Looking for Supportive Friends!

Hi, my name is Ayla. I'm 23 years old and from Michigan. I'm looking to lose about 45 pounds and word on the street is it's easier with friends and support. I will be on here every day, logging, and doing my best to be as supportive as I can. I hope to find some awesome people to help me on my new journey and that I can do just the same. Can't wait to here from you guys! Feel free to add me! :)


  • Nanierh85
    Nanierh85 Posts: 118
    Hi! I am Hernan, I will add you. I am here every day too, I wish you the best in this journey :)
  • Phatcatalina
    Phatcatalina Posts: 3 Member
    Im from michigan as well. 25 years old and looking to lose about as much as you. i just started my own blog to get people together to lose weight. Friends are the biggest support you can have! I post daily if you want to check it out and get fit with me. The address is thefatcatgetsfit.blogspot.com
  • bandxgeek13
    bandxgeek13 Posts: 780 Member
    All of this is definitely easier with friends and support! Sending a FR your way and anyone else can add me as well! :)
  • kurtzad
    kurtzad Posts: 2
    Id love to work with you on your weight loss project! Lets chat on facebook - https://www.facebook.com/kurtzad
  • karrotlady
    karrotlady Posts: 1 Member