Injured and impatient

ARNJMN Posts: 43 Member
Hi guys!

This is going to be a bit all over the place, I am sorry.
I run, but I broke my foot on the ice this past winter. I got the boot off last month.
I ran 1.5 weeks later. I ran too far too fast and tore a ligament in my knee.
I did squats a week later.
My knee is tight and buckling a lot (I haven't gone to the doc this time).

Obviously I need to work on patience and letting my body heal, this lesson I am learning the hard way.

I, of course, want to run again, and it is killing me to not be able to. biking okay? Will that help keep the joints strong while healing, or will it just lessen the chances of a full and quick(er) recovery?

And, any other advice tidbits you want to throw out there about any of this, please do!



  • mfp2014mfp
    mfp2014mfp Posts: 689 Member
    Sorry to hear about your injuries.
    Is there anywhere you can swim at all? Might be a good place to start getting back into the swing of things.
    I know its not running or biking but its a great low impact workout :flowerforyou:
    All the best.
    ARNJMN Posts: 43 Member
    Thank you! Yes, many sweet people continue to tell me to swim, but unfortunately our center with the pools is closed for renovations all summer. I belong to a gym now, and the closest swimming facility is 15 mins, and much more expensive. Two years into marriage, and we haven't found that money tree yet ;)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Sounds like you're determined to do some lasting damage... Just rest for goodness sake!
    ARNJMN Posts: 43 Member
    Gosh dang it. Haha. Thank you for your concern. It is much easier in my head to say rest, but then the sunshine comes out and I get stupid again ;)
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    Rest and recover. And go see the doctor about your knee. It's a sucky period, but better a full recovery than lasting damage. I've spent a total of 12 years in physio rehabbing injuries, and have come a long way from the girl who would do a ballet exam 2 days after having her knee destroyed by a horse.
  • wilsoje74
    wilsoje74 Posts: 1,720 Member
    Did you talk to your orthopedist about how to ease back into exercise? I hope you did some PT? I would see a dr and pt about the knee and have them help you determine what and how much you can do
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    I just discovered C25K and was on week 3 when me knee gave out. That was 2 months ago and I haven't continued w/ C25K yet, although I walk several miles daily. I can't wait to start again and run for real, but I keep reminding me that I would rather make a long and slow recovery than make at quick and painful re-injury (with an EVEN longer, slower recovery).

    Take it easy (I know, easier said than done) and you WILL get back to running.
  • lizpitts
    lizpitts Posts: 67 Member
    Go see a Ortho doc about the knee. 3 years ago I thought I'd torn my MCL when I twisted it walking down stairs. When it didn't heal, I went to PT for a month but it only helped a tiny bit. When the knee just kept getting worse I went to an Ortho. Turns out it was arthritis. I was surprised to discover that arthritis can get so bad in such a short time. I finally had an xray about 2 years after the injury and the knee was already bone on bone. I'm having a total knee replacement next week. I don't know if seeing the doc or doing the PT earlier would have made a difference but it's always best to know what the problem is.

    As for exercise about all I can do at this point is jog and exercise in the pool (or just limp around the house...LOL).

    Take care of your knee.
  • mspoopoo
    mspoopoo Posts: 500 Member
    Why are you deliberately doing things you know will injure yourself?

    If you did some PT and started back slowly, you might be back in a normal routine by now and not nursing new injuries.
  • spicegeek
    spicegeek Posts: 325 Member
    the VERY general rule of thumb when starting back running after an injury is no running until you can walk briskly for an hour with no discomfort during or after

    Then you start something similar to c25k where you run / walk short distances -

    Biking and swimming may be ok - they may not - you flex your feet a lot while biking and also when swimming - depending on your injuries these may not be options - at the moment I would say your safe bet is anything you can manage sitting down - so hand bike, low weight high rep upper body weights if you want to get some cardio in - for anything else - do what you doctor tells you
  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    I had a knee injury (patella sublux) this past April and had to sit out on the sidelines til it got healed. I'd cry prob every week bc i was so close to getting towards my mini-weight loss goal that i thought i'd gain it all back. :cry:
    The best thing i could do though was RICE, stop all activities that would further injure my knee, see a doc/physical therapist and eat at maintenance for a month. After that month, i was back in the gym and feeling better than ever.

    Go see a physical therapist and rest as much as you can!! :mad:
    If you keep continuing you'll further injure yourself to a greater extent.
    You can continue your goals as soon as things are well!
  • CrescentCityGirl
    CrescentCityGirl Posts: 123 Member
    It wouldn't be the same as running but I know of some challenging yoga and Pilates workouts I have on d v d. Send me a message if you want details.
    ARNJMN Posts: 43 Member
    I REALLY appreciate all of your guys' replies. I read each one carefully. I know it seems like I am being plain dumb about not resting, and maybe I am, but it is only because I am afraid of gaining weight and getting completely out of shape. I know my wires are probably a bit mixed up with that way of thinking, so your comments and advice meant a lot, thank you:)
  • ba502
    ba502 Posts: 54 Member
    I'm feeling your pain and frustration. I injured mt glute last week. Although i desperately want to keep going with my fitness routine, I have chosen to rest for this week, and will only be doing upper body strength workouts next week, and cardio days will only be walking. It sucks, but I want to heal well.