gallbladder removed last August. Recovery time was about three days (I'm a fast takes a lot to keep me down) and I was back to normal activities. Some people have issues with certain foods following surgery but I've had NO issues to speak of. No more gallbladder attacks! It was so worth it for me! :)

    I hope someone posts some foods that help you. :)
  • shaweetie
    shaweetie Posts: 33 Member
    Ugh! I can totally sympathize! I had to get mine out last year as i just couldn't live with the pain anymore, and there was pretty much nothing i could eat that wouldn't set it off. Since having it out, i haven't had anymore my opinion, if it's an option for you, the surgery was so worth it!
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    Gallstones won't go away on their own, so if you have them, getting your gallbladder out will be the best way to go.

    I had them after I had my first son and it was horrible. Basically do what you're doing...avoid anything that triggers it. that for me was chocolate, anything fatty, cheesy, fried or greasy. (So anything that tasted good).
    I have found that I have phantom pain now and then when i don't eat enough, so having half a slice of plain bread seems to cure those attacks for me. You can try this, but I don't knwo if it'll work for you,.
    My heart goes out to you and hope you get this solved soon!
  • ma2two
    ma2two Posts: 9
    I also had them and almost a yr ago had to have them removed after spending the morning in the ER throwing up from pain. I do know the only things I could eat was salad greens, chicken- grilled, some fruit if not to acidic. I know mainly tomatoe based items and chocolate would kill me. I know the pain and suffering found Jan 4, 2010 had them and by Jan 22, 2010 had to have it removed to quote doc I had a "Rather Large" gallstone. I wish you luck and Wish you best of luck in your journey.
  • maurodim
    Boy ! do I know the pain, its unbearable......I didn't know what the attacks were until I went to the emergency room one night for what we thought was a bad reaction to a new medication, come to find out I had a gall bladder loaded with stones and had to have an emergency removal......not to scare you but stay on top of it and maybe you should have it removed. Good Luck with the weight loss and befriend me if you want to
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You should look into some homeopathy. While it won't provide the same results as removing your gallbladder, it can provide some relief by treating your symptoms. Go to and use their online remedy finder. Just answer all the questions regarding your symptoms and it will figure out the best homeopathic remedy for you.
  • imustdecrease
    there are natural ways to dissolve gallstones and there is also prescribed medication that will dissolve gallstones. Yes, you can live without your gallbladder however, it is almost a guarantee that you can become a diabetic as a result.
    Did you get a medical diagnosis?
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    I lived with them for 5 years before I got the gallblader removed. I sympathize with you. Bland blah foods, nothing greasy, oily or spicy. I had issues with dairy, wheat, and tomatos too. I ate lots of potatoes, clear soups without pasta, salads with no dressing, eggs and chicken. No alcohol!!! Ohh that would hurt. I had mine removed in 95, and have not had a problem since. I took a week off work (had surgery on friday and went back the following friday), I could have gone back earlier, but the doc wouldn't release me because I didn't sit down enough on my job. If you have a job that is very active and you have to lift stuff you could be off 10 days to 2 weeks.

    I would highly recommend that you have it removed! If the doctors don't want to take it out now, it is just taking $$ from your pocket and putting it in theirs. Get a second opinion if necessary. Good Luck!

    Edit: I have never had issues with diabetes or even tested high on my fasting glucose test since the removal.
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
  • beautiful415
    beautiful415 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm the same way. I just found out I have gall stones and I'm not sure what foods to eat. :(
  • Jessanova
    Yes, I was medically diagnosed.
    I don't know if I want it removed if I'm going to become a diabetic because of it! : (
    How can I naturally remove the gallstones? I think I'd rather do that, to be honest.
  • imustdecrease
    One thing you can do is to check with your dr. about dissolving or even sometimes they can blast them to break them up. As far as natural check with a good healthfood store and also check the web. I used to have instructions for it but I don't have them anymore. I thougt I had gallstones mine turned out to be a dairy allergy.
    Also, you don't want to wait with gallstones..they don't get better and actually lead to very serious problems. Check with the doctor and if you are a canidate for meds and with a healthy change in your diet (no refined sugars) it might work for you.
  • Jessanova
    What is with the diabetic risk that someone said I'll more than likely be afterwards? That has me concerned now.
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    What do gallstones feel like? I think that's what's been wrong with me for the past few months. Severe cramping type pain in the upper abdomen. I actually had the worst attack I've ever had tonight. Mom says doctor's appt. for sure!
  • imustdecrease
    My mom ended up with diabetes and from the diabetes..fatty liver disease and from the fatty liver cirrhosis of the liver and cirrhosis has a high risk of liver cancer, which she has now..certainly motivates you to not eat anymore garbage..that is what motivated me.
  • imustdecrease
    also rapid weightloss can bring them on.